Gunma Pref. Police Headquarters - Maebashi

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Gunma Pref. Police Headquarters

住所 :

1 Chome-1-1 Otemachi, Maebashi, Gunma 371-8580, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 371-8580
Webサイト :

1 Chome-1-1 Otemachi, Maebashi, Gunma 371-8580, Japan
長谷川和也 on Google

良い意味で御世話になっております 感謝の賜物です。
I am indebted to you in a good way It is a gift of gratitude.
新井正 on Google

There is no certification mark on the car of the driving agency, isn't this wrong?
まさひでかわつら on Google

群馬県警察にもう少し 幅広く不審者のパトロールや 交通取り締まり 犯罪未然撲滅パトロールで 朝 昼問わず夜間も 幅広く パトロールして欲しいです 特に 前橋駅南口ロータリーは駐車禁止の車が多いです 群馬県心臓血管センター病院の駐車場も 巡回して欲しい たまには不審者が リハビリパークの周辺に出る
I would like the Gunma police to patrol a suspicious person a little more widely and patrol traffic control. In particular, the Maebashi Station South Exit Rotary has many cars that are not allowed to park. I want you to visit the parking lot of Gunma Cardiovascular Center Hospital. Sometimes suspicious people appear around the rehabilitation park.
川田マカロン on Google

根も葉もない悪口ばかりでワロタ みなさんストレス溜まってるんですねえ。 世界的に見てもトップクラスの日本の治安を維持してるのは間違いなくこの組織なのに… 変な対応される人は自分が無法者ってことに気付かない善良な市民のつもりでいそう。 そういう人はコレ見ても「俺は違う」って思っちゃうんでしょうけどね~ そこの貴方ですよ
Warota with no roots or leaves Everyone is stressed. It is definitely this organization that maintains the security of Japan, which is one of the best in the world ... Weird people seem to be good citizens who don't realize they are outlaws. Even if you look at this, people like that will think "I'm different" ~ You are there
S V on Google

Correspondence of # 9110 is terrible. He doesn't try to correct his mistakes by saying that he is a human being and he complains about a police officer's rant, and his attitude is familiar. There is no need to cover such a police station with taxes!
佐々野愛結 on Google

騒音について相談したが、誠意のある対応が全くなかった。 すきやなんちゃらは今も騒音を巻き散らしています。 車道横断も頻繁です。
I consulted about noise, but there was no sincere response. Sukiya and Nancha are still making noise. Crossing the road is also frequent.
もちごめ on Google

A little while ago, I consulted with this consultation counter dial because many cars are running over 60 km regardless of morning or evening on the road in front of the house (the speed limit 30 km road with elementary schools and public halls along the road). rice field. An elderly man responded to me, but he was very kind and listened to me sincerely! Moreover, just the other day, when I was running on the road in front of my house, a few police officers stood up and looked around! I was surprised because I didn't expect him to respond so quickly. There is a park near my house in addition to the elementary school, and I am grateful for this kind of support to ensure the safety of my children!
T Y on Google

We consulted by providing information on drunk driving. The person in charge listened very kindly and politely. In the future, we plan to communicate with the police station in charge, but if you have any problems, it is best to consult with them first.

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