Gulliver Sagamihara Chuo - Sagamihara

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Gulliver Sagamihara Chuo

住所 :

2 Chome-3-11 Yaei, Chuo Ward, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 252-0229, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 252-0229
Webサイト :

2 Chome-3-11 Yaei, Chuo Ward, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 252-0229, Japan
R m on Google

探していた車が見つかりました。 分かりやすく丁寧なご説明、また、落ち着いて車の確認をさせていただき、安心して購入ができました。
I found the car I was looking for. I was able to purchase with confidence because I gave an easy-to-understand and polite explanation and calmly checked the car.
firoyuky on Google

条件に合う車があり、スタッフの方の 対応も良く、即決のような感じで契約してしまいました。納車も1週間で早かったです。(色々サービスもしてもらえました)
There is a car that meets the conditions, and the staff The correspondence was good, and I signed the contract with a feeling like a prompt decision. Delivery was quick in a week. (I got various services)
落合太陽 on Google

今回初めてマイカーを購入させてもらいましたが、終始対応が素晴らしく試乗の際にも楽しく会話をして下さり凄く緊張がほどけました。 ぜひ、またいつか利用したいです。
I bought my car for the first time this time, but the correspondence was wonderful from beginning to end, and I enjoyed talking during the test drive, and I was very nervous. I definitely want to use it again someday.
Sumio TOYAMA on Google

かれこれ15年くらいお世話になっています。 15年前の当時は急遽車が必要になり、何も分からないまま来店したのですが、ライフスタイルや家族構成から適切な車を提案してもらえました。今は3台目に乗っています。 アフターフォローも手厚で、しつこい営業とかは一切ない一方で、車についての相談には、いつも親切に対応してもらえて本当に助かっています。
I have been indebted to him for about 15 years. Fifteen years ago, I needed a car in a hurry, so I came to the store without knowing anything, but I was asked to propose an appropriate car based on my lifestyle and family structure. I'm on the third one now. After-sales follow-up is also generous, and while there is no persistent sales, it is really helpful to have a kind response to consultations about cars.
Yuta Horiba on Google

I asked Mr. Itaya to respond. We were happy to respond to these detailed requests and questions. I was very relieved of the service spirit from the customer's perspective. If you have any questions, thank you again. Thank you very much.
3 nya on Google

先日、乗り換えでセレナを購入しました。 とても良い車を相場よりも格安で安心して購入することができたので、お礼の意味も込めて口コミ投稿します。 元々乗っていた車は主人の親戚から譲り受けたものだったので、実際に車を購入をしたのは初めてでした。 当初の予定より40万円程予算オーバーでしたが、カーセンサーで今回の車を見つけ、口コミを拝見したところお店の評判も良かったので一度伺うことにしました。 担当は板谷さんという方で、 話しやすく、こちらの要望もできる限り応えようとして下さる姿勢に初見から好感が持てました。 ディーラーだと見積もり時点で強制的に付けられたようなオプションもサービスで付けてくださっていたり、 ドライブレコーダーの取付もお願いしましたが、取り付けの際に契約当初に分からなかった車内の破損が見つかった際にもすぐにご連絡頂き対応して下さって、とても信頼できる担当者様だなと感じました。 他にもディーラーや他店に数店舗、見積もり等の問い合わせをしたり車を見に行ったりしましたが、車以上に「この人にお任せしたい」と言う思いが強く、車も気に入っていたので最終的に一番最初にご対応頂いた板谷さんにお願いすることにしました。 結果、気持ちよく契約することができ、車も新車みたいに綺麗でとても満足しています。 また車を検討する際は、まず板谷さんに相談させていただきたいと思います。
The other day, I bought Serena by transferring. I was able to buy a very good car at a lower price than the market price, so I will post a review with the meaning of gratitude. The car I was originally riding was inherited from my husband's relatives, so it was the first time I actually bought a car. It was about 400,000 yen over budget from the original plan, but when I found this car with a car sensor and saw the word of mouth, the store's reputation was good, so I decided to visit once. The person in charge is Mr. Itaya From the first look, I was impressed with the attitude of being easy to talk to and trying to meet this request as much as possible. If you are a dealer, the service also gives you options that were forcibly attached at the time of estimation. I also asked for the installation of the drive recorder, but when I found damage in the car that I did not know at the beginning of the contract at the time of installation, I immediately contacted me and responded, I feel that I am a very reliable person in charge. I did. I also made inquiries to dealers and other stores about several stores, quotations, etc. and went to see the car, but I had a stronger desire to leave it to this person than the car, and I also liked the car. So, in the end, I decided to ask Mr. Itaya, who was the first to respond. As a result, I was able to make a contract comfortably, and the car was as beautiful as a new car and I am very satisfied. Also, when considering a car, I would like to consult with Mr. Itaya first.
ryu ryu on Google

クチコミ評価が高かったので、気になって中古車の在庫確認をしました。 在庫はあると返信が来たので、次に車の状態についていくつか質問しましたが、3日経っても返信ございません。 対応した方は一担当ではなく、店長です。 不審に思いこのお店の利用をやめました。 カスタマーサービスが悪いと、他にも悪いところがあるのではないかと疑ってしまうものです。 ご参考までに。
The word-of-mouth evaluation was high, so I was curious and checked the inventory of used cars. I received a reply saying that it was in stock, so I asked some questions about the condition of the car, but I did not receive a reply after 3 days. The person who responded is not one person in charge, but the store manager. I was suspicious and stopped using this shop. Poor customer service makes us suspect that there are other bad things. For your information.
A6M 2B on Google

I bought the car for the first time this time, but Mr. Itaya in charge responded flexibly and I was able to proceed smoothly with the procedure. I am very satisfied. Thank you for your continued support.

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