Grill Koya - Kitaazumi District

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Grill Koya

住所 :

2 5629, Hokujo, Hakuba, Kitaazumi District, Nagano 399-9301, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 399-9301
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM

2 5629, Hokujo, Hakuba, Kitaazumi District, Nagano 399-9301, Japan
kozu on Google

2021/2 白馬村で評判の洋食屋さんに訪店。 昨晩はホテルにてイタリアンのフルコースを食べ酒をたくさん飲んだ為、胃のコンディションは今一つだった。 オムライスが特に人気があるようなので、先ずはベーシックなトマトソースのオムライスを注文。 ついでにアイスコーヒーも。 開店と同時に来た為か、とても静かで落ち着いた雰囲気の店内。 コロナ対策もしっかりとしていて安心。 アイスコーヒーを飲みながら暫し待つ。 オムライスが到着。 結構ボリュームがある感じ。 スプーンを入れると中はサフランライス。 香りが良い。 一口食べると想像以上に美味。 トマトソースのサッパリとしているが豊かな味わいとサフランライスの香り、ふわふわの卵の食感。 胃のコンディションの心配を他所に、気が付けば完食。 オムライスなのにサラサラと食べられて、まるで飲み物の様だ(褒め言葉) もう少し何か食べたいと思い、チーズリゾットを注文。 サイズはSにして貰いました。 チーズリゾットは濃厚なのに後味がサッパリ。 最初は何もかかっていない部分から食べ進め、後からブラックペッパー、ペペロンオイルの部分を加えつつ味の変化を楽しみつつこれも完食。 【感想】 店の雰囲気と店員さんの接客の良さ、オムライスとチーズリゾットは勿論だが、サラダも自家製のドレッシングを使っていて美味しかった。 ランチドリンクのコーヒーも300円という値段でこの品質はとても良い。 また白馬に休暇で来る時はぜひ立ち寄らせて頂きます。 ご馳走様でした!
2021/2 Visited a popular Western-style restaurant in Hakuba Village. I ate a full-course Italian meal at the hotel last night and drank a lot of alcohol, so my stomach was not in good condition. Omelet rice seems to be particularly popular, so I ordered the basic tomato sauce omelet rice first. Also iced coffee. The interior is very quiet and has a calm atmosphere, probably because it came at the same time as the store opened. Corona measures are also solid and safe. Wait for a while while drinking iced coffee. Omelet rice arrives. It feels quite voluminous. Put a spoon and the inside is saffron rice. It has a nice scent. Eating a bite is more delicious than you can imagine. The refreshing but rich taste of tomato sauce, the aroma of saffron rice, and the texture of fluffy eggs. If you notice that you are worried about your stomach condition elsewhere, you will have a complete meal. Even though it's omelet rice, it's eaten smoothly and it's like a drink (praise) I wanted to eat something a little more, so I ordered cheese risotto. I got the size S. The cheese risotto is rich but has a refreshing aftertaste. At first, start eating from the part where nothing is applied, and then add the black pepper and peperon oil parts while enjoying the change in taste and complete the meal. [Impression] The atmosphere of the restaurant, the good customer service of the clerk, the omelet rice and cheese risotto, of course, but the salad was also delicious with homemade dressing. The coffee for lunch drink is also very good quality at a price of 300 yen. Also, when you come to Hakuba on vacation, we will definitely stop by. It was a treat!
淑子 on Google

白馬に紅葉を見に訪れました。 ランチは口コミ評価が高かった、こちらのお店に決めて来ました。 この日はオムライスのデミグラスソースとチーズリゾットをオーダーしました。 オムライスのライスはサフラン(?)を使って炒めてありアクセントになっています。デミグラスソースは濃厚でとても美味しかったです。 チーズリゾットもチーズたっぷりで上にちょっぴり辛いペペロンチーノソースが掛かっていてチーズのまろやかさの中にアクセントになって、こちらもとても美味しかったです。 白馬に来た時は、また来たいと思います。 美味しいランチありがとうございました。
I visited Hakuba to see the autumn leaves. I decided to go to this restaurant for lunch, which was highly rated by word of mouth. On this day, I ordered omelet rice demiglace sauce and cheese risotto. Omelet rice is fried with saffron (?) And is an accent. The demiglace sauce was rich and very delicious. The cheese risotto was also full of cheese and had a slightly spicy peperoncino sauce on top, which accentuated the mellowness of the cheese, which was also very delicious. When I come to Hakuba, I would like to come again. Thank you for a delicious lunch.
Taeko on Google

