夢の蔵 御器所店 - Nagoya

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 夢の蔵 御器所店

住所 :

Gokisotori, Showa Ward, Nagoya, 〒466-0015 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 466-0015
Webサイト : https://yumenokura-gokisoten.gorp.jp/
街 : Aichi

Gokisotori, Showa Ward, Nagoya, 〒466-0015 Aichi,Japan
鈴木喜久江 on Google

何度も行かせて頂きました。 料理は美味しい、いついっても、気さくな対応うれしいです。
I went many times. The food is delicious, and I'm glad that it's friendly and friendly.
shun爺 on Google

Fish is delicious. As big fish come out, it is good to ask one by one.
00 “‪00ぐんぐん00‬” 00 on Google

It was a good shop!
nemo on Google

居酒屋メニューですが、クオリティ高くて美味い! 一番の魅力は、品薄の竹鶴がななんと3990円でボトルキープ出来ることです。しかも期間は6カ月。お得ですよねー。
It's an izakaya menu, but the quality is high and delicious! The most attractive thing is that you can keep the shortage of bamboo cranes in a bottle for 3990 yen. Moreover, the period is 6 months. It's a great deal, isn't it?
松岡浩樹 on Google

カマ焼きと日本酒を最初に頼んで カマ焼きの美味しさにびっくりしました。 日本酒も種類がある程度あって店内も落ち着いている雰囲気で料理を楽しむことができました。 御器所には休みの日にたまに行くくらいなのでまたいつか行きたいなと思えるお店です!
Ask Kama Yaki and Sake first I was surprised at the deliciousness of Kama-yaki. I could enjoy cooking in a relaxed atmosphere with some types of sake. It is a shop that you will want to visit again sometime because you go to the Imperial Palace occasionally on a holiday!
1300 Kaz on Google

I made a telephone reservation in June, 2019 and went on Sunday. It seems that it is not dense and the inside of the store is ventilated and corona measures are taken. In front of the corona, it is used almost every weekday, and when the store manager is there, he seems to be busy with reservations for the banquet, and when there is no store manager on Monday, there seems to be no banquet or customers (currently it is closed on Monday). I'm drinking alone at the end of the counter, but I think it's pretty easy for one person to stay alone. In addition to the permanent menu, there are plenty of sashimi and seasonal items so you won't get bored. At the same time, there are quite a few drink menus from glasses to bottles. There is almost no mistake in the menu, but you may need to be careful when there is no general, grilled fish etc. ¡
フナマサ on Google

Mainly Japanese food, but the food is delicious and there is a moat kotatsu style tatami room with counters and kaiseki cuisine. If you are a member, there is a discount system, and the bottles are also available at a reasonable price for a limited time, so if you keep them, you can use them for a good value.
keizi asakura on Google

料理の単価は大衆店と比べて150円くらい高いかなあという印象(最近は安い店が多いですからね)その分落ち着いた大人のお客さんが多くて、雰囲気はいいです。 メニュー内容は普通の居酒屋さんぽいです。 大人が多い宴会なんかで真価を発揮するお店だと思います。
I have the impression that the unit price of food is about 150 yen higher than that of popular restaurants (because there are many cheap restaurants these days), so there are many adult customers who are calm and the atmosphere is good. The menu content is like an ordinary izakaya. I think it's a shop that shows its true value at banquets with many adults.

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