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Contact 信濃川大河津資料館

住所 :

Gosengoku, Tsubame, 〒959-1200 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8979
Webサイト : https://www.hrr.mlit.go.jp/shinano/ohkouzu/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–4PM
Sunday 9AM–4PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 9AM–4PM
Wednesday 9AM–4PM
Thursday 9AM–4PM
Friday 9AM–4PM
街 : Niigata

Gosengoku, Tsubame, 〒959-1200 Niigata,Japan
上野和之 on Google

大河津分水の歴史を知ることができました。 大河津洗堰、大河津可動堰100周年カードを貰えました。
I was able to learn about the history of Ohkozu Diversion. I received the Ohkozu Diversion Weir and Ohkozu Movable Weir 100th Anniversary Card.
aki chi on Google

前々から気になっていた場所。 今回、やっと訪問出来ました。 駐車場は広く入館料は無料。 大河津分水に関して(治水)歴史や工事等が判りやすく展示されてます。 最上階は展望ロビーになっていて野鳥等も見る事が出来ます。 一見の価値有りでした。k
A place I was curious from before. I finally made a visit this time. Parking lot is wide, admission fee is free. About Oga-shitsu water (flood control) History and construction etc. are displayed in an easy-to-understand manner. The top floor is an observation lobby and you can see wild birds etc. It was worth a visit. k
かんれ on Google

大河津分水の歴史、成り立ち、役割等、分かりやすく資料、映像、タッチパネルで分かりやすく展示してあるため、充分に学ぶ事ができます。又、周りの公園、施設等の散策もできることや、越後平野や信濃川の風景の素晴らしさもあり飽きることが、ありません。 県内、県外の方を問わず、是非、訪れることをお薦めしたいです✨✴️✨
The history, history, and role of the Okawatsu diversion are displayed in an easy-to-understand manner with easy-to-understand materials, images, and touch panels, so you can fully learn. Also, you can walk around the surrounding parks and facilities, and the scenery of the Echigo Plain and Shinano River is wonderful and you will never get bored. I would definitely recommend to visit, regardless of whether you are in or outside the prefecture.
マツコ on Google

大河津分水は遠くから見たことありましたが、資料館があるってことで行って来ました✋ 歴史とかは苦手なので?ただ近くで見る大河津分水は凄かったー? 資料館の展望室から見た景色もキレイでした✨ 私はわりと信濃川に近い地区に住んでいて、今までにも大水で信濃川が溢れたのは何度か見てます? でも、この大河津分水が出来る前はもっと酷い水害に見舞われてたんですね??水の力は恐ろしい? 今回はお天気も良く、近くの山々が紅葉していたり鴨がたくさん居たりと、優しい信濃川を見れました? 資料館に行く手前の?️からは大河津分水の全体が見れました✨
I've seen the Ohkozu diversion from a distance, but I went there because there is a museum ✋ I'm not good at history ? The Ohkozu diversion just seen nearby was amazing ? The view from the observation room of the museum was also beautiful ✨ I live in a district relatively close to the Shinano River, and I have seen the Shinano River overflowing with flood water several times ? But Before this Ohkozu diversion, we were hit by more severe flood damage ?? The power of water is terrifying ? The weather was fine this time, and I could see the gentle Shinano River with the nearby mountains turning red and many ducks ? From ?️ before going to the museum, I could see the whole Ohkozu diversion ✨
Yuji Takahashi on Google

You may not be able to feel the history unless you look at it quite enthusiastically, but it seems that it is summarized so much that it seems impossible anymore. There were many things I didn't know, and I was impressed.
ヒサシ“もっちゃん” on Google

The elderly man at the counter was very happy to be treated carefully by the guests. There were a lot of things near the entrance and at the counter, but I felt a little cluttered. It's a pity that there were no impression notes or questionnaires. It was good that the exhibition was explained in relatively detail, especially the explanation of people's lives around the Edo period. Where did the earth and sand carried by the dump go? It is the progress of agricultural technology that has tripled the yield since the water flow, and it is not the yield but the yield rate that has increased due to the influence of the diversion channel. The question remained after visiting the site, such as why the main stream of the Shinano River was stable due to the construction of a waterway, but why the width and banks of the main stream were not increased, and the straightening (the rivers around Kanto and Nagoya are quite large). I learned that both great men, Aoyama and Miyamoto, are also related to the Iwabuchi Water Gate in my neighborhood. I wanted to go to the Arakawa Museum again.
不如帰 on Google

彌彦に行く途中に寄りましたが、無料で内外一時間かけて十分見て回れる良い所でした。2022年で100周年だそうで、手作りの栞や通水石ガチャ(¥100)などもありました。 ここから下流域に住んでいる人は分水の恩恵を享受しているので一度は見ておくべき施設だと思います。 丁度小学生低学年が見学に来ていて走り回ってるだけだったので、高学年のほうがよさげかな。。 分水建設当時は左岸の干潟を埋め立てたらしいですが、現在行われている河口の拡幅工事では右岸の農地に捨てているみたいです。その工事に関連する資料館もあるようです。
I stopped by on the way to Yahiko, but it was a good place to spend an hour inside and outside for free. It seems that 2022 will be the 100th anniversary, and there were also handmade shiori and water passage stone gacha (¥ 100). People living in the lower reaches from here are enjoying the benefits of diversion, so I think it is a facility that should be seen once. The lower grades of elementary school just came to the tour and just ran around, so the upper grades are better. .. It seems that the tidal flats on the left bank were reclaimed at the time of the construction of the diversion, but it seems that they are thrown away on the farmland on the right bank in the current widening work of the estuary. There seems to be a museum related to the construction.
Water Resource & Engineering (ජල තාක්ෂණය) on Google

We visited this place during the our master study in Japan..

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