コロナ対策しっかりされていて安心です 明太子クリームスパゲッティとチョコレートケーキ、とても美味しいかったです ベルギーチョコも売っていて、テーブルで食べることもできます
Corona measures are solid and safe. Mentaiko cream spaghetti and chocolate cake were very delicious. Belgian chocolate is also on sale and you can eat it at the table.
tt on Google

お昼をどこで食べようかと迷っていたところ、snow peakに行く途中に通ったことを思い出し伺いました。 店内はテーブルとカウンターで、あまり広くはありません。 メニューを見て、スパゲッティにオムライスにリゾットにと、大好きなものだらけで迷いに迷って、デミグラスソースのオムライスに決めました。 ミニサラダが付くのも嬉しかったです。 オムライスは結構ボリュームがあって、ふわとろの卵とデミグラスソースが最高の組み合わせで、とても美味しかったです。 遠いのでなかなか伺うことはできませんが、また白馬に来ることがあれば是非違うメニューも食べに来てみたいです!
When I was wondering where to eat lunch, I remembered that I went on the way to Snow Peak. The inside of the store is not very large with tables and counters. Looking at the menu, I decided to use omelet rice with demiglace sauce because I was at a loss because I was full of my favorite things, such as spaghetti, omelet rice, and risotto. I was also happy to have a mini salad. The omelet rice was quite voluminous, and the combination of fluffy eggs and demiglace sauce was very delicious. It's so far away that I can't easily ask, but if I come to Hakuba again, I definitely want to come and try a different menu!
tommy hi on Google

遠出した帰り道、ふらりと立ち寄ったのですが口コミ評価通りの素晴らしいお店でした。 パスタ2品とも絶品。マイルドなクリーム系も和風ツナも本当に美味しい! パスタは全てスープパスタなのですが、全種類食べたいと思いました! リゾットもオムライスも凄く惹かれます✨ デザートに頼んだチョコレートケーキも当然の事ながら美味しかったです。注文してからかけてくれる手作りチョコソースが最高でした。 来店前に近所のお風呂屋さんに行っていたので着席時に出してくださったお水を飲み干してしまっておかわりをお願いしようかと思っていたら、先に気付いて下さってポットに入れたお水をお持ち下さいました。なんて素敵な方なんだろうと感動です。 今度は「グリルこうや」さんを目的地に予定を組むことにします! ご馳走様でした❤
On the way home from a long trip, I stopped by casually, but it was a wonderful shop according to the word-of-mouth evaluation. Both pasta dishes are excellent. The mild cream and Japanese tuna are really delicious! All pasta is soup pasta, but I wanted to eat all kinds! Both risotto and omelet rice are very attractive ✨ The chocolate cake I ordered for dessert was naturally delicious. The handmade chocolate sauce that was served after ordering was the best. I went to a bathhouse in the neighborhood before coming to the store, so if I was thinking of drinking the water that was given to me when I was seated and asking for a replacement, please notice it first and put the water in the pot. I brought it. I'm impressed with how wonderful he is. This time, I will make a schedule with "Grill Koya" as the destination! It was a treat ❤
Lisa Cunningham on Google

Cute little place. Was warm and cosy. The service was very good. Had delicious omurice for lunch and saw some people with the desserts which also looked great.
Bee Scott on Google

Lovely local restaurant just outside of Hakuba town. Tasty pasta and soup dishes which are homemade and fresh. They also offer vegetarian options. Beers also on offer. Would recommend ??
Namfia Leung on Google

it is in the middle of winter, everywhere is packed, this place is packed but nice and quiet. I was going there for the omurice but I like the cheese curry rice better. And apparently you need to make reservations if your group is more than 4 people and they don't serve family with kids. ?????

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