Gifunakatsugawa Motor Driving School - Nakatsugawa

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Gifunakatsugawa Motor Driving School

住所 :

1666-1133 Komanba, Nakatsugawa, Gifu 508-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 508-0011
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:50AM–7:50PM
Sunday 8:50AM–7:50PM
Monday 8:50AM–7:50PM
Tuesday 8:50AM–7:50PM
Wednesday 8:50AM–7:50PM
Thursday 8:50AM–7:50PM
Friday 8:50AM–7:50PM

1666-1133 Komanba, Nakatsugawa, Gifu 508-0011, Japan
蓮根ましゅ子 on Google

若い人も多く全体的に気さくな方が多かったです。 第1段階では色んな教え方がありすこし戸惑いましたが補習のない範囲で自分に合った基礎の力がつきました。 色んな教え方があることで自分に合う教え方があるのだなぁと感じました。
There were many young people, and there were many people who were friendly overall. At the first stage, I was a little confused because there were various teaching methods, but I gained the basic power that suits me as long as there is no supplementary lesson. I felt that there is a teaching method that suits me because there are various teaching methods.
ジョンヨンを愛すもの on Google

ブリリアントヴューというところに宿泊しました。部屋自体は悪くなかったですが、今後宿泊する人のためにもWiFiかテレビを設けてあげてください! 指導員の皆様は皆優しくてわかりやすくてユーモアがある方ばかりで最高です!
I stayed at a place called Brilliant View. The room itself wasn't bad, but please provide WiFi or TV for future guests! All the instructors are kind, easy to understand, and have humor.
imyour ai on Google

一人で免許合宿なんですが、やはり一人なので最初きたときに色々心配しました。先生たちが厳しいんじゃないのかや、合宿中のご飯は大丈夫なのか、合宿所の施設は良いかどうかと、心配しました。 しかし、受付が丁寧に対応して頂いたり、運転に関しては指導員が分かりやすく良いテクニックを教えて頂いたりしたおかげさまで、2週間という短い期間でしたが、良い運転・安全運転ができるようになりました。 また、合宿所に関しては、自分はサンサンハイムという女性寮なんですが、部屋はとても可愛くて清潔で大満足しました。 ご飯は車校で配給するという形で、朝ご飯は大体おにぎりや目玉焼きというような簡単で食べやすいものなのですが、昼ご飯は天ぷらや唐揚げ、チキン南蛮など、夜ご飯はカレーや焼きそばなどありました。美味しかったです。 何より、運転教習で路上いったとき、すごく綺麗な山や景色がみられて、とっても印象に残ってました。卒業したらもうそういう素晴らしい景色が見られなくなるのは寂しかったです。 中津川自動車学校では、良い経験やいい思い出ができました。ありがとうございました。
It's a license camp alone, but since I'm alone, I was worried about various things when I first came. I was worried that the teachers would be strict, that the food during the training camp would be okay, and that the facilities at the training camp were good. However, thanks to the polite response from the receptionist and the instructor's teaching of good techniques for driving, it was a short period of two weeks, but now I can drive well and safely. rice field. Regarding the training camp, I am a female dormitory called Sansanheim, but the room was very cute and clean, and I was very satisfied. Rice is distributed at the car school, and breakfast is usually simple and easy to eat, such as rice balls and fried eggs, but lunch is tempura, fried chicken, chicken nanban, etc., and dinner is curry, yakisoba, etc. did. It was delicious. Above all, when I went on the road for driving training, I was very impressed by the beautiful mountains and scenery. It was lonely that I couldn't see such a wonderful view anymore after graduating. At Nakatsugawa Driving School, I had good experiences and good memories. Thank you very much.
水上蓮斗 on Google

Thank you for your support for a long time. I was able to graduate safely. I was very happy to have the teachers teach me very kindly. If I come to get another license, I would like to come here. I'm really thankful to you! !!
今このレビューを見たな!これでお前とも縁が出来た! on Google

