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Contact パーソナルトレーニングジムGOSIN

住所 :

Senrioka, Settsu, 〒566-0001 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
Webサイト : https://gosin.net/
街 : Osaka

Senrioka, Settsu, 〒566-0001 Osaka,Japan
M Y on Google

こんなダメダメな私でも続けられます! 運動嫌いで、GOSINさんに来るまで運動らしい運動はしたことがなく、体験トレーニングの後、経験したことないほどの筋肉痛になり(トレーナーさん曰く大したことはしてなかったらしいですが?)、私にはパーソナルトレーニングなんて絶対無理!!と思ったものの、今始めないでいつするの!?、このままでは私は一生筋肉とは無縁の身体になる?、将来寝たきりやん?!と意を決して入会したのが2年前の夏! 最初の頃はトレーニング後は毎回筋肉痛でしたし、一人では絶体続けられないけど、トレーナーさんの「○○さんなら出来る!」の言葉に励まされ、出来なかったことがどんどん出来るようになり、今ではトレーニングに行くことが心身共に気持ちよく楽しいです☺ ほんと、あの時、勇気を出して入会してよかったと思います。 これからも宜しくお願いします。
I can continue even if I am such a bad person! I hate exercising, and I haven't exercised like exercising until I came to GOSIN, and after the experience training, I had muscle pain that I had never experienced (Trainer said he didn't do much ?). Personal training is absolutely impossible for me! !! I thought, but when do you do it without starting now! ?? , I will be a body that has nothing to do with muscles for the rest of my life ?, I will be bedridden in the future ?! It was the summer two years ago that I never joined! At the beginning, I had muscle pain every time after training, and I can't keep going by myself, but I was encouraged by the trainer's words, "Mr. XX can do it!", And I can do more and more things I couldn't do. , Now it's fun to go to training both physically and mentally ☺ I'm really glad I took the courage to join the club at that time. Thank you for your continued support.
yyy on Google

産後15kg以上太った状態から、筋肉を付けながら健康的に痩せてもう一度ダンスを趣味で始めたいと、体験の門をたたきました。 正直、始めは少し値段が高いかなと思いましたが、思い切って飛び込んでみると、それだけの価値が確実にありました。ストレッチからマシンやダンベルを使ったトレーニング、自宅でできるトレーニング、食事指導まで、一対一でしっかり向き合って下さり、妊娠出産で自分の想像以上に衰えた筋肉を活性化させながら、10kg近く痩せることが出来ました。今は自分でオープンジムに行きながら、定期的にこちらのパーソナルでフォームの修正や細かな筋肉への効かせ方等を教えて頂いています。 パーソナルトレーニングだと先生がニコニコしながら「あと5回!」等と励ましてくださるので、一人でのトレーニングでは出来ない限界を突破することが出来ます。生活や体型の悩みをポジティブに相談できるのも、ありがたいです。幼児連れで行くときもあるのですが、うまく子供を誘導しながらしっかりトレーニングをして頂けます。 お店はおしゃれで、壁の色やインテリアで癒されながら元気が出ます。下半身トレーニングをした日は、脚がガクガクなので、帰りにお店の外の階段を降りるのが大変ですが、それだけ効いたと信じています笑。
From the state of being over 15 kg after giving birth, I wanted to lose weight while gaining muscles and start dancing again as a hobby, so I hit the gate of the experience. To be honest, I thought it was a little expensive at first, but when I took the plunge, it was definitely worth it. From stretching to training with machines and dumbbells, training that you can do at home, dietary guidance, you can face each other firmly one-on-one, and you can lose nearly 10 kg while activating muscles that have weakened more than you imagined due to pregnancy and childbirth. it is complete. Now, while going to the open gym by myself, I am regularly taught this personal form correction and how to apply it to fine muscles. With personal training, the teacher smiles and encourages you to say "5 more times!", So you can break through the limits that cannot be achieved by training alone. I am grateful to be able to positively discuss my life and physical problems. Sometimes I go with an infant, but you can train well while guiding the child well. The shop is fashionable, and the color of the walls and the interior will heal you while you feel energized. On the day I trained my lower body, my legs were jerky, so it was difficult to go down the stairs outside the store on my way home, but I believe it worked.
yuka on Google

