フィオーレジャルディーノ - Nishinomiya

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact フィオーレジャルディーノ

住所 :

Hagoromocho, Nishinomiya, 〒662-0051 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879877
Postal code : 662-0051
Webサイト : https://www.fiore-giardino.com/
街 : Hyogo

Hagoromocho, Nishinomiya, 〒662-0051 Hyogo,Japan
M K on Google

電話予約時にあまりに雑な対応。怒っているような口調。早口。復唱なし。「2名様ですね?!」と何故か決めつけた質問。電話番号も聞かれない。 本当に予約出来ているのか不安でした。 当日行ってみると予約はできていたもののランチメニューを渡されて値段にびっくり。ホームページには2500円のコースが書かれていたのに 4000円と5500円のコースしかない。 ホームページにあるコースは無いのかと尋ねるが今はこのコースしかないと言われる。詐欺にあった気分であった。
Too rough correspondence when making a phone reservation. An angry tone. Tongue twister. No repeat. A question that I decided for some reason, "Is it two people ?!" I can't even ask for my phone number. I was worried if I could really make a reservation. When I went there on the day, I was surprised at the price when I was given a lunch menu although I had made a reservation. Even though the homepage had a course of 2500 yen written on it There are only 4000 yen and 5500 yen courses. I asked if there was a course on the homepage, but now it is said that there is only this course. I felt like I was fraudulent.
山田哲也 on Google

A stylish shop with a preeminent atmosphere where you can see the illuminated church in front of you. Reservation is extremely difficult on Christmas Eve. The food is also highly acclaimed.
Beau岡本 on Google

Fiore Giardino celebrated his birthday with the people at the company. Not only the birthday plate but also the present were prepared and I was happy. In addition, we had homemade cookies for White Day. The service was so amazing that I was surprised. I will definitely go eat again. It was incredibly delicious. Pinchos, Ahijo and pasta are all the best. Thank you very much.
みぃみぃ on Google

ランチで友人と2人利用。 ワンフロアに1店舗ずつの小さなビルの6階です。 小さいながらテラス席もあり、カウンターは夙川教会が望める良いロケーション。 奥にはテーブル席もあり、こじんまりしたイタリアンバル的で良い雰囲気です。 ランチでの利用なので、2300円のコースを注文。 パスタとメインは選ぶ形式です。 後で調べたら、ご兄弟でされてるようで、弟さんでしょうか、上手にオススメされるまま、パスタもメインも500円や1000円上乗せのものをオーダー。 ランチドリンクは今日の泡も含めて全て300円とお得。 最初に前菜の盛り合わせ。 カレー風味の茄子や、トマトソースのごぼうなど、良い意味で予想を裏切る味付けで、見た目も可愛くて良い感じです。 食べている途中で、本日のスープ、ミネストローネが登場。 具沢山で、飲みごたえあります。 パスタは、牡蠣のクリームパスタと、ずわい蟹のペパロンチーノ、各500円アップ。 ペパロンチーノは、蟹の水分が多いのと、蟹の味が勝ちすぎて、ペパロンチーノ本来の風味が少なめなのが残念。 もちろん、ペパロンチーノと思わなければ、これはこれでアリの美味しさです。 牡蠣のクリームパスタは、クリームがしっかり生きていて私好みで美味しかったです。 ずっと、おしぼりを出し忘れられていたので、流石にパンの前にお願いしました。 冷たいおしぼりを温めて熱々でだしてくれます。 寒い時期に、これは嬉しい。 メインは、白甘鯛の鱗焼き500円アップと、友人は牛フィレ肉1000円アップを注文。 白甘鯛は、少し塩味が濃いですが、鱗がパリパリ、白身はふっくらで、美味しい。 牛フィレ肉も、火の入れ具合は絶妙で、食感も柔らかく良い感じ。 バルサミコ酢ではないソースで食べたかったかも。 これは好みの問題なので、仕方ありません。 パスタを食べてる時にパンが無くなったのですが、お皿を下げられてしまい、お願いするまで、お代わりが必要か、何も聞かれませんでした。 苦手な食材なども聞かれなかったので、付け合わせがネギと玉ねぎで、ネギがダメな友人は食べられず。 ランチでも、その辺りを聞いてもらえたら良かったですね。 最後にデザート。 ゼリー2種が可愛く盛られています。 あっさり風味で美味しいですが、スプーンを入れると溢れてしまい、指で押さえながら食べる形に。 ランチ15時閉店に迫っていたためか、全体的に提供のスピードが早く、落ち着いて食べられませんでした。 お2人の愛想は良いですが、男性目線のせいか、所々でおしぼり忘れ、パンのおかわり、苦手な食材など、心遣いがあれば嬉しいサービスの質は、少し低めでした。 お店の雰囲気と、味は濃い目ですが、お料理の質は良かったです。 パスタもメインもメニュー掲載の半分がプラス料金のメニューなので、結局2人で8000円超えのランチとなりました(笑) 夜に女子会利用の方がお得かもしれませんね。 ごちそうさまでした✨
Lunch with two friends. It is the 6th floor of a small building with 1 store on 1 floor. It has a small terrace seat, and the counter is a good location overlooking the Shukugawa Church. There is a table seat in the back, it is a small Italian bar-like atmosphere. Since it is used for lunch, I ordered a course of 2300 yen. Pasta and main are the format of choice. When I checked later, it seemed to be done by my brother, my brother, I ordered the pasta and the main 500 yen or 1000 yen extra as it is well recommended. Lunch drinks are all 300 yen, including today's foam. First, assorted appetizers. Curry-flavored eggplant and burdock of tomato sauce are seasonal betrayals in a good sense, and they look cute and nice. While eating, today's soup, Minestrone appears. There are lots of ingredients and there are lots of drinks. For pasta, cream pasta of oysters and pepperoncino of snow crab, each 500 yen up. Pepperoncino is a shame that the crab has a lot of water and the taste of crab is too high and the original flavor of pepperoncino is less. Of course, if you don't think it's Pepaloncino, this is the ant flavor. The oyster cream pasta was delicious as I liked the cream. I forgot to give a towel all the time, so I asked for it before the bread. It warms a cold towel and heats it out. This is nice in cold weather. The main order is a 500 yen increase in scales of white sweet snapper and a 1000 yen increase in beef fillet. The white sweet bream is slightly salty, but the scales are crispy and the whiteness is plump and delicious. The fillet of beef is also exquisite, and the texture is soft and good. Maybe you wanted to eat with a sauce other than balsamic vinegar. This is a matter of taste, so it can't be helped. When I was eating pasta, I ran out of bread, but I got my dishes down and I wasn't asked anything until I asked for a replacement. I couldn't hear anything she wasn't good at, so the garnish was onion and onion, and my friend who didn't like leek couldn't eat. I wish I could hear that around lunch. Finally, dessert. Two kinds of jelly are cutely served. It is light and delicious, but it overflows when you put a spoon into it, and you can hold it with your finger and eat it. Perhaps because the lunch was close at 15:00, the speed of serving was fast overall and I could not eat calmly. The two people are fond of them, but the quality of the service is a little lower if they are cared for. The atmosphere of the shop and the taste are dark, but the food quality was good. Since both the pasta and the main menu are half priced menus, the lunch was over 8000 yen for two people (laughs) It may be better to use the girls' party at night. It was a feast!
Coco Peach (社交ダンスの先生) on Google

