天津飯店 静岡伊勢丹店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 天津飯店 静岡伊勢丹店

Gofukucho, Aoi Ward, 〒420-0031 Shizuoka,Japan
Makoto Aoki on Google

安定の中華! ジャスミン茶が烏龍茶をチョイスできます!
Stable Chinese food! Jasmine tea can choose oolong tea!
若林秀樹 on Google

初めて伺いました。麺もチャーハンもエビチリも本格的なお味で満足です‼️ 外れは無いかと思います?
I visited for the first time. Noodles, fried rice and shrimp chili are all satisfied with the authentic taste! ️ I think there is no deviation ?
工藤久夫 on Google

海鮮五目あんかけ焼きそばが大好きで、あちこち食べ歩いています。 静岡伊勢丹の天津飯店さんの口コミに期待し、妻と初めてうかがいました。もちろんオーダーしたのは海鮮五目あんかけ焼きそば。 しかし、期待した味とはかなり掛け離れていて、申訳ないと思いましたが、初めて残してしまいました。 店長さん、もしくはマネージャーさん、焼きそばに使用している麺の味見をして欲しいです。
I love seafood Gomoku Ankake Yakisoba, and I eat around here and there. I was hoping for the word of mouth of Tianjin Hotel in Isetan, Shizuoka, and asked my wife for the first time. Of course, I ordered the seafood Gomoku Ankake Yakisoba. However, the taste was far from what I expected, and I thought it was not an excuse, but I left it for the first time. I want the manager, the manager, and the noodles used for yakisoba to taste.
矢部陽子 on Google

I've been there before, but I like it ~ I like the half-half set. Now, for 980 yen, there are a set of mapo tofu and a set of Tianjin. There was a separate set for children, I also liked spring rolls
ハニーレオちゃん on Google

I visited after a long time. Regardless of the impression of cooking, I am disappointed with the unfriendlyness of female employees and the response according to the manual. Even if a noisy family guest is making a fuss, he doesn't pay attention to anything. Shouldn't we recommend a silent meal because it's a corona bruise!
ゆっけ on Google

伊勢丹のグルメフロアにある唯一の中華。 とても広々とした店内で、かなりの人数が入れるかと思います。 豪華な雰囲気のある店内ですが、メニューはとってもリーズナブルです。 ランチメニューもやっているので、昼間の利用がお得。 冷やし中華はとても美味しかったです。、 次回は夜に利用させて頂きます。
The only Chinese food on the gourmet floor of Isetan. It's a very spacious store, and I think it can accommodate a considerable number of people. The restaurant has a luxurious atmosphere, but the menu is very reasonable. We also have a lunch menu, so it's great for daytime use. Hiyashi chuka was very delicious. , Next time I will use it at night.
Mee Ay on Google

ランチ利用でボリュームもあってシュウマイも付いて、美味しかったです。 定員が外国人の方で頑張っていました。が、 お茶がサービスなのだと思うのですが、ジャスミンとウーロン茶を聞かれて答えたのですが…再度聞きにきて、別のものいりますか?みたいに聞かれたので要らないです、と答えたら、結局ジャスミン茶も来ませんでした…。 他の方は皆さんきていたのですが。 あれは何だったのでしょう? サービスなのだろうから急かすのも要求するのも悪いし、と思ったのでそのまま出ましたが、聞けばよかったですね。 ただ、百貨店にあるレストランですし、サービスをはっきりさせて欲しいと思いました。外国人の方を雇うならきちんと理解できるサービスをするよう教育してほしいです。
It was delicious because it was used for lunch and had a lot of volume and shumai. The capacity was foreigners and I was doing my best. but, I think tea is a service, but when I was asked for jasmine and oolong tea, I answered ... Would you like to come back and ask for something else? When I answered that I didn't need it because I was asked, Jasmine tea didn't come after all ... Everyone else was there. What was that? I thought it was bad to hurry or request it because it was a service, so I left it as it was, but I should have asked. However, it is a restaurant in a department store, and I wanted the service to be clear. If you hire a foreigner, I want you to be educated to provide a service that you can understand properly.
ちょりまるちょりこ on Google

I visited you for the first time in a long time. The ramen was delicious when I went there a few years ago, but the soup wasn't good. It tastes like just soy sauce dissolved in hot water. The green onion sauce chicken was delicious. Maybe it's delicious except for ramen. Also, the way Chinese change is placed is more like throwing it than putting it, so I would like to see improvements.

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