Gokochi Dental Clinic

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Gokochi Dental Clinic

住所 :

Komachi, Naka Ward, 〒730-0041 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://www.gokochi-dc.com/
街 : Hiroshima

Komachi, Naka Ward, 〒730-0041 Hiroshima,Japan
らっぴさん on Google

物静かな先生だと思います。余計なことやプラスαは語りません。聞きたいことや疑問は患者側から聞きましょう。聞けばちゃんと答えてくれますよ。 あと、むやみに治療しません。ある程度悪くならない限り、様子見になります。この点、私的には良いですが、少しでも気になるところを徹底的に全部治したい人には向かないかも。 遅くまで開いてるのも良い。
I think it is a quiet teacher. I do not talk about extra things or plus α. Ask questions and questions from the patient side. If you ask me, I will answer properly. After, I will not cure it carelessly. Unless it gets worse to some extent, you will be watching. In this respect, it is good for me privately, but it may not be suitable for those who want to cure everything that matters even a little. It is good to be open till late.
山田由依 on Google

The staff is kind and nice! Whitening also turns white, so I'm looking forward to it every time!
ble no on Google

医師に質問すると、不機嫌になられる。 不安な点や治療方針を質問すると、めちゃくちゃ感じが悪く、明らかにイラッとしたというか怒りながら回答されました。 しかもちゃんと聞いてないのか、質問と回答が整合してないし。。。 歯は一生物ですし、こんな心に余裕のない歯医者にかかるのは恐ろしいと感じたのですぐに行くのをやめました。 今は優しく腕のいい歯医者にかかってます。 受付の方は感じが良かったので本当に残念ですが、こんな所にはもはや行きません。
Asking a doctor makes me sick. When I asked him about his anxiety and treatment policy, he felt uncomfortable and was clearly irritated or angry. Moreover, the question and answer are not consistent, perhaps because I haven't heard it properly. .. .. Teeth are a living thing, and I felt scared to see such a dentist who couldn't afford it, so I stopped going immediately. Now I have a gentle and good dentist. I'm really sorry that the receptionist felt good, but I don't go to such places anymore.
おおりん on Google

もう二度と行きません。 若い先生だったのですが、声が小さくて早口で、患者に説明するのを面倒くさいんだろうなぁという印象。質問すると不機嫌になる。まあ、腕が良いならいいかと割り切ったが、一本の根管治療で約1ヶ月かけても治せず、挙げ句の果には諦めて5万くらいかかる治療にするしかないと言われました。 ダメもとで加古町にある昔ながらの老人がやられてる歯医者に治療してもらうと、たったの一回の治療で完璧に治りました! 今までの時間、お金全て返してもらいたいです。
I will never go there again. I was a young teacher, but the impression is that the voice is small and it is fast-paced and it will be troublesome to explain to the patient. Asking questions makes me feel sick. Well, it was said to be good if the arm was good, but I was told that I could not cure it for about 1 month with a single root canal therapy, but I had to give up on the finish of the phrase and treat it as much as 50,000. When a dental clinic told by the dental doctor an old-fashioned old man in Kako-cho is damaged, he was completely healed with only one treatment! I would like my money back all the time.
二度漬チキンカツ on Google

静かな雰囲気の先生です。 初回はレントゲン撮影の後でカウンセリングがあり、今後の方針を一緒に決めていきました。 どこの歯がどうなっているか説明があるので治療方針がわかりやすいです。
A teacher with a quiet atmosphere. The first time there was counseling after the X-ray filming, and together we decided on future policies. The treatment policy is easy to understand because there is an explanation of which tooth is what.
Ben on Google

I had been going to the cleaning office on a regular basis, but the bleeding from my gums did not stop, and when I suddenly went to another dental clinic, I found some caries. If I knew that I had tooth decay, I had to decide whether to leave or treat it. If you go there, it's a good idea to ask about how much tooth decay and how far it progresses. I was glad that the tooth that I said was a carious tooth was treated so beautifully. Employees feel good.
エリイーナ on Google

他2件で断られた治療がこちらで完治。 非常に腕の良い歯医者です。 スタッフさんも親切でこれからも定期的に通いたいです。ホワイトニングは10件以上あちこちでやりましたがこちらが1番白くなり、持続時間も長かったです。
The treatment that was refused in the other two cases is completely cured here. A very good dentist. The staff are also kind and I would like to continue to attend regularly. I did more than 10 whitenings here and there, but this one was the whitest and lasted longer.
たた on Google

この歯科院長はインフォームドコンセントを全くしない金儲け主義の 詐欺歯科医院です!!絶対通うのはやめましょう!!100%健全歯を破壊され高額インプラント勧められますよ!!さらに前回した口コミがたった1日で削除されています!!他の患者も口コミしてますが、★1つの評価がこの医院の真実です!!騙されないで下さい!!
This dental director is a money-making principle who does not give informed consent at all It's a fraudulent dental clinic! !! Never go there! !! 100% healthy teeth are destroyed and expensive implants are recommended! !! In addition, the last review has been deleted in just one day! !! Other patients have also reviewed it, but one rating is the truth of this clinic! !! Don't be fooled! !!

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