Caviar, karasumi, truffles, gibier, Japanese beef, high-quality cheese ... Fresh vegetables with plenty of high-class ingredients. Elaborate and delicious food. A fusion of Japanese and Italian. It's a great shop that is open until midnight, the scenery is beautiful, the sommelier and the clerk are kind, and the cospa is too good.
中尾桶屋 on Google

I can see the church from the window. I would like to revisit it as it looks like the food is delicious. The selection of Italian wines is also good. There is also a Heartland beer, which is open until midnight. Aqua pazza is delicious.
S HA on Google

ビックリするくらいどれを食べても美味しいです。 シェフがとても粋で、女2人で行った場合パスタを1つ頼むと最初から分けてお皿に出してくれたり、こだわりのある食材のお話をしてくれたり食事以外でも楽しんで過ごせる場所です。 どのソースも絶品で本当に中毒になるんじゃないかと思うくらい美味しいです!!! 友人に美味しいご飯屋さんどこか知らない?っと聞かれたら必ずフィオーレをお伝えしてます。 お誕生日などイベントの際は予約時にあらかじめシェフにお伝えしておくと、とても絵が上手いシェフがデザート皿にスヌーピーなどのイラストを付け加えたりしてくださいます★ 本当に美味しいので騙されたと思ってぜひ予約して行ってみてください!!
It's delicious no matter what you eat. The chef is very smart, and if you go with two women, if you ask for one pasta, it will be served separately from the beginning, talk about the ingredients you are particular about, and it is a place where you can enjoy other than meals. .. All the sauces are excellent and delicious enough to make you addicted! !! !! Do you know where a delicious rice restaurant is for your friends? Whenever I get asked, I will tell you Fiore. If you tell the chef in advance at the time of booking at an event such as a birthday, a chef who is very good at drawing will add an illustration such as Snoopy to the dessert plate ★ It's really delicious, so please make a reservation and make a reservation, thinking you've been fooled! !!
Yossy Teranyan on Google

とても美味しいイタリアン。 テラス席でランチをいただきましたが、景色も良くて気持ち良い。 出て来たお皿はどれも一手間かけてあり、シェフの力量が感じられる。 子供連れでも大丈夫な点もポイント高し。
Very delicious Italian. I had lunch on the terrace, but the scenery was nice and comfortable. All the dishes that came out took a lot of effort, and you can feel the chef's ability. The point that it is okay to bring children is also high.

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