Gyoza no Ohsho - Shijonawate

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Gyoza no Ohsho

住所 :

1 Chome-693-5 Nanko, Shijonawate, Osaka 575-0023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878788
Postal code : 575-0023
Webサイト :

1 Chome-693-5 Nanko, Shijonawate, Osaka 575-0023, Japan
暇潰し on Google

炒飯がベチャってなってた上に温かった。 忙しそうな訳でも無かったのに残念。 餃子も2人前頼んだが3切れだけ食べて残した。
The fried rice was sticky and warm. It's a pity that I didn't seem to be busy. I ordered dumplings for 2 people, but I ate only 3 slices and left them.
キャバちゃんPaul on Google

大瓶が安くて、ジャストサイズの料理があるので、 1人飲みには助かる。
The large bottle is cheap and there are just-sized dishes, so It helps to drink alone.
清水俊貴 on Google

I was told that it was during the benefit discount period in February, but none of the employees knew. terrible
hi hi on Google

場所は車も通れないところにあり探すのに苦労しましたが、この辺の生活道路なんですね。 お持ち帰りのお客さんが並んでました。 酢豚の人参の品質が悪く不味くて吐きました。 あとは、どれも美味しかったですが、もう怖くて二度と行けません。
The place was in a place where cars can not pass, but I struggled to find it, but it is a living road in this area. Takeaway customers lined up. The quality of the sweet and sour pork was bad and it was not good. After that, everything was delicious, but I am scared and I can not go again.
to Rai on Google

徒歩圏内なのでよく行くのですか、炒飯が調理者によって味がまったく違います。 平日昼間は女性のパートさんなのか、油が多くゴロっとして炒め足りなさが残る並の炒飯です。 土日は店長さんなのか男性の方が調理してますが油加減もパラパラさも炒め具合も最高です。 なので男性が調理してない時は他のものを注文します。 焼きそばにも同じことが言えます。 あるレベルで合格というのがあるのでしょうけれど定期的にチェックしていただかないと、それがこのお店のレベルなのだと思われそうです。
I often go there because it is within walking distance, and the taste of fried rice is completely different depending on the cook. Maybe it's a female part-timer during the daytime on weekdays. On Saturdays and Sundays, the store manager or a man cooks it, but the amount of oil, the fluffiness, and the stir-fry are the best. So when a man isn't cooking, he orders something else. The same is true for yakisoba. There may be a pass at a certain level, but if you don't check it regularly, you might think that it is the level of this shop.
作勝義 on Google

コロナもやっと落ち着いたみたいですね、商店街がさみしいので以前みたいに餃子10人前とかラーメンのドカモリのチャレンジメニューやってほしいですね。曜日を決めてスピード対決とかカラダに負担をかけないようにしてね、市役所とか商工会議所の人とか巻き込んで商店街には美味しいお店結構あるからちょっとした町おこしになると思うけど、それとか子供がいる家庭にはお食事券配るとかね、人を増やす方法考えないとね、今日は お客さんいっぱいでお持ち帰りも混んでました。
It seems that Corona has finally settled down, and the shopping street is lonely, so I'd like you to try the challenge menu of dumplings for 10 people or ramen dokamori like before. Decide the day of the week and try not to put a burden on the body such as speed confrontation, and I think that it will be a little town revitalization because there are quite a few delicious shops in the shopping district involving people from the city hall and the chamber of commerce. I have to think about ways to increase the number of people, such as giving out meal tickets to the families I have, today It was full of customers and it was crowded with takeaways.
コザヒデ on Google

昼混雑を避け先ほど昼食のため入店。 ベストセット(炒飯、唐揚、餃子、スープのセット)を注文。 だが最後までセットの餃子だけは出て来る事はなかった。 昼を避けたので客は超まばらでさほど忙しくも無いはず?と思ってたのに。 頭に来て、釣りをもらうのもシャクにさわったので余分にお金を叩きつけて店を出た。いちゃもん付けのただ食い輩と一緒にされても困るし、そんな店からお釣りを貰うのも嫌になるぐらい呆れ頭にきた。混雑時であれば仕方ないと思うがこれはちょっと… 地元店だがもう二度と来ない。 絶対に来ない。 店の前を通るのも不愉快だ。 働いてお金をもらってるのならちゃんとそれ相応の当たり前の仕事をしろ‼️ 注文受けた商品をキチンと出せ‼️ それが出来ないのならやめろ‼️ 【同日追記】 嫁さんに話をしたところ、おばちゃん店員がいる時の店の対応や接客は良いが、若いお兄ちゃん店員だけの時は評判が悪いとの事でした。 若い店員は客をなめてるのかな? 職務怠慢なのかな? 地元の恥店舗ですね…
Avoiding the crowds at lunch, I entered the store for lunch earlier. I ordered the best set (fried rice, fried chicken, dumplings, soup set). However, only the dumplings of the set did not come out until the end. Since I avoided the daytime, the customers should be super sparse and not so busy, right? I was thinking. I came to my head and touched the shak to get fishing, so I slammed extra money and left the store. I don't want to be with a flirty eater, and I don't want to get change from such a store. I think it can't be helped when it's crowded, but this is a little ... It's a local shop, but I'll never come again. Never come. It's also unpleasant to pass in front of the store. If you work and get money, do a decent job! ️ Put out the ordered products! ️ If you can't do that, stop! ️ [Postscript on the same day] When I talked to my wife, she said that the store's response and customer service were good when there was an auntie clerk, but the reputation was bad when there was only a younger brother clerk. Is the young clerk licking the customer? Is it neglected? It's a local shame store ...
陶芸主婦Nao on Google

ごく一般的な王将の店舗です。清潔感があるし、店員さんの雰囲気も良く、好きな店舗です? 王将は店舗によってセットメニューなどが異なるので、メニューの写真を追加しました。 ◼️スゴ辛チキン 甘辛いソースが付いてるのかと思いきや、硬めのカリカリの唐揚げです。500円で5個かな。衣には輪切りの唐辛子が入ってて、カレーっぽい香りのスパイスご掛かってます。メニューの写真ほど赤くなかったです。なかなか辛くて美味しかった。激辛ではないかな。 ◼️辛卵ラーメン 430円で野菜も肉も卵も乗ってて、味良しコスパ良し!豚肉が意外と存在感あって美味しいです。熱いのでだんだん辛くなってきます。 ◼️餃子セット 卵とキノコの炒め物はどんなのかなと思ったけど、香ばしくて美味しかった。キムチは辛いけど結構甘味があるタイプ。
It is a very common store of the king. There is a feeling of cleanliness, the atmosphere of the clerk is good, and it is my favorite store ? Since the set menu etc. differ depending on the store, the king added a picture of the menu. ◼️ Amazing spicy chicken I wondered if it had a sweet and spicy sauce, but it was a hard crispy fried chicken. I think it's 5 for 500 yen. The batter contains sliced ​​chili peppers and is spiced with a curry-like scent. It wasn't as red as the picture on the menu. It was quite spicy and delicious. Isn't it spicy? ◼️ Spicy egg ramen For 430 yen, vegetables, meat and eggs are on board, and the taste is good and the cospa is good! The pork has a surprising presence and is delicious. It's hot, so it's getting hotter. ◼️ Dumplings set I wondered what the stir-fried eggs and mushrooms were, but it was fragrant and delicious. Kimchi is a spicy but sweet type.

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