Gotanno Central Acupuncture - Adachi City

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Gotanno Central Acupuncture

住所 :

1 Chome-27-1 Kodo, Adachi City, Tokyo 120-0013, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 120-0013
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–2PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM

1 Chome-27-1 Kodo, Adachi City, Tokyo 120-0013, Japan
江守悦子 on Google

院内もきれいで、清潔さを感じます! スタッフの方々も親切で優しい対応で、気持ち良く、通院できてます。痛めた膝も快方に向かっています。
The hospital is also clean and I feel clean! The staff are also kind and kind, and I feel comfortable going to the hospital. The injured knee is also improving.
W I on Google

とてもキレイな整骨院です。 以前からベッドの消毒もしっかりとされていましたが、今回のコロナ渦でさらに衛生対策を徹底して感染予防をされているので安心して通わせて頂いています。スタッフの皆さんもとても親切で私の癒し場所です。
It is a very beautiful osteopathic clinic. Beds have been thoroughly disinfected for a long time, but with the corona vortex this time, hygiene measures have been further taken to prevent infection, so I am relieved to pass. All the staff are very kind and it is a healing place for me.
Y U on Google

I have been taking care of me for about 10 years since my childhood. I often get injured because I play sports, but I am treated every time. The staff, including the director, are kind, polite and wonderful. The family and my mother and sister are all taking care of us. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
樫村淳一 on Google

新店舗に移転して一年。前にも増して患者に寄り添った治療を有り難うございます。 我が家では家族5人がお世話になっております。 特に今は中学野球に明け暮れる息子にとって無くてはならない存在です。 怪我なく中学野球が終えられる様,これからも宜しくお願い致します
It's been a year since I moved to a new store. Thank you for the treatment that is closer to the patient than ever before. At home, five family members are taking care of us. Especially, nowadays, he is an indispensable existence for his son who spends his time playing junior high school baseball. Thank you for your continued support so that you can finish junior high school baseball without injury.
みどり on Google

When I had a backache that I couldn't walk, when I couldn't turn my neck, and when my knees couldn't bend, I was healed. I still have pain in my right arm, but it's getting better. You can leave it to us with confidence.
箕尾明聖 on Google

普段はあまりこういった類の口コミはしませんが、私と同じように腰痛や体の不調で悩まれている方々のご参考になればと思い書かせて戴きます。 まずこちらの医院は圧倒的な清潔空間をキープされています。空気が違います。地域の他の医院と比べても清潔レベルの次元が違いますね。コロナ関連の対策も考えられる予防対策は全てされているように感じます。またこれに関して、もの凄く勉強熱心な姿勢にも驚かされます。 もちろん接骨、整体の技術も高く、私からすると先生方がある意味『職人』のように見えます。他の医院では毎回違う痛みの症状でも施術の仕方は毎回同じ。。。という経験をしましたが、こちらではその時々の症状にあわせて最適な施術を施して戴けます。なので回復が早い。ただ、その為には自身の症状をきちんと細かく伝える必要があります。 また通院時以外にどれだけセルフケアが出来ているかという点も実は重要なポイントですが先生方がとても丁寧に親切に教えてくださいます。患者さんが通院しなくても済むようにと患者さんの事を第一に考えていなければこのようなアドバイスは戴けないのかなと感じます。 おそらく多くの方が間違った解釈をされていると思いますが、急性、慢性に関わらず一回だけの通院で治る事なんてそうそう無いです。なので長く通う事を考えたら清潔で技術の高い医院の方が良くないですか? 皆さまの駆け込み寺となりますように。長々と大変失礼致しました。
I don't usually do this kind of word-of-mouth, but I would like to write it as a reference for people who are suffering from back pain and physical discomfort like me. First of all, this clinic keeps an overwhelmingly clean space. The air is different. Compared to other clinics in the area, the level of cleanliness is different. I feel that all preventive measures, including corona-related measures, have been taken. I am also amazed at the enthusiastic attitude of studying in this regard. Of course, he has high skills in osteopathy and manipulative treatment, and from my point of view, the teachers look like "craftsmen" in a sense. At other clinics, the procedure is the same every time, even if the pain symptoms are different each time. .. .. I had the experience, but here you can perform the optimal treatment according to the symptom at that time. So recovery is quick. However, for that purpose, it is necessary to convey one's symptoms in detail. Also, the point of how much self-care you can do other than when you go to the hospital is actually an important point, but the teachers are very polite and kind. I feel that I can't get this kind of advice unless I think about the patient first so that the patient does not have to go to the hospital. Perhaps many people have misinterpreted it, but it is unlikely that it will be cured by a single visit, whether acute or chronic. So if you think about going for a long time, isn't it better to have a clean and highly skilled clinic? May it be your last-minute temple. I'm very sorry for the long time.
etsu on Google

I have been undergoing a stoop correction, but the stiff shoulders that I had been suffering from for many years have been alleviated. Other than stiff shoulders, after the treatment, my body is light and in good condition, so I continue. In addition to changes in physical condition, my posture has improved and I have been praised more often these days. The round back looks old, so it seems to be good for rejuvenation. Kyphosis correction is recommended.
yoshie on Google

1ヶ月ほど週二回、猫背矯正の治療でお世話になっております。 口コミ通り、とても清潔感で朝早い時間は待ち時間なくすぐに見てくださいます。 お陰さまで腕の痺れは取れ、肩甲骨の動きも良くなりました。あれほど辛かった痺れがなくなり、同じように苦しんでいる方はぜひ治療を お勧めいたします。ありがとうございました。
I am indebted to the treatment for stoop correction twice a week for about a month. As the word of mouth says, it's very clean and you can see it immediately in the early hours without waiting. Thanks to that, the numbness of my arms has been removed and the movement of my shoulder blades has improved. If you are suffering from the same painful numbness, please treat it. I recommend it. Thank you very much.

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