Garden Soil - Suzaka

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Garden Soil

住所 :

581-1 Nobe, 大字, Suzaka, Nagano 382-0000, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 382-0000
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday 10AM–6PM
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM

581-1 Nobe, 大字, Suzaka, Nagano 382-0000, Japan
on Google

お店の内外にお花の苗がたくさんありました。 園芸用品も好みのものがたくさんありました。 お庭も素敵でした。
There were many flower seedlings inside and outside the shop. I also had a lot of favorite gardening supplies. The garden was also nice.
yui yamagishi on Google

お家から車で4分? ガーデンソイルさんに来ると須坂市にいることを忘れてしまうくらいの異世界が広がっているんです笑 イングリッシュガーデンは野に咲いているようなお花?がたっくさん!!これこそ憧れのハウスです☺️? 何がかわいいって、ピクニックバスケットなるランチメニューがあってそれを持ってお花畑の中でランチができちゃう贅沢さ✨ しかもどこかのホテルのラウンジででてきそうさオシャレなサングリアも??ホットドックもハーブ入りのソーセージに固いパン?を合わせて?どれもこれも抜け目なし!! しあわせ時間だーーー☀️ あーたまらん?? ガーデンの勉強になるし、お店に置いてある雑貨類もドンピシャでついつい買いすぎてしまう?笑 間違いなく須坂市のホットスポットの一つです!是非行ってみてください??
4 minutes drive from home ? If you come to Garden Soil, you're in a world so big that you forget you're in Suzaka. The English garden has flowers like flowers in the field. ! This is the house I yearn for ☺️? Something cute is a picnic basket lunch menu, and it's a luxury to have lunch in a flower garden with it ✨ Moreover, it's likely to be found in a hotel hotel. There are stylish sangria ? ? Hot dogs, half-sausage and hard pan ? ? This is also a flash! ! Happy time Oh, it's a study of the garden, and the miscellaneous goods in the store are too expensive to buy. It's definitely one of the hot spots in Suzaka! Please come and visit us ??
とも on Google

素敵な雑貨やガーデングッズが置いてあるお店でした!苗だけでなく種も売っているのが良かったです。 ガーデンはナチュラル笑 夏場に行く時には長袖長ズボンで行かれた方が良いと思います!お花や草を掻き分けてガーデンを進むのですが気を付けないと虫に刺されます!! ナチュラルとはいえもう少し歩く道を広くとってもらえると歩きやすいかな? とはいえ大きな木など木陰もあり気持ち良かったです。
It was a shop with nice miscellaneous goods and garden goods! It was good to sell not only seedlings but also seeds. The garden is natural lol I think it's better to wear long sleeves and long pants when going to summer! I push through the flowers and grass and go through the garden, but if I'm not careful, I'll be bitten by insects! !! Although it is natural, is it easier to walk if you take a wider path? However, it was comfortable because there were shades such as big trees.
笠井江理子 on Google

ようやくお店に到着?オシャレな素敵な建物が見え、そんなに広くないんだな~と思いながらも建物の奥に進んでみると、すごく広いナチュラルガーデンが広がっていました?? 自然な雰囲気で、様々な植物がセンス良く植えられ癒し空間でした✨ とってもナチュラルですが、これはしっかり手を入れてこそ出来上がるものです。 変わった色のお花も多々ありますし、配置の仕方なども参考にしようと、よ~く見てまわりました? 点々とテーブルやイスが置かれていて、 食事をしたり、お話したり写真撮ったり皆さんそれぞれの時間を楽しんでいましたよ。 みんな笑顔で楽しそうでした? 奥まで広~く、これは季節ごとに見てみたいです! 近場だったら、最高ですね カフェは今回は利用しませんでしたが、美味しそうでした。 建物の中は雑貨が色々。今回は鉢とスイセンのドライフラワーなどを購入 素敵なところでした✨
I finally arrived at the shop ? I saw a nice fashionable building, and while thinking that it was not so large, I went to the back of the building and found a very large natural garden ? ? In a natural atmosphere, various plants were planted with good taste and it was a healing space ✨ It's very natural, but it's only possible if you put your hands in it. There are many flowers with strange colors, and I took a closer look to see how to arrange them ? There are tables and chairs scattered around, Everyone enjoyed their time, eating, talking and taking pictures. Everyone looked happy with a smile ? It's wide to the back, and I want to see this every season! It ’s the best if it ’s nearby. I didn't use the cafe this time, but it looked delicious. There are various miscellaneous goods in the building. This time I bought pots and dried flowers of daffodils It was a nice place ✨
mori travel on Google

