Grooming Hair ISSA

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Grooming Hair ISSA

住所 :

Hirosecho, Maebashi, 〒371-0812 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789
Webサイト :
街 : Gunma

Hirosecho, Maebashi, 〒371-0812 Gunma,Japan
パンダパンダ on Google

I went there for the first time today, but it ’s a really nice manager and I ’d like to go again.
けーーーーー on Google

As for the story before the opening, the noise of the construction from Saturday to Sunday from morning till night ... I was bothered by a lot of noise. Even though I live in the neighborhood, there are no open greetings or flyers. Is this normal?
曇空曇空 on Google

いいお店でした^ ^
It was a good shop ^ ^
ゆうき on Google

雰囲気の良いお店でした。 値段は高めかな。
It was a nice shop. Is the price high?
かさ on Google

技術以前の問題。 サービス業の自覚はあるのか? お待たせして申し訳ございません。等の最低限の言葉はサービス業ならかけると思うが? 最初が肝心なのに、これでリピートがあると思うのか? 仕事のやり方に疑問しかない。
Problems before technology. Are you aware of the service industry? I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. Do you think that the minimum word such as "is used in the service industry?" The first thing is important, but do you think this is a repeat? I have no doubt about how I work.
ドらメる on Google

平日昼にカット(シャンプーあり)で利用させていただきました。[20・男] カットの腕前も確かなのですが、何よりもその他のサービスの出来が非常に良く印象に残りました。 顔剃り、髪質に合った上でのシャンプー選び、マッサージなど。特にマッサージが多めなのが嬉しく感じられました。 空いた日での利用なので4つ星です。 値段以上の満足感を得られるのでオススメです。
We used in cut (with shampoo) at noon weekdays. [20 · Man] I'm sure the skill of the cut, but above all else, the service was very impressive. Shaving face, choosing shampoo on hair quality, massage etc. I was particularly happy that I had a lot of massage. It is 4 stars because it is used on an empty day. I recommend it because you get a sense of satisfaction over the price.
小出啓 on Google

たまの帰省時に髪を切ろうかと、お店を探していた時ににたまたま見かけ、その外観に惹かれてそのまま入店。 イケメン、美女がいる、今までの理容室のイメージとは違う、オシャレなお店でした! 自分の髪質に合わせて、カットしてもらい大変満足です。顔剃りもこんなに気持ちが良いとは。。。 娘のカットも可愛く仕上げてもらいました。 イケメン店員のトークは必見です。 また帰省時にお邪魔します!
I happened to find it when I was looking for a shop to cut my hair when I returned home occasionally, and I was drawn to it because of its appearance. It's a fashionable store that has a good-looking and beautiful woman, different from the image of a barber shop until now! I am very happy to have the hair cut according to my hair quality. I think that shaving the face is so comfortable. . . The cut of my daughter was also made cute. The talk of the handsome clerk is a must-see. I will bother you when I return home!
ざらざら on Google

先日お邪魔しました!美容室より床屋が良いけど、昔ながらの床屋はちょっと抵抗が…って思ってネットで探してると…はっけーん! お洒落な床屋さん☆外観、内装も良い感じで床屋のイメージなし!個室で落ち着くし、特別感ありましたよ☆女性のお客さんもいたけど、美容室みたいだから違和感なし☆女性も入店出来る床屋さんって珍しい☆カット、カラー、シェービング、眉カット、シャンプーなどなど全部良かった☆何よりもお店の方の人柄が良い☆また、行きます☆
I visited you the other day! A barber is better than a beauty shop, but I thought that old-fashioned barbers would be a bit reluctant ... so I searched on the internet ... Fashionable barber shop ☆ The appearance and interior are good and there is no image of a barber shop! It was a calm in a private room and I had a special feeling ☆ There were female customers, but there was no discomfort because it was like a beauty salon ☆ It is unusual for a barber shop where women can enter ☆ Cut, color, shaving, eyebrow cut, shampoo etc. It was good ☆ Above all, the personality of the shop is good ☆ I will go again ☆

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