
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Genkotsu

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Kitakoshigaya, Koshigaya, 〒343-0026 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88977899
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街 : Saitama

Kitakoshigaya, Koshigaya, 〒343-0026 Saitama,Japan
茶釜 on Google

近所に住んでる者です。 とにかく子供への教育が悪い環境であると思います。 理由としては、 ・職員のマナーが悪い。 公共の駐車場のはずなのに私有地のような態度、喫煙をしている。 ・夜間に子供を外で遊ばせさわいでいるのに注意の一つもしない。 車が行き交う道路で遊ばせ危ない。 このような観点から少なからず子供への教育環境は劣悪であると思われます。 どんな事情があっても子供を"ここだけは"預けてはなりません! 本当は☆1すら付けたくありませんね。 わざわざ返信ありがとうございます。 ですが、あまり嘘をつかない方がいいんじゃないですかね? 現に公道で遊ばせたたじゃないですか? "公共の"駐車場で遊ばせてたじゃないですか? どうですか?思い出しましたか? 私が言いたいのは、そこで働いてる大人達があまりにも世間知らずと言うことだって言ってるんです。 世の中にはルールってものがあるですよ? あなた方が協力をお願いしないと行けないご近所様がクレームを言ってるだから反論するんじゃなくて素直に"すいません、直します"じゃねーのかな? それができねーなら住宅街じゃない所にでも移転した方がいいんではないのでしょうか?
A person who lives in the neighborhood. Anyway, I think that education for children is a bad environment. The reason is ・ The manners of the staff are bad. Although it should be a public parking lot, he has an attitude like private land and smokes. ・ Do not pay attention to the fact that children are playing outside at night. It is dangerous to play on the road where cars come and go. From this point of view, the educational environment for children seems to be poor. Under no circumstances should you leave your child "only here"! I don't really want to even add ☆ 1. Thank you for your reply. But you shouldn't lie too much, right? Didn't you actually let them play on public roads? Didn't you let them play in the "public" parking lot? how is it? Did you remember? What I mean is that the adults working there are too naive. There are rules in the world, right? I can't go without asking for your cooperation. The neighbors are complaining, so don't argue, but honestly, "I'm sorry, I'll fix it." If you can't do that, why not move to a place other than a residential area?
あきらら on Google

卒業生です。 中学生の時に、お世話になりました。 げんこつで、キャンプやサイクリングを始め その他のアウトドア体験をしました。 そして、仲間との楽しい時間をたくさんしました。 ありがとうございました。
I am a graduate. I was taken care of when I was in junior high school. Start camping and cycling I had other outdoor experiences. And I had a lot of fun with my friends. Thank you very much.
崎陽軒シュウマイ on Google

I am a graduate who attended Genkotsu Free School. I was reluctant and not confident, but through my experience of sickness and encounters with friends, I gained confidence and connected to myself. I think it would have been difficult for me to grow up to this point without the knack. I'm just grateful that I can live in society now.

元利用者の物です。私の場合はフリースクールでお世話になりました。 げんこつは、個人の自主性を尊重した育成方針なのでキッチリとしたカリキュラムがあるような施設ではありません。 学校のようなキッチリ決められたプログラムを横一列で消化する事を強いられるのが苦手な自分にとっては、この方針がとても合っていました。 学校では、興味のある文学作品があっても多くの文学作品のタイトルをより多く暗記するのが先で、興味のある作品をじっくり時間を掛けて読み込み学ぶような事は無いのに対して、こちらでは興味のある物を自ら見つけて、深く学ぶといった事ができます。 義務を果たすことへの圧が強いご時世。そんなご時世の中、こちらでは自由と個人への尊重を体験し、学べる楽しいところだと思います。
It belongs to a former user. In my case, I was taken care of at the free school. Genkotsu is a facility that has a tight curriculum because it is a training policy that respects individual independence. For me, who is not good at being forced to digest a tightly-defined program like a school in a row, this policy fits very well. At school, even if there is a literary work that you are interested in, you should memorize more titles of many literary works first, and you do not spend time reading and learning the literary work that you are interested in. Here you can find what you are interested in and learn deeply. A time when there is strong pressure to fulfill our obligations. In such a time, I think it is a fun place to experience and learn about freedom and respect for individuals.
そっぴー丸 on Google

卒室生です。中学2年の時、不登校でフリースクールでお世話になりました。それまで、自分にコンプレックスばかりを感じ、暗い人生だった自分をげんこつに入り、居場所という仲間と出会い、本気で自分と向き合ってくれる職員や代表にとても救われました。 不登校は社会にでれないと社会の風潮がありますが、そんなことありません。私はここに出会いいろんな経験をさせてもらい、人を思いやる気持ち、前に向かうチャレンジ精神、自分との向き合い方、とても数えきれない仲間との出来事、どれも自分の宝物です。 そして、今しっかり足をつけ社会で生きています。 そりゃ辛いこともありますが、時々愚痴でも聞いてやってください。 とても感謝しています。
I am a graduate student. When I was in the second year of junior high school, I was taken care of at a free school because I didn't go to school. Until then, I felt only a complex with myself, and I was saved by the staff and representatives who seriously faced me, meeting my friends who were where I was, and getting into my dark life. There is a social tendency for school refusal to go out into society, but that is not the case. I have met and experienced various things here, and my feelings of compassion, a spirit of challenge to move forward, how to deal with myself, and events with countless friends are all my treasures. And now I'm firmly on my feet and living in society. It can be painful, but sometimes even complain about it. I appreciate it very much.
St Ha on Google

I'm a mother of two naughty boys. When I was worried about how to raise a child full of energy, the parent-child relationship became very good by going to the school and moving a lot and coming back. Camping, cycling, etc. are also exciting places for children. I'm glad I was able to go to Genkotsu.
鯛茶漬 on Google

フリースクール(不登校)卒業生です。 中学からお世話になりました。 げんこつのおかげで高校卒業する事ができ。 その後夢を持って専門学校に入学し無事卒業〜就職する事ができました。 今でも相談をさせてもらったりする事もあり大変ありがたいです。 一人になりたい、落ち込んでいる時人が多く辛い時は静かな部屋を 沢山動きたい時は外遊びを 個人の特性に合わせて過ごすことができました。 本当にお世話になりました。 引き続きこれからもどうぞよろしくお願いします❣️
I am a free school graduate. Thank you for your help from junior high school. Thanks to Genkotsu, I can graduate from high school. After that, I entered a vocational school with a dream and was able to graduate and get a job safely. I am very grateful that I still have consultations. I want to be alone, when I'm depressed, there are many people, and when it's hard, I have a quiet room When you want to move a lot, play outside I was able to spend time according to my personal characteristics. Thank you very much for your help. Thank you for your continued support ❣️
ピノキオ333 on Google

My grandchildren are having a good time. I'm really grateful to be able to do things that I can't experience anywhere else, such as mountain climbing, camping, and cycling. In addition, they are engaged in various activities such as seasonal events and traditional play pieces. It is a place where children can liven up their activities.

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