Gifu Technical High School - Hashima District

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Gifu Technical High School

住所 :

1700 Tokiwacho, Kasamatsu, Hashima District, Gifu 501-6083, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Postal code : 501-6083
Webサイト :

1700 Tokiwacho, Kasamatsu, Hashima District, Gifu 501-6083, Japan
あああああ on Google

1部の先生で差別する人がいます そういう人は小学校からやり直した方がいい
Some teachers discriminate Such a person should start over from elementary school
Columbo Frank on Google

Mr.マリックの出身校らしいが、在校生は全くそれを知らない……知名度不足? それともガセネタ? どっちだろう……
It seems that Mr. Malik's school is from, but the current students don't know it at all ... Is it lacking in name recognition? Or is it a black propaganda? Which one ...
彜N on Google

笠工って呼び名があるのを私が30歳くらいで知った サッカー強かったね 2001年の世代ぶっちぎり←全国で結果出してる唯一の世代だから文句なしやろ 荻、片桐の世代ですね あの世代は県もレベル高い世代だと思います ユニフォームの襟つきがカッコ良かった けど笠工も古豪になっちゃいましたね 卒業生ではありません
When I was about 30, I knew that Kasaku was called Soccer was strong 2001's generation Buchigiri ← No complaints because it is the only generation producing results in the whole country Ogi, Katagiri's generation I think that prefecture is also a generation with a high level of generation The uniform collar was cool But Kasaku has become an old man, too. Not a graduate
つつ on Google

恐ろしくマナーが悪い。 敷地外グラウンドから高校に戻る部活生徒らしき 暴走自転車の集団に何度も轢かれそうになった。 高校に問い合わせたら「サッカー部か野球部の生徒」とのこと。 なぜ指導しないのでしょうか。
The manners are horribly bad. It seems to be a club activity student returning to high school from the off-site ground I was almost run over by a group of runaway bicycles many times. When I contacted high school, he said, "Soccer club or baseball club students." Why don't you teach?
mo ko on Google

県内屈指のサッカーの強豪校、Jリーガーも輩出しています。 毎年夏に、伝統の岐工OBサッカーフェスティバル(通称:岐工杯)と言われる少年サッカー大会が催され、U-10・U-11・U-12の試合が2日間に分けて実施されます。笠校サッカー部の現役選手さん達の有り難いボランティアで運営されます。
J-League, one of the best soccer schools in the prefecture, has also been produced. Every summer, a youth soccer tournament called the traditional Kiko OB soccer festival (commonly known as the Kiko Cup) is held, and U-10, U-11, and U-12 games are held in two days. It is run by the volunteers of the active players of the Kasa school soccer club.
加藤一二三 on Google

岐阜工業高校の陸上部の生徒さん達が、みなと公園ジョギング・サイクリングコースを封鎖して練習されていました。 こちらが会釈したのに、生徒さんにも先生にも無視されました。
Students from the track and field club of Gifu Technical High School were practicing by blocking the Minato Park jogging / cycling course. Even though this was a nod, it was ignored by both the students and the teacher.
凪紗. on Google

I am a graduate. The level of students is quite low. Not all teachers can be respected. I was a cultural club, but it was almost common for motor teachers to discriminate between motor and cultural students, and there were some painful moments that made me want to cry because of a PE teacher. (Of course, there were some teachers who were right as people and didn't favor them at all. All the teachers in my department are very good.) There are many benefits to getting a job compared to ordinary high school, but as a high school The attraction is only the content of study. I think it's best if you just want to get a high school diploma while doing stupid things with your friends. The level of study in ordinary subjects is low. (Specialized department depends on the department.) If you want to like the teacher, it is safe to join the athletic club. If you really want to study industrial studies, we recommend that you take classes seriously without matching the level of your classmates.
森昭二 on Google

岐工記念館に行ってきました。扉が開いていたので見学できるのかなと思い中に入ってみたところ、展示室には昭和22年に御巡幸された昭和天皇の写真が展示されていました。しかし驚いたことに床には・・・まさか昭和天皇が御宿泊されたからでもないでしょうが、先生方にも利用されていたとは! それならそれで松阪工業高校のように「見学希望の方は事務所までお越し下さい」という案内ぐらい出しておいてほしいと思います。
I went to the Gikou Memorial Hall. Since the door was open, I wondered if I could see it, and in the exhibition room there was a photo of Emperor Showa, who was pilgrimaged in 1947. However, to my surprise, it was on the floor ... It wasn't because Emperor Showa stayed there, but it was also used by the teachers! In that case, I would like you to give me a guide like Matsusaka Technical High School saying "If you want to visit, please come to the office".

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