
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼肉つる屋

住所 :

Goshogawara, 〒037-0041 Aomori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Aomori

Goshogawara, 〒037-0041 Aomori,Japan
成田えほ美 on Google

豚バラ・豚トロ・鶏ももの3種。サラダ&キムチも付いて食べ応え満点?の¥980→ワンコインランチ(500円)おススメ! ビジネス満腹ランチも財布に優しい☺
Three kinds of pork rose, pork toro, chicken thigh. Eat well with a salad and kimchi for ¥ 980 → One-coin lunch (¥ 500) is recommended! Business full lunch is also easy on your wallet ☺
koudai negami on Google

土曜日の夜に利用しました。 予約して行ったのにもかかわらず、水が出てきませんでした。 店員を呼ぶと「わかってますから!」とキレ気味に対応されました。 料理も注文してから提供されるまで30分は待ったでしょうか。 飲み物の追加を頼んでも提供されるまで10分はかかったと思います。 もう二度と利用しません。
I used it on a Saturday night. Even though I made my reservation, water did not come out. When I called a clerk, I was able to respond to the feeling of being crispy, "Because I know!" Did you wait 30 minutes for food to be served and served? I think it took 10 minutes to get it even though I asked for additional drinks. I will not use it again.
Sgt. Hartman on Google

他のユーザーの方々が投稿している写真には程遠く 肉は周りが黒く変色し、厚切りタンに至っては臭う始末、今まで行った焼肉屋さんの中では残念ながらダントツ最下位。酒も頼む度に量が違うし、店全体に元気がない。店は清潔で席は区切られてて雰囲気は良い。あんまり責めたくはないがあまりにも衝撃的だった
Far from the photos posted by other users The meat turns black around it, and the thick-sliced ​​tongue smells bad. Unfortunately, it is the lowest among the yakiniku restaurants I have visited. Every time I order sake, the amount is different, and the whole store is not healthy. The shop is clean and the seats are separated and the atmosphere is good. I don't want to blame it too much, but it was too shocking
とんじる on Google

I had it for a one coin lunch. The cospa for lunch is really good! I want to go again
Kobayashi naoto on Google

Eat fresh and valuable parts. It was delicious!
Soohyun Lee on Google

肉や料理が出るのは遅く、 スンドゥブ鍋は衝撃的な最悪な味でした。砂糖入れすぎではないでしょうか?
Meat and food come out late, Sundubu hot pot had a shocking and worst taste. Isn't it too much sugar?
ねこまんま on Google

2年ぶりに行きました。 ■新鮮レバー 土曜日限定。表面をさっと炙り、うっすら白くなったら食べ頃。焼き過ぎ厳禁。本当に新鮮。生臭さ無し。厚切りなので、ねっとりとした食感と濃厚さを味わえる。ごはんには合わない。やはり、酒。1人で1皿は、ちょっと胃にもたれた。 ■カルビ、中落ち 厚みもあり、食べ応えあり。 ■海老、ホタテ 新鮮。身がぷりぷり。殻を剥くとき、手が汚れるが、それでも食べたい一品。ホタテは貝殻ごと焼くので、水っぽくならず、凝縮した味。 ■ごはん並 半田屋の並ぐらい?まあまあ美味しい。 ■お会計 明朗会計。レシートにすべて金額が並ぶ。最後にもう一度、品数チェックもするので安心。最後に、お口直しの飴がパイン飴だった。懐かしい。
I went there for the first time in 2 years. ■ Fresh liver Saturday only. Quickly roast the surface, and when it becomes slightly white, it's time to eat. Do not overcook. Really fresh. No fishy smell. Because it is a thick slice, you can enjoy a sticky texture and richness. It doesn't go well with rice. After all, sake. One dish for one person leaned a little on the stomach. ■ Calvi, drop in the middle It is thick and has a satisfying taste. ■ Shrimp, scallops fresh. The body is plump. When I peel the shell, my hands get dirty, but I still want to eat it. Since the scallops are baked together with the shells, they do not become watery and have a condensed taste. ■ Same as rice Is it about the same as a solder shop? It's so delicious. ■ Accounting Happy accounting. All the amounts are lined up on the receipt. Finally, you can check the number of items again, so you can rest assured. Lastly, the candy that was retouched was pine candy. Nostalgic.
ひそらさん on Google

とってもリーズナブルでボリュームがありました? 豚のホホ肉とかイベリコ豚美味しかったです?
Very reasonable and voluminous ? The pork hoho meat and Iberian pork were delicious ?

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