自己流でダイエットを始めて体重が停滞してましたが、GOSINに通い始めて4ヶ月で体重6kg、体脂肪率7%減らすことができました。 トレーニングはもちろん、食事のアドバイスが素晴らしいです!もともと甘いものが大好きでほぼ毎日食べていた私ですが、GOSINに通い始めて健康を意識した食生活を送ることができるようになりました。外食先でも選ぶメニューもすっかり変わりました。むしろ食べる量は増えたので、全く辛くなかったです! トレーニングに関しても会話をしながら楽しくできます。子育てとフルタイムの仕事に追われる日々ですが、トレーニングに行くのが楽しみでストレス解消にもなりました(笑) 駅から近いのもいいですよね(^^) トレーニング+食事アドバイスでこの値段だととてもコスパがいいと思います!
I started dieting on my own and my weight was stagnant, but in 4 months after I started going to GOSIN, I was able to lose 6 kg of weight and 7% of body fat percentage. Not to mention training, dietary advice is great! Originally I loved sweets and ate them almost every day, but since I started going to GOSIN, I have become able to have a healthy diet. The menu you choose at the restaurant has changed completely. Rather, I ate more, so it wasn't spicy at all! You can also enjoy training while having a conversation. I'm busy raising children and working full-time, but I'm looking forward to going to training and it's also stress-relieving (laughs). It's nice to be close to the station (^^) I think that cospa is very good at this price with training + meal advice!
ミオ on Google

GOSINに通うようになって、早4年が過ぎました。 ダイエット目的で通い始めましたが、今では身体だけでなく、メンタルも整えてもらうようになっています(笑) パーソナルジムということで、2歳の娘を連れて行くこともありましたが、快く受け入れて下さり、親子共々居心地の良い環境でトレーニングすることができました。 子育て中のママにとって、ジム通いは難しいですが、こちらのパーソナルジムですと、他のお客さんに気を遣う事もないですし、トレーナーさんも優しい方ばかりなので、子連れでも通いやすいと思います。 極端な食事制限、激しい運動、で痩せるのではなく、適切な食事と適度な運動をすれば痩せるという、正しい知識を教えて下さるので、退会した後もその知識を以てして、自分で体重のコントロールをすることが可能です。 私の担当トレーナーさんは、講座を受講したり、本を読んだりして、運動や栄養学などの知識のアップデートをしようと常に努力し続けています。 一緒に歩んでくれるジムを探している方にはGOSINはピッタリだと思います。
It's already been four years since I started attending GOSIN. I started going on a diet for the purpose of dieting, but now I'm getting mentally prepared as well as my body (laughs). Since it was a personal gym, I sometimes took my 2-year-old daughter with me, but she was willing to accept me and I was able to train in a comfortable environment for both parents and children. It is difficult for moms who are raising children to go to the gym, but at this personal gym, there is no need to worry about other customers, and the trainers are all kind, so I think it is easy to go with children. He will teach you the correct knowledge that you will lose weight if you eat properly and exercise moderately instead of losing weight due to extreme dietary restrictions and strenuous exercise, so even after you withdraw from the membership, you can control your weight yourself. It is possible to do. My trainer is constantly striving to update his knowledge of exercise, nutrition, etc. by taking courses and reading books. I think GOSIN is perfect for those who are looking for a gym to walk with.
のりゆきさん〔P〕 on Google

I was unhealthy and weighed more than 100 kg, and even though I dieted on my own, I didn't lose weight at all, so I joined as a last resort. The trainer was very easy to talk to, and at the first interview, he taught me very politely and enthusiastically, such as setting the target weight and training and dietary policy for that. In the training, I was able to train with a sense of accomplishment every time with the positive voice of the trainer and the exquisite load that I could achieve at the last minute. In addition, he carefully checked the contents of each meal and gave appropriate advice. Then, the effect began to appear immediately after the start, and I lost weight at a pace of 1 kg per week, and finally succeeded in dieting 20 kg or more in less than half a year. Not only did I lose weight, but I was able to get a lean body that I couldn't imagine from my original body. It's been half a year since I graduated from GOSIN, but I haven't rebounded much yet, taking advantage of my training and dietary knowledge when I was instructed. I'm really glad that I took the plunge and joined at that time. GOSIN, I really recommend it.
島バナナ on Google

