Haguro Shrine - Chikusei

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Haguro Shrine

住所 :

26-37-1 Ko, Chikusei, Ibaraki 308-0021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 308-0021

26-37-1 Ko, Chikusei, Ibaraki 308-0021, Japan
髙木幹 on Google

ここの神社には初めて参拝しに来ました。駐車場に着いて鳥居をくぐると、猫がお出迎えしてくれました。見たところ生後半年くらいかなぁと思いました。ナゼかと言うと、昔野良猫を拾って、その猫が子猫を産んだ時の猫を15年以上飼っていた事があるので、だいたいの年齢を把握しています。しかもメス猫です。 また猫を飼いたい気持ちはありますが、出かけている事が多いので、留守番させるのも心配だなぁとか思いますので。 話はそれましたが、境内はちらほらと参拝客が来る神社だと思います。 年配の女性も熱心に参拝しに来ている様子でした。 現在愛宕神社の社が以前の社殿だったような事を案内板に書いてありました。 羽黒神社の社名だから、山形の出羽三山系の流れなのかなと思いましたが、大黒様を祀っている感じがします。 まぁ由緒と実際に居る神様が違うのはよくある事なので、気にはしませんが。 雰囲気的には良い神社だと思います。
I came to visit the shrine here for the first time. When I arrived at the parking lot and passed through the torii gate, a cat welcomed me. Apparently, I thought it was about the second half of my life. As for Naze, I used to pick up stray cats and kept them for more than 15 years when they gave birth to kittens, so I know about their age. Moreover, it is a female cat. I also have a desire to keep a cat, but since I often go out, I think I'm worried about having my answering machine. The story is off, but I think the precincts are shrines where worshipers come here and there. It seemed that older women were also enthusiastically coming to worship. It was written on the information board that the Atago Shrine was the former shrine. Since it is the name of Haguro Shrine, I thought it might be the flow of the Dewa Sanzan system in Yamagata, but I feel that it enshrines Daikoku-sama. Well, I don't care because it is common for the history and the god who actually exists to be different. I think it's a good shrine in terms of atmosphere.
井野口KEIGENN on Google

雨引観音、中館観音寺参拝のあと訪れましたが、御朱印が豊富な上、どのような御朱印が授与されているのかが一覧できるように掲示されています。 真岡鐵道の御朱印巡りのひとつでもあり、真岡鐵道に乗って他の神社を巡っていくのもいいなと思いましたが、いかんせん遠出のために時間なく、すべて回るのは諦めました。
I visited after visiting Amabiki Kannon and Nakadate Kannonji Temple, but it is posted so that you can see the abundance of red stamps and what kind of red stamps have been awarded. It is also one of the tours of the red stamps of the Moka Railway, and I thought it would be good to take the Moka Railway to visit other shrines, but I didn't have time to go all the way, so I gave up.
清宮正人 on Google

Haguro Shrine, the heart of everyone in the lower building. Every year, after the first visit, the Daruma City is held on Omachi-dori from the precincts around January 10. 2021 was January 11th.
Orbital Number nine. on Google

The weather was nice and a nice breeze was blowing ♪
6200 MEDUSA on Google

2021年10月〰️ 真岡鐵道?ご朱印巡り?茨城県筑西市の「下館羽黒神社⛩」へ出向きました❇️ 拝殿の左手に、とても大きな像があり、御祭神である大国主命(七福神の大黒天)の像が祀られてます? 社務所は宮司様宅になり、拝殿の左側に立派な御自宅が有りますので、そちらで「真岡鐵道:限定御朱印」「通常御朱印」を頂きました? 御自宅に伺いますと、宮司様の奥様が丁重に出迎えて頂きました?とっても親しみの有る会話で、終始和やかなムードで楽しくお詣りが出来ました?
October 2021 〰️ Moka Tetsudo ? Go Shuin Tour ? I went to "Shimodate Haguro Shrine ⛩" in Chikusei City, Ibaraki Prefecture ❇️ There is a very large statue on the left side of the hall of worship, and the statue of Okuninushi (Daikokuten of the Seven Lucky Gods), the deity of the ritual, is enshrined ? The office is now the residence of the priest, and there is a magnificent home on the left side of the hall of worship, so I received "Moka Tetsudo: Limited Goshuin" and "Normal Goshuin" ? When I visited your home, the wife of the priest greeted me politely ? It was a very friendly conversation, and I was able to enjoy the prayer in a peaceful mood from beginning to end ?
中村誠司 on Google

I got the impression that the precincts were a little lonely. The red stamp is written down, but there are many types available.
shiromin on Google

素敵な御朱印が沢山有ります。 社務所に不在だったので、電話連絡の後、宮司様宅へお伺いしました(大黒様像の脇道を通った目の前辺り)。 とても親切に対応してイタダキマシタ♪ 〈真岡鐵道沿線御朱印巡り〉の一つにもなってます。 駐車場は参道脇に5台分(境内裏手も可?)。
There are many wonderful red stamps. Since I was absent from the office, I visited Miyaji-sama's house after making a phone call (around the front of the side road of the statue of Daikoku-sama). Itadakimashita responds very kindly ♪ It is also one of the . There is a parking lot for 5 cars on the side of the approach (Is it possible to go behind the precincts?).
バイク寺社 on Google

真岡鐡道沿線御朱印めぐりで伺いました。 下館のパワースポットであろう、とても厳かな神社です。 歴史を感じる拝殿や大黒様、色々見所があります。 御朱印は社務所不在の為、電話した所来て下さり対応していただきました。
I visited the red stamps along the Moka Railway. It is a very solemn shrine that will be the power spot of the Shimodate. There are various attractions such as the historical hall of worship and Daikoku-sama. Since Goshuin is absent from the office, he came to the place where he called and responded.

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