4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact GOEMON

住所 :

Minamihatogaya, Kawaguchi, 〒334-0013 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888999
Webサイト : https://goemon-minamihatogaya.owst.jp/
街 : Saitama

Minamihatogaya, Kawaguchi, 〒334-0013 Saitama,Japan
e F on Google

焼肉を食べに行ったら行列ができていたので予定を変更し 前から気になっていたこちらのお店にお邪魔しました。 こちらのお好み焼きは店員さんが焼いてくれるのでとても楽でしかも美味しいので大満足でした。 店員さんも優しく感じも良くて皆さんニコニコと笑顔が印象的でした。 帰りにサービス券も貰ったので次は平日にお邪魔します!御馳走様でした! 美味しかったです!
When I went to eat yakiniku, there was a line, so I changed my schedule I visited this shop that I had been interested in for a long time. This okonomiyaki is very easy and delicious because the clerk cooks it for me, so I was very satisfied. The clerk was kind and pleasant, and everyone was impressed with their smiles. I got a service ticket on my way home, so I'll bother you next weekday! It was a treat! It was delicious!
shingo minami on Google

初めてお邪魔しました。とても賑やかな店内。コロナ禍ということもあり、しっかりと消毒、検温、代表者の連絡先を記入しての入店でした。 お店の外観はスッキリとオシャレなバーのよう。決してお好み焼き屋さんのようには見えません。 店内もシックな造りで、清潔感のある店内。お好み焼き屋さんのようなベトベトした感じはありません。安心して食事が出来そうで期待。 メニュー表はとてもかっこいいデザインですね〜 提供された料理も大変美味しくて期待以上のお味です。 お好みでセルフで焼いても良し、店員さんに焼いてもらうも良しで、私たちは焼いてもらいましたがとても丁寧な仕事でテキパキとこなして気持ちが良いです。 値段もそれほど高く感じずに良い時間を過ごすことが出来ました。 是非ともまたとお邪魔したいと思います。
I visited you for the first time. Very lively interior. Due to the corona sickness, I entered the store with thorough disinfection, temperature measurement, and contact information of the representative. The appearance of the shop is like a neat and fashionable bar. It never looks like an okonomiyaki restaurant. The interior of the store is also chic and clean. It doesn't feel as sticky as an okonomiyaki restaurant. I expect that I can eat with confidence. The menu table has a very cool design ~ The food provided is also very delicious and tastes better than expected. You can bake it yourself if you like, or you can ask the clerk to bake it. We had it baked, but it feels good to do it with a very polite work. I was able to spend a good time without feeling that the price was too high. I would love to bother you again.
鯖sand on Google

焼いてくれるのでいい状態で食せる。 なお、飲み食べ放題で利用。 年末でしたがお店も綺麗で店員さんもフレンドリーでマジ最高。またお邪魔します(^_^)
You can eat it in good condition because it will be baked. In addition, it is used for all-you-can-eat. Although it was the end of the year, the shop was beautiful and the clerks were friendly and really the best. I will bother you again (^_^)
クルル隊長 on Google

コロナ対策で予約して行きましたが、予約の意味なし!店内蜜で、空気も悪い。口コミを見ると以前からのようですが、コロナ対策が甘い! 肝心のお好み焼きもいまいち。値段とサービス・味が、釣り合っていない。 この辺りには飲食店が少ないので、殿様商売なんでしょうね。ここにはもう行きません。
I made a reservation for corona measures, but there is no point in making a reservation! The honey in the store and the air is bad. Looking at the reviews, it seems that it has been around for a long time, but the measures against corona are sweet! The essential okonomiyaki is not good enough. The price, service and taste are not balanced. There aren't many restaurants around here, so it's probably a lord's business. I won't go here anymore.
月ネコ on Google

お好み焼きは美味しくない。 もんじゃは普通 山芋入れておけばいいのに、トッピングでとろろ300円という暴利 子供のころに食い放題で行くにはいいかもしれないけどおいしいものを食べたければ値段に見合わない。 他の口コミが意味不明
Okonomiyaki is not delicious. Monja is normal It's okay to put yam in it, but it's a tororo with a topping of 300 yen. It might be good to go all-you-can-eat as a kid, but if you want to eat delicious food, it's not worth the price. Other reviews are unclear
Reviewer Food on Google

他の方も書いていますが、コロナ対策がされていません。 店内は物凄く密っていて、驚きました。緊急事態宣言が出ている今、他のお店は、営業時間の制限に加え、入店者数を制限したり、席の間に間隔を設けていますが、ここには、ソーシャルディステンスなんてありません。 窓も空いていないので、とにかく空気が悪い。テーブルもベタベタしていて掃除や消毒が行き届いていません。咳をしながら常連とおしゃべりをしている店員がいたので、早めに出てきました。 過去にGo to Eatもやっていたそうなので、とにかく儲けることだけを考えているお店だと感じました。 お好み焼きの味は、レビューを見て行ったので期待していましたが、普通(下の上)。わざわざ食べに行くレベルではない(身内や常連がレビュー書いてるのかな)。値段は、味と量の割に高め。これなら他で食べた方が良いです。 The store is really crowded. I mean it was packed! No windows are open. No fresh air. The table was sticky. No safety measures against COVID whatsoever. The taste is mediocre. If you want to eat real okonomi-yaki, go somewhere else. Not worth spending your money here. Food Reviewer JP
Others have written, but no corona measures have been taken. I was surprised that the store was extremely crowded. Now that the state of emergency has been declared, other stores have limited the number of visitors and spaces between seats in addition to the business hours limit, but here is social extension. is not. The windows aren't open, so the air is bad anyway. The table is also sticky and not well cleaned and disinfected. There was a clerk who was coughing and chatting with regulars, so I came out early. It seems that Go to Eat was also done in the past, so I felt that it was a shop that was only thinking about making money. I was expecting the taste of okonomiyaki because I saw the reviews, but it is normal (above the bottom). It's not the level to go out to eat (I wonder if my relatives and regulars are writing reviews). The price is high for the taste and quantity. If this is the case, you should eat it elsewhere. The store is really crowded. I mean it was packed! No windows are open. No fresh air. The table was sticky. No safety measures against COVID whatsoever. The taste is mediocre. If you want to eat real okonomi-yaki, go somewhere else. Not worth spending your money here. Food Reviewer JP
KJ123 on Google

店内はモダンな作り 注文したもの カリカリゴボウ ゴボウを揚げたもので、蕨のよし寿司でも食べたことあります酒のつまみに最高 ベビースターサラダ ベビースターをもう少し少なめにするといいと思います スペシャルモダン 普通に美味しかったです 一番気になったメニュー イタリアんお好み焼き 期待とは違い割りと普通のお好み焼きでしたがトマトが良い酸味と水分で中味がまろやかでよかったです
The interior is modern What I ordered Crispy burdock It's fried burdock, and I've eaten it in Warabi no Yoshi sushi. It's the best snack for sake. Baby star salad I think it's a good idea to have a little less baby stars Special modern It was delicious normally The menu I was most interested in Italian okonomiyaki Unlike expectations, it was a normal okonomiyaki, but the tomatoes had good acidity and moisture, and the contents were mellow.
Yukari “Pyan” Izumi on Google

The restaurant staff will make your okonomi-yaki or monjya-yaki automatically :)

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