Gotokensetsu ONEST HOME Gifu Carpentry - Gifu

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Gotokensetsu ONEST HOME Gifu Carpentry

住所 :

1 Chome-153 Akutamisaga, Gifu, 501-3146, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 501-3146
Webサイト :

1 Chome-153 Akutamisaga, Gifu, 501-3146, Japan
佐野大介 on Google

きゃらあんず on Google

和田直樹 on Google

Kouichi Ando on Google

良心的な工務店だと思います。 全国ネットの大手のような感じではなく 近所のちょっと融通のきく工務店と言った感じです。 私はアリだと思います。
I think that it is a conscientious construction shop. It is not like a major nationwide network It is a feeling that said it was a slightly versatile construction company in the neighborhood. I think that it is ant.
新野泰久 on Google

I became indebted two years ago. My house's dream came true that even the house maker made it possible to say that it was impossible.
後藤美代 on Google

2年前にお世話になりました!造作でキッチンカウンターや洗面、トイレも自分達の希望通りに作っていただき、私の下手な想像図案が現実に! 断熱もバッチリです。
It became indebted two years ago! With kitchen counter, washstand and toilet made by ourselves as we wish, and my poorly imagined design reality! Insulation is also perfect.
Masakazu Tanaka on Google

仕事の関係で大変お世話になりました。 アットホームで皆さん感じの良い方で親身に相談に乗ってくださり大変助かりました。 今後も機会があればご相談させて頂きたいと思います!
Thank you very much for your work. It was very helpful to have a friendly and friendly consultation with everyone at home. I would like to consult with you if there is an opportunity in the future!
杉本貴英 on Google

大満足です!! とても親身に相談に乗っていただき、かゆいところに手が届くとは正にこの事だと実感させていただきました。 とにかく人柄が良く温かい方達で本当にお願いして良かったです。 友人や知人にも自信を持って進められます!
I'm very satisfied! !! I was very kind to consult with them and realized that it was exactly this that I could reach the itchy place. Anyway, I'm glad to ask the warm people who have good personality. You can proceed with confidence to your friends and acquaintances!

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