GANZAN - 女性に優しい24Hジム-スタッフ常駐時間9:00〜21:00 - Handa

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact GANZAN / 女性に優しい24Hジム/スタッフ常駐時間9:00〜21:00

住所 :

Aoyama, Handa, 〒475-0836 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 475-0836
Webサイト :
街 : Aichi

Aoyama, Handa, 〒475-0836 Aichi,Japan
イカデビル死神博士 on Google

ここ最近の異常な数の高評価に惑わされて入会しました。 結果、私には見極める能力がないことが判明しました。笑 マシンの種類は数多くあり良いと思う。 トレーナーはかなり当たり外れがあり、聞きやすい人 あからさまにめんどくさそうな顔をする人がいらっしゃる。 他の方も記入しているが、使い終わったら元に戻す ことが出来ない非常識な人がちょくちょく見受けます。 注意するかスタッフが元に戻すかしたら? ずさんです。 タトゥーはワンポイント程度なら今時気にしないが、全体に入っているは見ていて嫌な気持ちになります。 他の方の参考になればと思います
I joined because of the unusual number of high evaluations these days. As a result, it turned out that I had no ability to discern. smile There are many types of machines and I think it's good. The trainer is quite a hit, and there are people who are easy to hear and who have an overtly annoying face. Others have also filled in, but I often see insane people who can't put it back when they're done using it. What if I was careful or the staff put it back? It's sloppy. I don't care about tattoos at this time if it's about one point, but it makes me feel uncomfortable looking at the whole tattoo. I hope it will be helpful for other people
鈴木真央 on Google

The inside of the facility was very beautiful, and the staff's explanations were polite and good training was possible. This is a gym I definitely want to go to.
N on Google

It is easy to go because it is located in front of the station and is open 24 hours a day. There is also security, so even women can go there with peace of mind. The interior, which is unified in black, is also fashionable, and if there are many machines and you have a problem, the staff will kindly guide you. There are some gyms in Handa, but I highly recommend it.
Yumi Mori on Google

こちらのジムは、施設の設備の清潔感やトレーニング器具の充実性はもちろんですが、スタッフの皆様がとても親切で、トレーニングをしたことがなくても、パーソナルでもないのに丁寧に教えてくださいます。 姿勢改善や体幹などのセミナーが会員なら無料で受けさせていただくこともできて、素敵な経験や知識を提供してくれるジムです。 名古屋のジムもたくさん行きましたがここが一番です。 今後もずっと通い続けたいと思っています。
At this gym, not to mention the cleanliness of the facilities and the abundance of training equipment, the staff are very kind, and even if you have never trained or are not personal, please teach me politely. .. If you are a member, you can take seminars on posture improvement and core for free, and it is a gym that provides you with wonderful experiences and knowledge. I went to many gyms in Nagoya, but this is the best. I want to keep going forever.
ゆん on Google

中はとても清潔感などあり、いい匂いですが、 その他のサービスと管理について。 水素水を契約する際に、2ヶ月間の間でしたら無料との事で無料の間の2ヶ月間だけ契約し、すぐに解約しようとした時、半年契約しないと千円の解約金がかかると事前に知らされず途中で説明され、結局1100円解約日払った挙句、8月いっぱいで辞めたはずなのになぜか9月の水素水代まで引かれていて、管理と説明不足など色々適当な感じがします。9月の引き落とし分を返金分を貰いに行ったところ、この前もらった解約金1100円のやつはもうやってないと言われ解約金も返金されましたが、もし9月の返金を取りに来てなかったらその解約金もこんな感じだとついでにな感じするので、9月の間違いの引き落としがなければ、返してくれなかっただろうなと思いました。ジムを解約する際も間違えて次の日も辞めたのにまた引き落とされそうで、不安です。
The inside is very clean and smells good, About other services and management. When contracting for hydrogen water, it is free if it is for 2 months, so if you contract for only 2 months during free and try to cancel immediately, a cancellation fee of 1000 yen will be charged if you do not contract for half a year It was explained on the way without being informed in advance, and after all, I paid 1100 yen on the cancellation day, and although I should have quit in the end of August, for some reason the hydrogen water bill in September was drawn, and various things such as lack of management and explanation are appropriate. I feel it. When I went to get a refund for the withdrawal amount in September, I was told that the one with the cancellation fee of 1100 yen I received before was not done anymore and the cancellation fee was also refunded, but if I get a refund in September If I hadn't come, I would have felt that the cancellation fee would be like this, so I thought I wouldn't have returned it without the withdrawal of the mistake in September. When I canceled the gym, I made a mistake and quit the next day, but I'm worried that I'll be withdrawn again.
小高裕斗 on Google