年々体重が右肩上がりになり、「ダイエットしなきゃ」が口ぐせになりました。 とは言うものの…朝食に菓子パン、おやつに スナック菓子、夕食後のデザートは毎回 食べる日々。その結果、健康診断での脂質代謝でD1(治療を行って下さい)判定。 さすがにこのままではいけない!という焦りと、意志の弱い私には自己流ダイエットは無理と思い、色々なジムやパーソナルトレーナーを検索し体験に行った結果、GOSINさんに決めました。 決め手は、価格がお得だったことや どの口コミも高評価だったこと。又、体験に 行った際のトレーナーさんの対応も勧誘する ギラギラ感もなく、ここなら信頼できると 思いました。 体重が下がらずに落ち込んだ時は励まし、 減らない理由を考えてアドバイスを言って くれたおかげで、痩せることが出来ました。 あの時、思い切ってこちらにお世話になり 本当に良かったです! トレーナーさんに感謝、感謝です! ありがとうございました。
Year after year, my weight increased, and I started to say "I have to go on a diet". That said ... for breakfast, sweet buns, and snacks Snacks and desserts after dinner every time Every day I eat. As a result, D1 (please treat) is judged by lipid metabolism in the medical examination. As expected, this should not be the case! I was impatient and thought that my own diet was impossible for me, so I searched various gyms and personal trainers and went to experience, and decided on GOSIN. The deciding factor was that the price was good All reviews were highly rated. Also, for the experience We also solicit the trainer's response when we go There is no glare, and you can trust it here thought. Encourage when you are depressed without losing weight, Give some advice, thinking about why it doesn't decrease I was able to lose weight because I was sick. At that time, take the plunge and take care of me It was really good! Thank you to the trainer! Thank you very much.
seri on Google

自己流で体重を落としてから、太らない体を作るために通い始めました。 最初は、仕事の終わりに行くのが辛くて、何回も辞めようかと思いましたが、行くといつも、やっぱり来てよかった❗️と思えました。 トレーナーさんは、筋力アップだけでなく、精神的面でも、的確なアドバイスをしてください。心も体も成長させてもらってます。 通い始めて五年になりますが、あっという間の五年です。 今は、趣味の登山を楽しむために、身体作りが楽しくなってます。 年齢に伴う体力、筋力低下をできるだけ防ぐように、さらに筋力アップできるように、これからも頑張ろうと思います。
After losing weight in my own way, I started going to build a lean body. At first, it was hard to go to the end of work, so I thought I would quit many times, but whenever I went, I was glad I came ❗️. The trainer should give you accurate advice not only for strengthening your muscles but also for your mental health. I have my mind and body grow. It's been five years since I started going, but it's been five years in no time. Now, I'm having fun building my body to enjoy mountaineering as a hobby. I will continue to do my best to prevent age-related weakness and weakness as much as possible, and to improve my strength.
A T on Google

これまでは自己流トレーニングと栄養管理の方法で、何度も失敗してきたボディメイクでしたが、こちらのGOSINジムに通い始めてから、適切なトレーニング方法や身体の動かし方、扱う重量や回数など、丁寧にご指導頂き、これまでのトレーニングでは得られなかった筋肉と自信がつき、ボディメイクの大会に出場するまでに至りました。 こちらのジムはただトレーニングをするだけではなく、しっかりと話を聞いて下さり、普段の日常生活から今後の生活の目標、将来の目標から逆算して、今どんなトレーニングや食事をすべきかなど、パーソナルトレーニングの枠を超えたトータルライフパートナーのような存在だと感じております。 今後も引き続き、宜しくお願い致します。
Until now, body makeup has failed many times due to self-training and nutrition management, but since I started going to this GOSIN gym, I have been polite about proper training methods, how to move my body, weight and number of times to handle. With the guidance of, I gained muscle and self-confidence that I could not get by training so far, and I came to participate in the body makeup competition. This gym does not just train, but listens carefully, and what kind of training and meals should be done now by calculating back from the daily life, future life goals, future goals, etc. I feel like a total life partner that goes beyond the boundaries of personal training. Thank you for your continued support.

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