Gulliver Mobara - Mobara

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Gulliver Mobara

住所 :

885 Koshiate, Mobara, Chiba 297-0007, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 297-0007
Webサイト :

885 Koshiate, Mobara, Chiba 297-0007, Japan
tanpopo on Google

初めての車購入で利用しました。 年数や走行距離などなど初歩的なことも何もわからないまま入店しましたが、嫌な顔せずひとつずつ丁寧に説明していただき、いい買い物ができました!
I used it for my first car purchase. I entered the store without knowing anything about the number of years, mileage, etc., but I was able to make a good purchase by explaining each one carefully without making an unpleasant face!
Makoto Aoki on Google

Anyway, if you look for a cheap and good mini car, it's a pinch, but after all Gulliver can talk with confidence. I was able to do a good shopping. By the way, I also bought Volvo here.
安川志緒 on Google

家族が増え、大きい車を探していたところ、嶋崎さんには大変お世話になりました!色々わがままに付き合っていただきありがとうございました!! とても素敵な車に出会えることが出来ました!この先もよろしくお願い致します!
As my family grew and I was looking for a big car, Mr. Shimazaki was very helpful! Thank you for all the selfishness! !! I was able to meet a very nice car! I look forward to working with you in the future!
山本康行 on Google

When I came to see a minivan where the vehicle inspection was about to expire and I could stay in the car at a reasonable price, I made a contract because the response was good and I made a proposal that met my wishes. I am looking forward to delivery.
富久山雅春 on Google

I was allowed to make good use of the business model unique to large companies. We strongly recommend that you just listen to the story as a candidate before considering a new car. There is a lot to gain both physically and mentally. Especially, the trade-in was very good.
庄司淳一 on Google

車の乗り換えで買うお店で下取りが付かなかったのでガリバーさんに買い取り依頼に行ってみました。特に予約もせずに、来店したんですがお店の方々も皆さん嫌な顔せずにすぐに対応していただきました。 担当してくださった松山さんはとても丁寧に説明してくださって、最後の最後まで査定を頑張ってくれました。おかげで別のお店で下取りゼロだった車に値段がつきました。 査定額、お店の対応、担当者の松山さん。大満足です!また機会があったらよろしくお願いします^ ^
I couldn't get a trade-in at the shop I bought by changing cars, so I went to Gulliver to ask for a purchase. I came to the store without making a reservation, but all the people at the store responded immediately without any disgusting faces. Mr. Matsuyama, who was in charge, explained very carefully and worked hard until the very end. Thanks to that, a car that had no trade-in at another shop was priced. The assessed amount, the correspondence of the shop, Mr. Matsuyama in charge. I'm very satisfied! If you have another chance, thank you ^ ^
S ERi on Google

I went to several used car shops to dispose of my father's car when the vehicle inspection expired and buy a new one. At the end of that, I entered this store with a light feeling that I should stop by. From the time we entered the store, we received a polite response and suggested various cars. We listened to our story and introduced various cars that suit our budget and tastes, making the story easy to understand. He was a very good person in charge. I didn't expect to sign a contract on that day because it was an expensive purchase, but I think I was able to make a very good purchase.
植田純人 on Google

車の買い取りで初めて伺いました。 距離数の伸びてる車にもかかわらず、どうにか高額に なるよう様々なアイデアを提案して下さり、最終的に 担当の髙原さん他皆さんご尽力で良い金額で買い取って 頂くことが出来ました。 情報量も豊富ですし、対応も柔軟な上、扱う車に対する 真摯さを感じられたため、とても安心して取引出来ました。 今回は買い取りだけでしたが、購入の際にも相談したいと 思える良い車屋さんでした。
I visited for the first time when I bought a car. Despite the increasing distance of the car, somehow it is expensive He suggested various ideas so that he could become Mr. Takahara in charge and everyone else worked hard to buy it at a good price I was able to receive it. The amount of information is abundant, the response is flexible, and the vehicles handled are I felt sincere, so I was able to trade with great peace of mind. This time it was only a purchase, but I would like to consult when purchasing It was a good car shop that I could think of.

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