Gekokujo - Chuo City

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Gekokujo

住所 :

日本橋二丁目ビル 1階 2 Chome-2-21 Nihonbashi, Chuo City, Tokyo 103-0027, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 103-0027
Webサイト :

日本橋二丁目ビル 1階 2 Chome-2-21 Nihonbashi, Chuo City, Tokyo 103-0027, Japan
M Kawarada on Google

いまどき珍しくランチタイムに分煙もなく席で喫煙できるようで食べている最中に隣りで食前と食後に紙タバコを美味しそうに吸われてしまいニコチン煙がながれてきて食事する事になり非常に不愉快でした。コロナ対策も特に無しドアと窓を開放している程度です。 刺身定食の写真に釣られて入店しましたが数量限定で無いとの事でしたのでジューシー大沼牛炙りサシトロ丼を注文しました。極薄の生肉が1枚乗っているだけ小鉢もサラダも大したものではなくコレで税込1000円はガッカリですね(*ノω`*) 緊急事態宣言が出ている期間も休業要請には応じていないようでお酒を楽しむ人で夜は溢れていました。ショバ代高そうな場所ですから協力金は貰うの諦めたんだろう頑張れ!
It's rare nowadays that you can smoke in your seat without smoking at lunch time, and while you're eating, you'll be smoking a cigarette before and after a meal, and nicotine smoke will flow and you'll end up eating, which is very unpleasant. was. There is no particular corona countermeasure, just opening the doors and windows. I entered the restaurant after being caught in the picture of the sashimi set meal, but it was said that the quantity was not limited, so I ordered the juicy Onuma beef roasted Sashitoro bowl. Only one piece of ultra-thin raw meat is on board, and the small bowl and salad are not big, and 1000 yen including tax is disappointing (* ノ ω` *) Even during the period when the state of emergency was declared, it seemed that he did not respond to the request for leave, and the night was full of people who enjoyed drinking. It's a place where the cost of shoba seems to be high, so I guess I gave up on getting the cooperation money. Good luck!
ひろつぐ on Google

日曜日のランチ時に行きましたが空いていてスムーズに案内をしてもらいました。メンチカツ定食1000円 とても食べ応えのある定食で味も美味しかったです!
I went there at lunch on Sunday, but it was vacant and I was guided smoothly. Menchi-katsu set meal 1000 yen It was a very satisfying set meal and the taste was delicious!

八重洲と日本橋の間くらいに位置する喫煙可の居酒屋。 席は狭めで、調理人が足りていないのか料理提供に時間はかなりかかると入店時に前もって説明はありましたが、想像よりは少し待つ程度でした。 ホールは2人の女性が対応しており、終始誰かしらから呼ばれている状態で非常に忙しそうでしたが、対応や愛想が良くて個人的には好感というか凄いなと思えました。 そんなてんてこ舞いな状況ですが、料理メニューがかなり豊富で特に魚介系は様々なメニューがあり色々試してみたかったのですが、あまり試せるような感じではなかったので、軽めのものをそこそこにお酒メインで早めに退散しました。 富士宮やきそばが思ってたより本格的で結構美味しかったです。 またこの当たりで飲みたい時はチャレンジしたいとは思えました。
A smoking izakaya located between Yaesu and Nihonbashi. The seats were small, and it took a long time to serve the food, probably because there weren't enough cooks, but when I entered the store, I explained in advance that I had to wait a little longer than I had imagined. The hall was handled by two women, and it seemed to be very busy with someone calling me from beginning to end, but the correspondence and amiability were good, and I personally thought it was amazing. It's such a messy situation, but the food menu is quite abundant, especially the seafood menu, and I wanted to try various menus, but I didn't feel like I could try it so much, so I chose a lighter one. I left early with sake main. Fujinomiya Yakisoba was more authentic and delicious than I expected. Also, when I wanted to drink around here, I wanted to challenge.
Thomas Verdier on Google

Really good and fast
pat soiyungsuk on Google

Yummy, nice and fast service.
Anne Marie on Google

Loved this place, music, environment, food, service worked for us. Inexpensive too and would definitely return.
Ryan Field on Google

Food was good! They have some English descriptions for those non Japanese speakers, and they do their best to be helpful. The atmosphere is nice and quaint.
OfficialG Tui on Google

My friends and I really liked this place. They all thought the food was delicious!

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