味道苑 蒲生店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 味道苑 蒲生店

住所 :

Gamouhoncho, Koshigaya, 〒343-0837 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88988778
Webサイト : https://mido-en.com/
街 : Saitama

Gamouhoncho, Koshigaya, 〒343-0837 Saitama,Japan
Hiro Takeori on Google

I went to lunch time. There is a good deal. It was delicious.
小室博行 on Google

The meat was very delicious and the restaurant was quiet and calm.
コンちゃん。 on Google

usually. The clerk is not good. I don't recommend it.
杉森さおり on Google

初めて来ました。 土曜日の夜ということもあって、家族連れが多かったです。 お肉も美味しかったし、キムチとカクテキも甘くて美味しかった!
This is my first visit. Because it was Saturday night, there were many families. The meat was delicious, and the kimchi and kakuteki were sweet and delicious!
ゆういち on Google

スタッフが少ないけど肉は美味しい。座敷があるからゆっくり出来る。個別座敷に店の中は広いから良いよ。少人数で食事ができる時間が決まってた 2時間半で終了( ̄□ ̄;)残念?だった
There are few staff, but the meat is delicious. There is a tatami room so you can relax. It's good because the inside of the store is large in the individual tatami room. The time to eat with a small number of people was decided Finished in two and a half hours ( ̄ □  ̄;) Sorry ?
maruco on Google

2021.11.13 15時頃来店 ロース、上ロース、和牛カルビを注文しましたが廃棄肉でした。 ドリップした肉なのか?? ロースは真っ黒、上ロース、和牛カルビは画像のような色です。 私は某焼肉店に数年勤めていたのそれなりの知識があります。 せんげん台店、東越谷店にはよく行くのですがこんなこと一度もありません。 肉をどう管理してるのか。保健所の検査を入れるべきです。 よくこんな廃棄肉を従業員は客に出せるな、、と神経を疑いました。 お祝いの席だったので我慢しましたが 許せないです。 すぐ某焼肉店勤務の友人に画像を送ったら ありえない!うちでは完全廃棄肉でこんなの客に出したらクレーム、賄いでも食べない!との事でした。 二度と行かないです。食中毒になりますよ。 店員は暇なのかおしゃべりと笑い声ばかり。 客に丸聞こえでした。店長も居ましたが注意もしないし。最悪な店。 *せんげん台店は特にお薦めです。 肉の色、形が全て綺麗です。
2021.11.13 Visited around 15:00 I ordered loin, top loin, and Japanese beef ribs, but they were waste meat. Is it drip meat? ?? Loin is pitch black, top loin, and Japanese beef ribs are the colors shown in the image. I have some knowledge of working at a yakiniku restaurant for several years. I often go to the Sengendai store and the Higashikoshigaya store, but I have never done this. How do you manage the meat? You should include a health center inspection. I often suspected that employees shouldn't give out this kind of waste meat to their customers. It was a celebration, so I put up with it I can't forgive you. If you immediately send an image to a friend who works at a yakiniku restaurant Impossible! If we give this kind of customer a completely waste meat, we won't eat it even if it's a meal! I did it with. I will never go again. You will get food poisoning. The clerk is just chatting and laughing because he is free. It was completely heard by the customers. There was also a store manager, but I didn't pay attention. The worst store. * Sengendai store is especially recommended. The color and shape of the meat are all beautiful.
シグマ on Google

祝日ということもあり混雑していた為、休日は早めの来店をおすすめします。 ランチタイムにミックス定食を注文しました。 カルビ、ハラミ、タン、ハツの4種類が入って220gとボリュームがあり、ご飯は大盛り・おかわり無料とかなりのコスパ良しセット。 タンとハツは味噌、カルビとハラミはタレで来ますが、塩に変更可能だそうです。 味も価格の割に良く、満足感がありました。 追加で鶏モモも注文しましたがこちらもまた美味しかったです。
Since it was a holiday and it was crowded, we recommend that you come to the store early on holidays. I ordered a mixed set meal at lunch time. It contains 4 types of ribs, skirt steak, tongue, and hearts and has a volume of 220g. Tan and heart come with miso, and ribs and skirt steak come with sauce, but it seems that they can be changed to salt. The taste was good for the price and I was satisfied. I also ordered chicken peach, which was also delicious.
Jack Estrella on Google


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