有限会社 サンアイ不動産

4.6/5 に基づく 7 レビュー

Contact 有限会社 サンアイ不動産

住所 :

Hachihonmatsucho Iida, Higashihiroshima, 〒739-0141 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Webサイト : http://sanai.ne.jp/
街 : Hiroshima

Hachihonmatsucho Iida, Higashihiroshima, 〒739-0141 Hiroshima,Japan
testgirl testman on Google

It was a kind response. good.
岡崎英治 on Google

I think it is a reliable real estate company.
ななし2号 on Google

Kindness and politeness. Conscientious local real estate agent
松野おそ松 on Google

店員さんにとても丁寧に対応して貰えました。 駅前に移転されて賃貸物件も増えたようですね。
I gave the staff a very careful response. It seems that the number of rental properties has increased after moving to the station.
-こうじ on Google

The president here is very polite.
鈴木達郎 on Google

急な連絡にも関わらず、快くお部屋を案内して下さいました。 わからないことは気軽に質問できる程、始終親しみやすい雰囲気で対応して下さり部屋探しがスムーズに出来ました。
Despite the sudden contact, he was willing to show me the room. We were able to find a room smoothly by responding to the friendly atmosphere from the start to the end, so that we could ask questions easily.
GE S on Google

It is an atmosphere that is easy to consult like a local real estate agent. The store was clean and calm, and the response was quick and helpful.

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