塊肉チーズ×イタリアン Grill Mart(グリルマート )

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 塊肉チーズ×イタリアン Grill Mart(グリルマート )

住所 :

Sonezaki, Kita Ward, 〒530-0001 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8889
街 : Osaka

Sonezaki, Kita Ward, 〒530-0001 Osaka,Japan
Masa Taka on Google

There is no tabelog score, but I made a reservation because the photo was good. The moment you enter the store, something is different. Two bottles of alcohol at the entrance, both empty. Guided by narrow seats, course meals are served one after another. The taste and volume are not good enough. What is worrisome is that the clerk is masking, but he is sticking out his nose. Probably no repeat.
やまもと長女 on Google

雰囲気がよいバルです。お料理はリーズナブルに牛肉が楽しめていいです。お肉の種類は当たり前ですが美味しさが値段に比例しています。肉以外にチョイスしたものも外れがなく美味しかったです。 2ヶ月経って再訪しました。あいも変わらず落ち着いた雰囲気。(お客さんは結構いる)前回飲まなかったのですがクラフトビールが美味しかった、これはオススメです。店員さんの好感度の高い接客とかお店の雰囲気とか、料理とか私は結構好きですので定期的に来たいと思います。
It is a bar with a nice atmosphere. You can enjoy beef at a reasonable price. The type of meat is natural, but the taste is proportional to the price. Other than the meat, the ones I chose were also delicious. I visited again after two months. The atmosphere is still calm. (There are quite a few customers) I didn't drink it last time, but the craft beer was delicious, which is recommended. I like the clerk's highly likable customer service, the atmosphere of the restaurant, and the food, so I would like to come regularly.
しゅ on Google

デザートプレートを用意してもらい友達の誕生日のお祝いをしました(^^) 料理も美味しいし、対応も丁寧で2名でも個室対応して頂けてとても嬉しかったです。 希望してたミニオンがとても可愛くて感動しました? また是非行きたいです!
I had a dessert plate prepared and celebrated my friend's birthday (^^) The food was delicious, the correspondence was polite, and I was very happy that even two people could accommodate a private room. The minion I was hoping for was very cute and impressed ? I definitely want to go again!
ドリースメルテンス on Google

I was made to keep waiting. He told me about three times that he would bring me some food and finally brought it to me. Moreover, I didn't have to wait when I brought it, so I left it quickly. Also, although it is a private room, the doors of the clerk are too complicated to open and close, so I don't feel like going again. However, I was angry because the price was relatively good. I lost it normally.
こーき on Google

イベント終わりにみんなで飲みに行くことになって利用したお店です。 今日あった話で盛り上がろうと個室店を選んだのですが、混みあう時間だったので一応予約しておいて正解でした? 席にはスグ案内され、飲み放題のドリンクで乾杯しました!店内は盛り上がっており、雰囲気からも混んでるのが想像できました。 ハラミステーキは塩胡椒がしっかり効いていて肉質は柔らかくて美味しかったです。 チーズキチンソテーはこんがりと焼けた皮目とチーズがお酒の味をじゃませずに味わえました。 お酒はどんどん進み、追加のパスタやスイーツも一通りたいらげて皆ご満悦って感じでした。次回はクーポンがあるみたいなので利用してみたいと思います!
This is the shop that we used to go drinking at the end of the event. I chose a private room store to get excited because of the story I had today, but it was a busy time so I made a reservation and it was the correct answer ? I was guided to the seat and toasted with all-you-can-drink! The inside of the store was lively, and I could imagine it was crowded due to the atmosphere. The halami steak was salty and peppery, and the meat was tender and delicious. The cheese chitin sauté had a crispy skin and cheese that you could taste without disturbing the taste of sake. Sake went on steadily, and all the additional pasta and sweets were scolded, and everyone was happy. Next time I will have a coupon so I will try it!
中井太郎 on Google

友達の誕生日に二人で行きました! 完全個室になっていて飲み会、女子会、デートいろいろな場面で使えそうなお店。お料理はイタリアンぽくて凄く美味しいです!!店内の雰囲気含め、ばえますね! お店でいただいた料理は 付出し シーザーサラダ720円 お造り3種盛り合わせ1480円 (鯛、カンパチ、サーモン) シカゴピザ 1980円 ロング炙り肉寿司1480円 特製鍋プリン600円 特にシカゴピザ(1980円)はボリュームよし、見た目よしで大満足!盛付けも美しく、こだわりを感じました! ドリンクはビールや日本酒の種類も数多く、ラインナップが豊富!! サプライズの要望へも柔軟に対応して頂きました!広い店内で雰囲気も良かったので、宴会などでも利用したいと思います! ありがとうございました!!
We went together on my friend's birthday! It's a completely private room and can be used for drinking parties, girls-only gatherings, and dates. The food is Italian and very delicious! !! You can see the atmosphere inside the store! The food I got at the shop bill Caesar salad 720 yen Assorted 3 types of sashimi 1480 yen (Sea bream, amberjack, salmon) Chicago Pizza 1980 yen Long roasted meat sushi 1480 yen Special pot pudding 600 yen Especially Chicago Pizza (1980 yen) is very satisfying because of its volume and appearance! The arrangement was beautiful and I felt particular about it! There are many types of drinks such as beer and sake, and the lineup is extensive! !! We had you flexibly respond to the request of surprise! The atmosphere was good in the large store, so I would like to use it for banquets as well! Thank you very much! !!
おきあがり on Google

このお店、悪い意味でやばいです。 3日前から食べログでディナー予約していたのですが、当日の昼に電話がかかってきて「席がいっぱいでその時間は無理です」との一方的な通達。電話予約とネット予約がろくに管理できていないらしく、ダブルブッキングで急遽店を探す羽目になりました。 幸い電話に出れたので他をあたれましたが、電話にも気づかず、そのまま店に行っていたらと思うとゾッとします、、、 このお店を予約される方は、店側からのドタキャンを考えておいた方がいいと思います。
This shop is bad in a bad way. I had made a dinner reservation in Tabelog from 3 days ago, but I received a phone call at noon on the day and unilaterally said, "The seats are full and that time is impossible." It seems that telephone reservations and online reservations cannot be managed easily, so I hurriedly searched for a store by double booking. Fortunately, I was able to answer the phone, so I hit another one, but I was horrified to think that I would go to the store as it was without noticing the phone. Those who make a reservation for this shop should consider the slapstick from the shop side.
りぃママ on Google

前菜2種に、ポテト、サラダは普通。日替わりカルパッチョはカツオのたたき。 ピザはチーズが濃厚で美味しかったけど、メインの「雪崩チーズフォンデュ」予約メニューではサラダも備え付けられてたけど、実際はなし。ローストビーフに全く伸びることもないチーズ。チーズ好きが行くと残念な料理に一口の寒天デザート。正直このコースかなりガッカリしました。飲み放題で税込み約4000円。高いだけ。
Two appetizers, potatoes and salad are normal. The daily carpaccio is bonito flakes. The pizza was rich in cheese and delicious, but the main "Avalanche Cheese Fondue" reservation menu included a salad, but in reality it wasn't. Cheese that never grows into roast beef. A bite of agar dessert is a disappointing dish for cheese lovers. To be honest, I was quite disappointed with this course. All-you-can-drink is about 4000 yen including tax. Only expensive.

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