Gyoza no Ohsho - Warabi

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Gyoza no Ohsho

住所 :

1 Chome-3-2 Tsukagoshi, Warabi, Saitama 335-0002, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 335-0002
Webサイト :

1 Chome-3-2 Tsukagoshi, Warabi, Saitama 335-0002, Japan
朝湯最高 on Google

行ったことある個人営業の加盟店以外に、 ここは最悪でした。 夜9時過ぎで行ったけど、 餃子は再加熱したような柔らかい状態で出してもらった、他人の餃子も念の為に確認してみたが、変わりがなかった。 出してくれたご飯は硬い、炊飯器の蓋は閉めてないのかと思った... 料理を出すのも遅いし...店員いっぱいいるのに、回らないような感じ... あとは、いつも楽しんでる各店舗のオリジナルメニューもなかった...さすがだね...
In addition to the privately-owned affiliated stores that I have been to This was the worst. I went there after 9 pm The dumplings were served in a soft state as if they were reheated, and I checked the dumplings of other people just in case, but there was no change. The rice that was served was hard, and I wondered if the rice cooker lid was closed ... It's too late to serve food ... I feel like I can't turn around even though there are a lot of clerk ... Also, I didn't have the original menu of each store that I always enjoyed ... as expected ...
しの on Google

2月に行きました 作っている男の人が途中でマスクを下げて素手で何かを食べてそのまままた作る。せめて手を洗ってほしい。 コロナ対策は大丈夫かな?
Went in February The man who is making lowers the mask on the way, eats something with his bare hands and makes it again as it is. I want you to wash your hands at least. Is corona measures okay?
Tuna Can on Google

As part of the priority measures to prevent the spread, we asked two people, but they said that they could not serve alcoholic beverages without a vaccination certificate. There is no information at the entrance, and you will be informed when you place an order for a seat. Please be careful if you do not want to feel unpleasant.
tanpro on Google

否定的なクチコミを書いた初めてのお店になります。入り口から見て一番遠くのテーブル席で食べました。 料理は美味しかったですがお店の中は油の匂いの様な嗅ぎ慣れない匂いがし、食べ終わった後にふと見るとメニュー表にゴキ◯リが這い回っていて気分が悪くなりました。今まで自分はチェーン店には絶対的な信頼をおいていましたがその常識が崩れ去ったお店になりました。侮れないですね
This is the first shop to write negative reviews. I ate at the table seat farthest from the entrance. The food was delicious, but the inside of the restaurant had an unfamiliar smell like the smell of oil, and when I suddenly saw it after eating, I felt sick with cockroaches crawling on the menu table. Until now, I had absolute trust in chain stores, but that common sense has collapsed. I can't underestimate it
さにい on Google

遅めの昼食と呑み。ジャストサイズが豊富なので、1人で種類多く注文でき、呑みでも食事でも使い勝手良し。 14:30〜15:00付近は、人も少なくゆっくりできました。
じゃがいもカレー on Google

オペレーションが崩壊している ただ単に遅い 副店長の調理が圧倒的に遅い! 餃子は焼き冷まし から揚げも… セットが来ない こんなレベルか? 期待し過ぎか? そんなことないだろう とにかく遅い… オペレーションを工夫してもらいたい チェーンストアはこんなもんか? 以前はそうでもなかったのに…
The operation is collapsing. It's just slow. The deputy manager's cooking is overwhelmingly slow! Gyoza is roasted and fried ... The set doesn't come at this level? Are you expecting too much? That wouldn't be the case. Anyway, it's slow ... I want you to devise an operation. Is this a chain store? It wasn't the case before ...
Let'sイート on Google

新年友人と焼きそば餃子を食べにゆく 満席で賑わっていた 無難な価格が人を呼ぶ 店内ドラマがありました
New Year I went to eat yakisoba dumplings with my friends. It was full and crowded. There was an in-store drama where the safe price attracted people.
Kimberly Colot on Google

Very good gyoza!

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