Haijima Hiyoshi Shrine - Akishima

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Contact Haijima Hiyoshi Shrine

住所 :

1 Chome-10-19 Haijimacho, Akishima, Tokyo 196-0002, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 196-0002
Webサイト : https://hiyoshi-jinja.or.jp/

1 Chome-10-19 Haijimacho, Akishima, Tokyo 196-0002, Japan
あきのん on Google

御朱印の種類は豊富ですが書いてくださるのは一種類であとは書き置きです。 御朱印書き付けの時間は13時から16時までとなっています。 本殿奥の彫刻は最高です❗️ 是非ともご覧いただきたいですね✨
There are many types of red stamps, but only one type is written. The time to write the red stamp is from 13:00 to 16:00. The sculpture at the back of the main shrine is the best ❗️ I definitely want you to see it ✨
たま“tamatyan”ちゃん on Google

寛保元年(1741年)九月五日に山王権現の称号を賜った栄誉を記念して、氏子一人毎月一文の積立が明和四年(1767年)に新御社殿と実を結び神輿も新造して第一回の祭礼を行った。これが現在も榊の渡御として残っている。 コロナ禍で人気のアマビエ様の御朱印をはじめ、春は桜、秋はお月見など、季節ごとに変わるカラフルな御朱印が人気の神社です。
In commemoration of the honor of receiving the title of Sanno Gongen on September 5th of the first year of Kanpo (1741), a sentence was saved every month for each parishioner, and in 1767, the shrine bears fruit with the new shrine. It was newly built and the first festival was held. This still remains as Sakaki's transfer. Amabie-sama's red stamp, which is popular for corona, is a popular shrine, and colorful red stamps that change with the seasons, such as cherry blossoms in spring and moon viewing in autumn, are popular shrines.
Hahamichi “osho” Tomino on Google

御朱印をもらおうと社務所の窓を開けたらテレビの音だけが聞こえる。 何回か大きな声で「すいません」と言ったら気づいてくれた。 「御朱印ください」 「直書き?書置き?」 「できたら直書きで」 「直書きは午後1時から」 はじめから、いまは書置きしかないですよ。と言えないのか。 ※午後1時以降に行って直書きの御朱印をもらった人や御朱印をもらっていない人の評価は高いようです… 御朱印をもらう人は午後に行きましょう^ ^
When I open the window of the shrine office to get the red stamp, I can hear only the sound of the TV. When I said "I'm sorry" in a loud voice several times, he noticed. "Please give me a red stamp" "Direct writing? Writing?" "If possible, write directly" "Direct writing starts at 1:00 pm" From the beginning, there is only a bookkeeping now. Can't you say that? * It seems that those who went after 1:00 pm and received a direct written red stamp and those who did not receive a red stamp are highly evaluated ... Those who receive the red stamp will go in the afternoon ^ ^
YTKBB on Google

コロナ禍の元旦に氏神様へ参拝しました! 「榊祭り」で有名ですが拝殿格天井絵や 本殿の極彩色彫物は近隣稀に見る比類無き見事さです。 往古、隣接の拜島山大日堂が比叡山を模した典型的な天台宗一山一画大伽藍を形成していた中の守護社として創建され旧拝島村の総鎮守社です。
I worshiped Ujigami on New Year's Day of Corona! It is famous for the "Sakaki Festival" The colorful sculptures in the main shrine are unparalleled and spectacular, rarely seen in the neighborhood. In ancient times, the neighboring Hishimayama Dainichido was founded as a guardian company while forming a typical Tendai sect, one mountain, one painting large cathedral that imitated Mt. Hiei.
tannkyu neko on Google

自分としては、拝島で一番の神社。隣のお堂とセットで、「拝島一の観光名所」です。自分の中では。 とても素晴らしい拝殿・本殿ともとても立派です。 神社規模から考えてすごく立派なのですが、建物に興味がある参拝者が自分の以外に皆無。なぜ? 拝殿も立派です。彫り物に個性があり、中の天井も素晴らしいです。 特に良いのが本殿。修繕したばかりできれいです。 こちらもかなり個性的で、「タコ」らしきものも彫られてます。 「カニ」「エビ」(これも珍しい)もあり、「海産物?」という感じもします。それは、一部ですが。 こうして書いてますが、あくまでも「宗教施設」「人の土地」です。 参拝の礼儀を守って(拝殿で拝んで、御朱印をもらうなど)見学させてもらいましょう。 場所は、JR拝島駅から歩いて25分位。バスもあるかな。 駐車場は、ないと思った方がいいかと。
For me, it is the best shrine in Haijima. Together with the next hall, it is "the best tourist attraction on Haijima". In myself. Both the very wonderful hall of worship and the main hall are very good. Considering the scale of the shrine, it is very good, but there are no worshipers other than myself who are interested in the building. why? The hall of worship is also excellent. The carvings are unique and the ceiling inside is wonderful. The main shrine is especially good. It has just been repaired and is beautiful. This is also quite unique, and something that looks like an "octopus" is also carved. There are also "crabs" and "shrimp" (which are also rare), and it feels like "seafood?" That's part of it. Although it is written in this way, it is just a "religious facility" and "land of people". Let's follow the etiquette of worship (such as worshiping at the hall of worship and getting a red stamp). The location is about 25 minutes on foot from JR Haijima Station. I wonder if there is a bus. Should I think that there is no parking lot?
2022 hy on Google

拝島駅からですと、歩いて20分程掛かると思います。 境内の案内板には、産業の発展や農業振興、防災の神様を祀っているという神社と書いてありました。 境内は落ち着いた雰囲気があり、本殿もしっかりした構えをしてます。 静かな場所柄か、参拝客は私含め2人しかいませんでした。 ゆっくりとした気持ちで参拝するには良い神社ですね。
From Haijima station, I think it will take about 20 minutes on foot. On the information board in the precincts, it was written that the shrine enshrines the god of industrial development, agricultural promotion, and disaster prevention. The precincts have a calm atmosphere, and the main shrine is also well-positioned. Perhaps because of the quiet location, there were only two worshipers, including myself. It's a good shrine to worship with a slow feeling.
コウノヒロユキ on Google

Hakanasa Thọ Nguyễn on Google

Great shrine

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