はっはっはっはっは!! 最短二週間で卒業出来るからといって 入校1ヶ月前に申し込んでは駄目だ!! 同じ桃太郎のよしみで自動車学校に入校するときのポイントを教えてやる!! 1.まず予約センターに問い合わせて申し込み者が満員か確認!! 2.三週間位予定に余裕が合うよう入校日を指定!! 3.あとは学校毎の規則や時間割、下宿先の下調べ等をして合宿に備えろ!! あとpcr検査や地域で出来る無料検査で陰性証明書を貰っておけ!合宿中に感染が解ったら休校してしまうからな!! 自動車免許皆伝への道はこれからだ!! はっはっはっはっは!! (暴太郎戦隊ドンブラザーズ、テレビ朝日系列で毎週日曜9:30 - 10:00に放送中!今youtubeの東映officialチャンネルで1話2話が公開中!合宿中の暇潰しに、さぁ勝負勝負!)*公開期間が終了次第上文は削除します 長い間お疲れ様でした! 弁当も美味しく、下宿先も書店コンビ二等充実しているので暇潰しに良いです。 上でも触れましたが最短2週間で採れると聞き合宿で受講しましたが長期休暇シーズンになると卒業を控えた高校生と大学生でいっぱいになるので補修を受けた場合三週間掛かります!気を付けましょう
Hahahahahaha! !! Just because you can graduate in a minimum of two weeks You can't apply one month before you enter school! !! I will tell you the points when entering a driving school with the same goodness of Momotaro! !! 1. First, contact the reservation center to check if the applicants are full! !! 2. Specify the entrance date so that you can afford the schedule for about three weeks! !! 3. After that, prepare for the training camp by checking the rules, timetable, and boarding house for each school! !! Also, get a negative certificate from the pcr test and the free test that can be done in the area! If the infection is discovered during the training camp, the school will be closed! !! The road to a car license is yet to come! !! Hahahahahaha! !! (Avataro Sentai Don Brothers is broadcasting every Sunday at 9:30 --- 10:00 on TV Asahi series! Now, episodes 1 and 2 are being released on youtube's Toei official channel! * The above text will be deleted as soon as the publication period ends. Thank you for a long time! The lunch box is delicious, and the boarding house is well-stocked at bookstores, so it's good for killing time. As I mentioned above, I heard that it can be taken in a minimum of 2 weeks, but I took it at the training camp, but in the long vacation season, it will be full of high school students and college students who are about to graduate, so it will take 3 weeks if I receive repairs! Let's be careful
no ru on Google

教官さんは皆さん熱心で面白い人が多いです? 私は合宿で二週間中津川自動車学校に通っていますがグループ行動で他県の友達もできたので、すごく面白い合宿になりました。 少し残念なのは毎日のお弁当に野菜が全然入っていないことです笑笑 各自レタスを持参すると良いでしょう?? あとコンビニでもやしを買いましょう! お弁当には汁物がないので合宿中は味噌汁が恋しくなります!日本人を実感するので、帰ったら家族に感謝しましょう? 私は高校卒業してすぐに合宿免許を取りに来たので春から新生活の人は一人暮らしの練習みたいで楽しかったです!部屋はすごく綺麗で設備も良かったです! 最初は運転難しいし覚えること沢山ありますが中津川自動車学校なら楽しく学べるので、良い学校だと思いました?
Many instructors are enthusiastic and interesting ? I attended Nakatsugawa Driving School for two weeks at the training camp, but I made friends from other prefectures through group activities, so it was a very interesting training camp. It's a little disappointing that there are no vegetables in my daily lunch box. Bring your own lettuce ?? Also, let's buy bean sprouts at convenience stores! Since there is no soup in the lunch box, I miss miso soup during the training camp! I feel Japanese, so let's thank my family when I get home ? Immediately after graduating from high school, I came to get a training camp license, so from spring it was fun for people living alone as if they were practicing living alone! The room was very clean and the facilities were good! At first it is difficult to drive and there are many things to remember, but I thought it was a good school because it is fun to learn at Nakatsugawa Driving School ?
緑茶 on Google

女性専用宿舎のサンサンハイムはとても綺麗で必要最低限の持ち物さえ持ってくれば快適に過ごすことが出来たので良かったです。 先生方も基本的には親身になって教えてくださるのでとても印象が良いのですが、一部の先生が高圧的だったり感じの悪い方がいらっしゃるので入校の際には心した方が良いと思います。 また、あるバスの運転手が乗車している生徒を理不尽に怒鳴りつけていたのが見ていて気分が悪かったし、運転が荒く怖かったです。
It was good that the women-only dormitory, Sansanheim, was very beautiful and I could spend it comfortably if I brought the minimum necessary belongings. The teachers are basically kind and teach me, so I have a very good impression, but some teachers are overwhelming or uncomfortable, so it is better to keep in mind when entering the school. think. Also, I was sick and scared to see a bus driver yelling at the student on board unreasonably.
mina on Google

1人で合宿へ参加しましたが、休憩時間は他の合宿生と一緒にいてとても仲良くなりました。 教員の方々もとても優しくて、毎日の教習所が楽しみになります! 食事はご飯と麺が多いので野菜を摂りたい方は持参するかコンビニへ行くのをお勧めします。
I participated in the training camp alone, but during the break time, I became very close with other training camp students. The teachers are also very kind and I look forward to the driving school every day! Most of the meals are rice and noodles, so if you want to eat vegetables, we recommend that you bring them with you or go to a convenience store.

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