Hagoromo Park - Chiba

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hagoromo Park

住所 :

1 Ichibacho, Chuo Ward, Chiba, 260-0855, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 260-0855
Webサイト : https://www.pref.chiba.lg.jp/kouen/toshikouen/guidemap/hagoromo/

1 Ichibacho, Chuo Ward, Chiba, 260-0855, Japan
ohba naoyuki on Google

The park and benches in front of the prefectural office are a little small and lonely. I'd like to see more clean benches.
林雅彦 on Google

It is a park in Minamizawa of Chiba Prefectural Government Building. Surrounded by fountains and greenery. The nearest station is Chiba Urban Monorail Kencho-mae Station.
高平九(ClownQ) on Google

In Hagorai Park there is a pine tree that the Tenshin wore in. There used to be a large pond called Ikeda Pond where lotus flowers were beautifully blooming. It is said that the heavenly woman wore a pine branch with so much beauty and bathed in the pond. A regular general who passed by, concealed his robe and made his wife a wife. It is said that the emperor who heard it received the surname "Chiba" from "the lotus flower that blooms in Ikeda." I do not know if it is true, but it is a beautiful legend.
hisa Kuni on Google

It would have been nice if the restroom was a little more up-to-date.
fujiko mine on Google

モノレールの駅がそばにあるせいか、若干薄暗くて秋は寒かった。 県庁真ん前にある公園なので、周辺で働く人の目の保養というか、緑地帯を作りたかったから作ったのかな?と思ったが、松が由緒正しいとのことで、ありがたく拝見してきた。素晴らしい枝ぶりだと思った。盆栽や華道等される方には、たまらないのでは?
It was a little dim and it was cold in autumn, probably because there is a monorail station nearby. It's a park right in front of the prefectural office, so maybe it was made because I wanted to create a green belt, rather than a feast for the eyes of people working in the area. I thought, but I'm grateful that the pine trees are venerable. I thought it was a wonderful branch. Isn't it irresistible for those who do bonsai and flower arrangement?
石井伸一 on Google

千葉県庁から南側、右手斜めに、千葉都市モノレールの千葉県庁駅。 この間に、千葉県立羽衣公園あります。
Chiba Prefectural Office Station on the Chiba Urban Monorail, diagonally to the right on the south side of the Chiba Prefectural Office. During this time, there is Chiba Prefectural Hagoromo Park.
柴犬村長 on Google

千葉にある羽衣の松の伝承地です、看板には以下のように書かれてあります。 昔、千葉の亥鼻城下に、千葉の蓮の花の咲きほこる池田の池という美しい池があり、その周辺では蓮の花盛りの頃には、多くの見学人で賑わっていた。いつのころからか静まり返った夜半になると、ここに天女が舞い降り、かたわらの松の枝に羽衣を掛け、蓮の花の美しさに見入っていたと言う。 この天女の噂は、時の城主平常将の知るところとなり、常将は、美しい天女を是非自分の妻にしたいと思い、家来に松に掛けられている羽衣を隠すように命じた。羽衣を失った天女は天に帰ることができず、常将の妻となりやがて立派な男の子を産んだという。 この話は、京の天皇のお耳にも達し、天皇の命により参内した常将がそれまでの事情をありのままに申し上げた所、天皇は深く感銘され「これは前代未聞の事であるので、其方の地を千葉の蓮の花にあやかってこれから千葉と名乗れ」と仰せられた。常将はこの時から千葉氏を称したという。 この羽衣公園は、このような伝説を秘め、県民の憩いの場として親しまれてきた。 伝説中の池田の池は、この付近にあったと言われ、天女が羽衣を掛けたと言う松は、この後、長い間、濃いみどりを失わず、人々は千葉八景の一つとして大切に愛護してきた。この度、千葉県の人口500万人突破の、記念事業の一環としてここに羽衣の松を復元し、末永く後世に伝えることにした。 昭和60年3月 千葉県
It is a tradition of Hagoromo pine in Chiba, and the sign says as follows. A long time ago, there was a beautiful pond called Ikeda Pond, where lotus flowers bloom in Chiba, under Inohana Castle in Chiba, and the area around it was crowded with many visitors when the lotus flowers were in full bloom. It is said that the celestial maiden flew down here in the middle of the night when it had calmed down, and she hung a feather coat on the pine branch beside her and was admiring the beauty of the lotus flower. The rumors of this celestial maiden became known to the lord of the castle, Taira, who wanted to make a beautiful celestial maiden his wife, and ordered his servants to hide the hagoromo hung on the pine tree. It is said that the celestial maiden who lost her hagoromo could not return to heaven and became the wife of the general and eventually gave birth to a fine boy. This story reached the ears of the emperor of Kyoto, and when the general who came to Japan at the order of the emperor said the circumstances as they were, the emperor was deeply impressed and said, "This is an unprecedented thing. Let's call the land of Chiba the lotus flower of Chiba from now on. " It is said that the general has named Mr. Chiba from this time. This Hagoromo Park has such a legend and has been popular as a place of relaxation for the citizens of the prefecture. The legendary Ikeda pond is said to have been near here, and the pine tree, which the celestial maiden put on a feather coat, has not lost its dark green for a long time, and people have carefully protected it as one of the eight scenic spots in Chiba. It was. This time, as part of a commemorative project with a population of over 5 million in Chiba Prefecture, we have decided to restore the Hagoromo pine here and pass it on to future generations for a long time. March 1985, Chiba Prefecture
露口桂 on Google

自然が全然足りません。。 まるっきりコンクリートの上を歩くのは趣きに欠けます。
There is not enough nature at all. .. Walking completely on concrete is unpleasant.

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