毎年恒例になっている須坂市のカフェです? 今年も行けてよかったです! 空調などはなく、自然のオープンカフェと言った形ですので暑さが苦手な方はちょっときついかも? ただ、チェーン店のようなガンガンクーラー効きすぎて寒いカフェより私はこちらの方が好みです!
It is an annual cafe in Suzaka City ? I'm glad I could go this year too! There is no air conditioning, it is a natural open cafe, so those who are not good at heat may be a little tough ? However, I prefer this to a cafe that is too cold like a chain store because it works too hard!
mary requiem on Google

CAFÉ LE PANIER (カフェ ル・パニエ)さんに来たら、それを内包した素敵な空間が待っててびっくらこいた 2階に匹敵する天井の高い建物は吹き抜けになっており開放感はんぱない それでいて、上側の本来デッドスペースになる空間まで計算された飾り付けに感動 下から上を見上げる事を計算して背の高いキャビネットやドライフラワー、ランプを配置して賑やかだけどセンス良くまとめ上げてます 園芸用品だけじゃ無く、雑貨も充実しており見応え十分 そして、外の草花が圧巻 通路こそあるものの、変に刈り揃え過ぎない自然派な庭園は昆虫たちの楽園 たくさんの蝶が舞い、みつばちも 人と昆虫がうまく共存してる 全周囲を様々な草花に囲まれた中に、テーブル、椅子が点在してますが、なんとカフェで購入した食べ物をガーデンピクニックとして庭内でいただけるサービスまで まさかこんな凄い場所だっとは思ってもみなかったのでまさに僥倖 最高旅の思い出になりました
When I came to CAFÉ LE PANIER, I was surprised to find a wonderful space that contained it. The building with a high ceiling comparable to the second floor is a colonnade and there is no sense of openness. Still, I was impressed by the calculated decoration up to the space that would originally be the dead space on the upper side. It is lively but nicely organized by arranging tall cabinets, dried flowers, and lamps by calculating looking up from the bottom to the top. Not only gardening supplies, but also miscellaneous goods are available, so it's worth seeing. And the flowers outside are a masterpiece Although there is a passage, the natural garden that is not over-cut is a paradise for insects. Many butterflies dance and honeybees Humans and insects coexist well Tables and chairs are scattered all around, surrounded by various flowers, but even a service where you can enjoy the food purchased at the cafe as a garden picnic in the garden. I never thought it was such a great place, so it's just a lie It became a memory of the best trip
ごしまのりこ on Google

今まで見たことないお庭でした。ちゃんと手入れされているはず、なのにとても自然。雑草と呼ばれ敬遠されてる花が、堂々と一緒に咲いていたり、こんなに伸びちゃっていいの?て位おっきなススキとか。 お客さんが多めでしたが、ゆったり静かな気持ちで見て回れました。季節ごとに訪れたいお店ですね。
It was a garden I had never seen before. It should be in good condition, but it's very natural. Is it okay for flowers called weeds, which are shunned, to bloom together with them and grow so much? A big pampas grass. There were a lot of customers, but I was able to look around with a relaxed and quiet feeling. It's a shop you want to visit every season.
Takumitsu Akutsu on Google

The garden is awesome! My wife and I were relaxed and enjoyed plants and flowers in early autumn.

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