ヒノマル 五井店

2.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ヒノマル 五井店

住所 :

Goichuonishi, Ichihara, 〒290-0081 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–11PM
Sunday 10AM–11PM
Monday 10AM–11PM
Tuesday 10AM–11PM
Wednesday 10AM–11PM
Thursday 10AM–11PM
Friday 10AM–11PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Goichuonishi, Ichihara, 〒290-0081 Chiba,Japan
西澤雄一 on Google

とにかく土曜日は全然出さない❗日曜日は遊べる程度。 もう日の丸には幾ら注ぎ込んだか分からない‼️
Anyway, it doesn't come out on Saturday at all ❗ I can play on Sunday. I don't know how much I poured into the Hinomaru anymore! ️
H K on Google

ここでジャグラー打ってるやつの気が知れんわ。低設定頑張って回してる。そもそもアイムが腐ってるところで、他のスペックで入れてるわけないな。二度と来ない。 島の3分の2は間違いなく、下の設定の据え置き事故台。ここで4千枚出たら教えて。 あと小役数えたらすぐバレるよwww まぁお客さま大事にしな。今後間違いなく潰れるお店候補やね。
I don't know the guy who is hitting the juggler here. I'm trying my best to set it low. In the first place, I'm rotten, so I can't put it in with other specs. I will never come again. Two-thirds of the island is undoubtedly a deferred accident table in the setting below. Please let me know if you get 4,000 copies here. If you count the small roles, you'll soon find out www Well, take good care of your customers. It's definitely a store candidate that will collapse in the future.
はな on Google

After stopping, when the elderly sit down, they will hit the store! ️ The clerk is talking with a microphone and wandering around ... ? Are you saying that you shouldn't let that customer hit you?
噴上裕也 on Google

負けてる雑魚の口コミが見るに耐えない 出ないのは店が絞ってるのもあり、釘がキツイのもあるかもしれんが、設定が何であろうと引けばええだけの話やん 悪いのは負けてるお前らやで
I can't stand to see the reviews of losing small fish The store may be narrowing down the items that don't appear, and the nails may be tough, but no matter what the setting is, it's just a matter of pulling. The bad ones are you guys who are losing
円環のSyano on Google

Basically, it's a store that feels like it's enough to win a little. It feels like it's okay to win a few thousand yen for pachinko and slots that end up being drunk normally. Well, it's a little better than the No. 16 Cyber ​​and Sunshine.
調査人 on Google

最低ランク★0です。 本当に頑張ってる業界に大変失礼です。 この店は中間、高設定は確実に無いです。 知り合いから口頭でラウンドして煽ってたとの事ですがデータ見てると悲惨な状況です。 全体を見ると1→1リセット(極稀) これの繰り返しです。 平日は1のみ据え置きだけの為 一撃で出た場合は確実に即辞めをお勧めします。 甘い機種に関しては 導入時から有利区間点灯据え1のみです。 台も開けてません。 全くやる気ありません。 この店の営業方針は回収のみですね。 全国トップクラスで極悪店です。 権利物は普段玉ががりしない所でします。 まず整備者が下手です。 パチンコは異常に回りません。 遊タイムは全ラムクリしてます。 してないのもあると情報があり 内部不正の可能性が大です。 何故ピーワールドでデータ公開を推してるのか…皆さん騙されないように また、設定カバー壊れてるのに動かしてます。北斗の時はセロハン エウレカの時は…致命的です。 普通は止めますよ。 中間、高設定を使用して無いので最新台も既に空台です。 最新台は大量に購入してます。 駅前で仕方なく行ってる人もいると思います。自分達だけプラスになってても意味がありません。皆で本気で追い込みましょう
The lowest rank is 0. I'm very rude to the industry that is really working hard. This store is definitely not in the middle or high setting. I heard from an acquaintance that I was verbally rounding and fanning, but looking at the data, it is a dire situation. Looking at the whole, 1 → 1 reset (extremely rare) This is a repetition. Because only 1 is deferred on weekdays If you hit it with a single blow, we definitely recommend you to quit immediately. For sweet models From the time of introduction, it is only the advantageous section lighting stationary 1. I can't open the table either. I have no motivation. The business policy of this store is only collection. It is one of the top-class and villainous stores in Japan. The right thing is usually in a place where the ball does not go up. First of all, the maintenance person is not good. Pachinko does not turn abnormally. The play time is all rambling. There is information that there is not There is a high possibility of internal fraud. Why are you pushing for data disclosure at P-World ... Don't be fooled by everyone Also, the setting cover is broken, but I'm moving it. Cellophane at the time of Hokuto At Eureka ... it's deadly. I usually stop. Since the middle and high settings are not used, the latest platform is already empty. I bought a lot of the latest units. I think there are people who have no choice but to go in front of the station. It doesn't make sense for us to be positive. Let's drive in seriously together
雲丹吉 on Google

5 Slots are so good!
ダース犬 on Google

At the time of Unit 4, I was spending a lot of money because I didn't have to capture the machine at all. It was fun with Thunder. New Pal was fun. Condor was fun. I want to do it again. Even at the arcade UFO catcher, I wasted all my money. Puyopuyo and Samurai Spirits were fun. It was insanely nourishing.

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