髪の修復専門店 hair care salon Schon(シェーン) - Amagasaki

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 髪の修復専門店 hair care salon Schon(シェーン)

住所 :

Nagasuhondori, Amagasaki, 〒660-0803 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 660-0803
Webサイト : https://haircaresalon-schon.com/
街 : Hyogo

Nagasuhondori, Amagasaki, 〒660-0803 Hyogo,Japan
田中菜穂子 on Google

くせ毛持ちですが 店長にお任せしてカット、矯正してもらえば 目立たなくとても綺麗に 持続出来るようにしてくれます。 トリートメントもとてもよくて さらっさらになります。 今ではシャンプーも使ってて 子供の頭皮のにおいも 気にならなくなりました。
I have a long hair If you leave it to the store manager to cut and correct it Very beautiful and unnoticeable You will be able to sustain it. The treatment is also very good I will be more complete. Now I use shampoo too Smell of child's scalp I don't care.
miyu on Google

I am indebted before the owner becomes independent. Even if you always convey only a rough image, it will look like you have always imagined. Because there are cosmetics and shampoos that can be used with atopy, I always buy shampoos and cosmetics at the store. I am very grateful that you can give advice on how to style carefully.
星野 on Google

I made a reservation with a cut & color, and it just passed for about a month, but before, I gave up on setting it with a long overtaking perm, but I got a feeling that it is good to have no hair after having a short The hair set is very easy as it becomes a bob! The color is also the color that suits me, and it is very popular and very satisfying from the surroundings (Ki 'v `*) ♡
Yasuko Munehira on Google

I am indebted before the owner is independent. Although I can convey only a rough image like this, I will finish as I imagined every time, so I can not affair with other beauty salons, and I am always indebted. I am very grateful that you can give advice on how to style carefully. But after all, the cut is the best. It is often said that friends like you, always feel very good ♪
As J on Google

いつもフンワリしたオーダーにも関わらず、似合う髪型プラスα提案をして頂き、もう何年も大満足です。安心してオーナーにお任せすれば、綺麗に仕上がります。 カットはもちろん素晴らしいのですが、トリートメントは特にオススメ。髪って本当に大事で…清潔感&若々しさ?が維持できると実感。髪が綺麗だと幸せな気持ちに。サロン販売のシャンプーも非常に良いです。
In spite of the order that was always funwari, we have a hairstyle plus a proposal that looks good, and I am very satisfied for many years. If you leave it to the owner with confidence, it will look beautiful. Of course the cut is great, but the treatment is especially recommended. Hair is really important ... cleanness & youthfulness? I realize that I can maintain it. I feel happy that my hair is beautiful. Salon sales shampoo is also very good.
はなお on Google

髪の毛の広がりやクセが自分ではもうどうしたらいいかわからず、どうにかしてくれるお店を探していたところ、口コミを見てココなら任せられそうと思い予約しました。 カウンセリングもキチンとしていただき、悩みの解消に向けていろいろご提案下さいました。 つたない説明にもかかわらず、要望をキチンとくみ取ってカットしてもらえ、家でもやりやすくなりとても満足です。 トリートメントも髪の毛触りやまとまりが良くなり、見た目も潤ってる感がありやってよかったと思いました。 安心して任せられるお店だなと思います! また次回行くのが楽しみです!
I wasn't sure what to do with the spread of hair and habits, and I was looking for a store that would do something for me. We had counseling as a chitin, and made various suggestions for resolving worries. Despite the lack of explanation, I was able to get the request and cut it, and it was easy to do at home and I was very satisfied. I thought it was good that the treatment also improved the touch and unity of the hair, and it felt moisturized. I think it's a store you can leave with confidence! I'm looking forward to next time!
木村縁 on Google

以前通っていた美容室のカット技術に不満があり、美容室を探していました。やっと満足のいく美容師さんに出会えたって感じで、髪の修復師は嘘ではありませんでした?髪の毛の質感も変わって大変満足しております? 今では、夫婦で利用させていただいてます。
I was dissatisfied with the cutting technique of the beauty salon I used to go to, so I was looking for a beauty salon. I felt like I finally met a satisfying hairdresser, and the hair restorer wasn't a lie ? I'm very happy with the change in the texture of my hair ? Now, I am using it as a couple.
いちこ on Google

こちらでは長らくお世話になっており、個人にあった施術はもちろん色んなご提案をして頂いてます。落ち着いた雰囲気に加えてシャンプー台も座り心地がとても良いのですぐ眠りについてしまいそうになります。 オーナーさんもスタイリストさんも人柄が良いので普段苦手な会話もこちらではしやすいです。 自身の髪質が中々な難毛なのですが、オーナーさんが色々なアドバイスをくれてかなり改善したと思いますし、これからもお世話になりたいサロンさんです◎
We have been indebted to you for a long time, and we have received various suggestions as well as treatments that suit each individual. In addition to the calm atmosphere, the shampoo stand is also very comfortable to sit on, so you will soon fall asleep. Both the owner and the stylist have good personalities, so it's easy to have conversations that you aren't usually good at. My hair quality is moderately difficult, but I think the owner gave me various advice and I think that it has improved considerably, and I would like to continue to take care of this salon ◎

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