Green Coast - Nakano City

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Green Coast

住所 :

スカイテル21 3 Chome-40-31 Nakano, Nakano City, Tokyo 164-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 164-0001
Webサイト :

スカイテル21 3 Chome-40-31 Nakano, Nakano City, Tokyo 164-0001, Japan
あべなみ on Google

There are many nice flowers!
夜桜ぷりん on Google

A very stylish florist! There are so many different types of (・ ∀ ・) like!
斎藤礼子 on Google

予約を忘れられて店が閉まってました。 時間もギリギリだったので花を諦めました。 予約管理をしっかりしてほしいです。
The store was closed because I forgot my reservation. As time was at the last minute, I gave up flowers. I want you to secure reservation management.
kei k on Google

煙草臭い店です。 店員は外で煙草を吸っているようですが、贈る花の香りが台無しです。また、目の前は禁煙道路です。 すぐ駅側の通りにも花屋があるので、ここを利用する理由はないです。
It is a tobacco smell shop. The clerk seems to be smoking outside, but the fragrance of the flower to give is ruined. There is a non-smoking road in front of you. There is also a florist on the street immediately near the station, so there is no reason to use this.
R Y on Google

A male clerk smokes on the street outside, so every time I pass in front of the store, it smells like cigarettes. The exact opposite of the flower shop's image.
竹中信治 on Google

Although it is a little out of the way, it is a feeling that you can arrange good flowers that are not crowded.
haru tukachan on Google

グリーンコースト スマホ検索して、初めて購入しました。 こんな所にお花屋さん?って感じのおしゃれなお花屋さん。知人の犬が亡くなり、アレンジのお花を、友人の分と2つお願いしました。希望通りブルー系とオレンジ系の素敵なお花で、知人もとても喜んでくれました。 お店の方もすごく感じのいい方で、オススメお花屋さんです。
Green coast We searched for smartphone and purchased for the first time. Is this a flower shop? A fashionable flower shop. An acquaintance's dog died and asked for two flowers for the arrangement. The nice blue and orange flowers, as I hoped, made my acquaintance very happy. The shop is also very nice and recommended flower shop.
枝豆ピノコ on Google

100均で買ったサボテン?を詰め替えて貰ったが土の代金、(容器は持参)、手間賃で1000円以上取られた。正直高かったと思う。 そして他のユーザーがコメントしている様に花屋なのにタバコを吸って外で仕事してる。大きな灰皿や溢れたシケモクが道に落ちている。
I got a refill of the cactus ? that I bought for 100 yen, but the price of the soil (bring the container) and the labor cost were 1000 yen or more. To be honest, I think it was expensive. And as other users have commented, even though it's a flower shop, I smoke and work outside. Large ashtrays and overflowing shikemoku are falling on the road.

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