
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 農haco

住所 :

Hanyu, Higashine, 〒999-3776 Yamagata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://www.farm-nohaco.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–4PM
Sunday 10AM–4PM
Monday 10AM–4PM
Tuesday 10AM–4PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–4PM
Friday 10AM–4PM
街 : Yamagata

Hanyu, Higashine, 〒999-3776 Yamagata,Japan
加藤友一 on Google

I used it for lunch ☀️? at noon. It was very delicious. We also sold vegetables at a good price.
小林まち子 on Google

I was informed that the person who made the reservation should come. The gimbap and curry were very delicious, and the reception was very nice!
小林正宏 on Google

The steak bowl was the best ?
yaya 3 on Google

My wife's favorite shop. I ate lunch and ate Gato Chocolat for the first time, but it was very delicious with a gentle taste. The restaurant has a calm atmosphere based on wood, and the view from the window is also very comfortable with a view. Yamagata has many wonderful shops.
南部順子 on Google

小さいけれどとても素敵なお店でした。手作りのパンやお菓子、地元野菜などどれも素材からちゃんと見える安心な食べ物が並んでいました。奥様の大切な人との繋りも垣間見れる様な優しい空気が流れていました。 カフェも併設していてランチも人気の様です。 子育てをしながら頑張っているかわいくて元気なママさんのお店です!
It was a small but very nice shop. Homemade bread, sweets, local vegetables, and other safe foods that can be seen from the ingredients were lined up. There was a gentle air that gave me a glimpse of the connection with my wife's loved ones. There is also a cafe and lunch seems to be popular. It's a cute and energetic mom's shop that is working hard while raising children!
本田光芳(やまのうえの) on Google

今回は800円のランチをいただきました。唐揚げ、オカラのサラダ?、お汁、ナムル、大根とイカ、雑穀米?それぞれ全てが美味しくて感動しました。地元の新鮮な野菜を使っていただいているのでしょう。それにしても美味しくて、驚きました。 小さな産直的なスペースもあって、季節ごとに果物や野菜も求めることができます。ちなみにパンも売っていました。皆さん、是非行ってみてください。 店員さんがとてもお話ししていてホッとできる方でした。お話し好きのようで色々教えてくれますし、話しかけやすいところも良かったです。
This time I had a lunch of 800 yen. Fried chicken, okara salad? , Soup, namul, radish and squid, millet rice? Everything was delicious and impressed. You probably use fresh local vegetables. Even so, it was delicious and I was surprised. There is also a small direct production space where you can buy fruits and vegetables every season. By the way, bread was also sold. Everyone, please go. The clerk was very talkative and relieved. He seems to like talking and teaches me various things, and it was good that he was easy to talk to.
sao K on Google

秋の日曜日にお邪魔しました。季節も良く、外の椅子ご馳走になりました! 日によってランチのメニューが変わるらしい。本日は「山形牛のステーキ丼」肉が柔らかい! 店内は木の感じでとても落ち着きます。
I visited you on a fall Sunday. The season was good and it was a treat for the outside chair! The lunch menu changes depending on the day. "Yamagata beef steak bowl" meat is soft today! The shop is very calm with the feeling of wood.
ネコリシャン on Google

おもちざんまいを頂きました。 美味しくて、店員さんも親切だし幸せなひとときを過ごせました。 ただ、ランチが11:30からとのことで11:20頃に伺ったところ、既に満席?何故?? 店員さんが親切なので多少早めに行っても席に通して貰えるのかな? 平日でしたが、お昼の良い時間は予約でテラス以外は満席のようでした。 確実に食事されたい方は予約をおすすめします。 産直のコーナーも安くて美味しい野菜やフルーツ、パンなどが売っていてコンパクトながら楽しかったです。
I received a rice cake. It was delicious, the clerk was kind, and I had a happy time. However, when I visited around 11:20 for lunch from 11:30, it was already full ? Why? ? The clerk is kind, so I wonder if I can get a seat even if I go a little early. It was a weekday, but during the good lunch time, reservations were made and it seemed to be full except for the terrace. If you want to make sure you have a meal, we recommend you to make a reservation. The direct production corner also sells cheap and delicious vegetables, fruits, bread, etc. It was compact but fun.

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