今回ビジターで初めて利用させていただきました。店内の雰囲気は広くとてもオシャレで、それだけでモチベーションがかなり上がりました!店員さんも皆さん優しい方で安心しました。更衣室や、シャワー室、トイレなど細かな所も清潔に管理されていて、気持ちよかったです。 マシンの種類もたくさんあり、とても充実したトレーニングができました!鏡張りのスタジオで、普段なかなか出来ないポージング練習をすることもできました! なにからなにまで充実した最高な1日になりました! 近くにあったら絶対入会したいです。 また定期的に利用させていただきます‼︎‼︎ ありがとうございました!
This is the first time I have used it as a visitor. The atmosphere inside the store is large and very fashionable, and that alone has greatly increased my motivation! The clerk was also kind and relieved. The changing rooms, shower rooms, toilets, and other small areas were well managed, which made me feel good. There are many types of machines, and I was able to have a very fulfilling training! In the mirrored studio, I was able to practice posing that I can't usually do! It was a great day with everything! I definitely want to join if it is nearby. In addition, we will use it regularly! ︎‼ ︎ thank you very much!
Confiance Seven on Google

はじめて来店して、いろいろなジムを今まで行ってきましたが、1番色々揃っているし、1番部位にききました!!! 日サロもできて満足だし、ホワイトニングもあるみたいなので機会有れば試したいです! 雰囲気最高でした!
I came to the store for the first time and went to various gyms so far, but I have the best variety and I came to the first part! !! !! I'm happy with the sunbeds, and there seems to be whitening, so I'd like to try it if I have the opportunity! The atmosphere was great!
花模様 on Google

いつも大変お世話になっております。 OPEN当初から 毎日通うのが日課でとっても楽しく通わせていただいてます。 いろんな方が通われてる為、皆様の要望全てにお応えする事は大変かと存じますが、 その中でも極力お客様の声に耳を傾けて下さる。そんな素敵なオーナーが経営されてるGANZAN 様!! そのオーナーの下で働くスタッフの方々は更に素敵な人達ばかりです!!! 色んな大会で活躍されてたり、見た目がムキムキマッチョなので始め話しかけるのに勇気がいったこともありました(笑) 実際は、お話するととっても優しくやり方など教えてくださるカッコいい男性のスタッフの方々。 女性目線で、色んな事を考えて お話してくださる綺麗な女性スタッフの方々。 (女性への気遣いが徹底されてます) 感謝の言葉しかありません˘⌣˘♡ そして、季節に合わせたお店の装飾。 季節感があり毎年楽しみにしてます✦ฺ︎ 最近は、スタジオプログラムも増えて次はどんな新しい事をしてくださるのかな!?と日々ワクワクしてます。 LINEやInstagram等の配信もあり、分かりやすいです。 私も自営をしている為、いろんな面でお勉強させてもらってます。 これからも、陰ながら応援させて下さい!! レビューが大変遅くなりましたが、これまでの感想をまとめました⑅︎◡̈︎* 今後とも、どうぞよろしくお願い致します。
Thank you for your continued support. From the beginning of OPEN It's a daily routine to go every day and it's very fun to go. I think it will be difficult to meet all of your requests because various people are attending. Among them, he listens to the voices of our customers as much as possible. GANZAN, who is run by such a wonderful owner! !! The staff who work under the owner are all even more wonderful! !! !! I was active in various competitions, and because it looks like a muscular macho, I had the courage to talk to him at the beginning (laughs). Actually, the cool male staff who teach me how to do it very kindly. Thinking about various things from a female perspective Beautiful female staff who talk to us. (Thorough consideration for women) There are only words of gratitude ˘⌣˘ ♡ And the decoration of the shop according to the season. There is a sense of the season and I look forward to it every year ✦ ฺ ︎ Recently, the number of studio programs has increased, and what kind of new things will you do next? ?? I am excited every day. It is easy to understand because there are also distributions such as LINE and Instagram. I am also self-employed, so I am studying in various ways. Please continue to support me in the shadow! !! The review was very late, but I summarized my impressions so far ⑅︎◡̈︎ * We look forward to working with you in the future.

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