普段着ワイン酒場 GETABAKI

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 普段着ワイン酒場 GETABAKI

住所 :

Kanda Sudacho, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0041 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://retty.me/area/PRE13/ARE11/SUB1103/100000714271/
街 : Tokyo

Kanda Sudacho, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0041 Tokyo,Japan
S U on Google

A restaurant that offers Italian food at a reasonable price, centered on Jibie. The quality of the food is high and the quality of the game is also high. Not only restaurants but also frozen and refrigerated side dishes are sold.
mitco que on Google

You can buy white or red wine for 1,000 yen per bottle. It's a nice system because you can choose only by taste preference. There is also beer etc. The casual Italian food is easy to eat. The taste is also good. Reservation required because it is a popular store.
yaso on Google

その時々のジビエとリーズナブルなワインを楽しめます。 一階席はほぼカウンターでかなり狭そうです。 二階席は間口からすると広いですが、店員さんの目が行き届かない時があり店員さんを呼び止めるのに時間がかかることもしばしば。 それでも、寛げる雰囲気、他の店では見られないメニュー、料理の質と値段のコストパフォーマンスは価値ありです。
You can enjoy the occasional gibier and reasonable wine. The first floor seats seem to be quite narrow at the counter. The seats on the second floor are wide from the front, but sometimes the clerk's eyes are out of reach and it often takes time to stop the clerk. Still, the relaxing atmosphere, the menu not seen in other stores, the quality of the food and the cost performance of the price are worth it.
篠崎真哉 on Google

There was an all-you-can-drink wine. The companion said that there was a losing hit, but I did not understand.
勇者よっしー on Google

すごい!安い早い美味い!ジビエだし! ジビエ餃子すごくいいです。 あと、このテリーヌの盛り付け、すごくないですか?赤いソースがテリーヌの上にかかったら透明になる訳じゃないんですよ、そういうふうに見えるようにソースをかけてあるわけです。 また、付け合せは菊芋チップスに、食用菊を添えるというオシャレ具合。 テリーヌの味も穴熊が入ってるせいか臭くなくとても美味しかったです。
Awesome! Cheap fast delicious! It's a game! Gibier gyoza is really good. Also, isn't this terrine served great? If the red sauce is on Terrine, it will not be transparent, but the sauce is applied so that it looks like that. In addition, it is fashionable to add edible chrysanthemums to chrysanthemum chips. The taste of Terrine was also very delicious without smell, probably because of the presence of the bear.
根津義雄 on Google

You can enjoy delicious Jibie food and wine at a reasonable price.
Shigeru Fukuda on Google

A wine bar that also holds the game. Wines are available in the market from wines for less than 1,000 yen and are offered at low prices. Feeling that it is not a specialty store of game but a game choice of game. You can eat other dishes without preoccupation. It is recommended for those who prefer snacks while drinking a lot of easy-to-drink wines rather than fancy wines.
Tetsuya Uezato on Google

Incredible variety of game meats and expertly prepared. Pairs well with any number of fine wines in house. Friendly and attentive staff.

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