リーセントカルチャー ホテル 結婚式

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact リーセントカルチャー ホテル 結婚式

住所 :

Gakunancho, Kita Ward, 〒700-0011 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Webサイト : https://culture-hotel-wedding.com/
街 : Okayama

Gakunancho, Kita Ward, 〒700-0011 Okayama,Japan
波夛伸司 on Google

西島凛子 on Google

忠雄清野 on Google

It's a wedding.
Toure on Google

綺麗でリーズナブルで満足度高かったです。 お気に入りホテル認定です。
It was beautiful, reasonably priced and highly satisfying. It is a favorite hotel certification.
松井信彦 on Google

Because the prefectural grand is opposite, it is convenient at the time of the event. As it is a wedding hall, various events and parties can be made. There is a shuttle bus to the station.
りおかまきの on Google

結婚式を考えて見学に行ったときの担当が最悪でした。 最初に担当してくれた方は、一軒目の見学だし、午後から他の式場も予約してますと言ったら納得してくれてたのが、途中から担当が変わり、とにかく申し込み&前金払わないとお前たちを帰さないぞオーラがすごくてかえしてもらえなかった…。 午後からの見学の時間にも遅れたし、ありえない。 後日仕方なく、前金で支払ったお金で宿泊しました。 (返金はできないから、ホテルで使ってね、とのことで) ホテルの朝食がコロナの影響でプレートになっていて、それがまたびっくりするくらい美味しくなかったです。 (パン、スープ、フルーツはおいしかった) ここで決めなくてよかったと心底思いました。
The person in charge when I went to the tour thinking about the wedding was the worst. The person who was in charge first was the first tour, and when I said that I would make a reservation for other ceremonial halls from the afternoon, I was convinced that the person in charge changed from the middle, so I applied and made an advance payment anyway. If you don't pay, you won't be returned. The aura was so great that you couldn't get it back ... It was too late for the tour from the afternoon, so it's impossible. I had no choice but to stay at a later date with the money I paid in advance. (I can't refund it, so please use it at the hotel.) The breakfast at the hotel was on a plate due to the influence of the corona, which wasn't surprisingly delicious again. (Bread, soup and fruits were delicious) I really thought I didn't have to decide here.
nekomanma47 on Google

The restaurant has become an Italian restaurant! ️ I am satisfied that the food is delicious. Isn't it cheap for a hotel? New Year dishes and hors d'oeuvre boxes were on sale.
momozon on Google

岡山旅応援割でお安く利用できたので、イタリアンディナー付き宿泊プラン利用してみました。カルチャーホテルというと地元民にとっては結婚式場のイメージ強かったのですが、宿泊利用での満足度は期待を裏切り、かなり高かったです。 【立地】 岡山県の総合グラウンド向かい。駅からはバスで8~10分程度と少し離れていますが、車なら岡山ICからも近く、駐車場無料なので便利な場所です。観光はもちろん、スタジアムや岡山大学あたりに用があるならオススメですね。ホテルの目の前にバス停あります。 ホテルの場所は住宅地&学生街で、駅周辺のホテルと比べると周辺はお店とか少ないですが、コンビニは徒歩1分のとこにファミリーマートと激安らむーまーとがあります。運動公園が目の前なので空いてる時間に散歩・ジョギングがオススメ。 【部屋】 今回はグレードの高い最上階(11階)の運動公園側エグゼクティブツインルームでした。運動公園の紅葉が一望できてよかったです。部屋の設備はインターコンチとかシティーホテル並みでしたね。ANAとか後楽ホテルよりぜんぜん良かったです。部屋も改装したばかりなのか全体的にきれいで広く、岡山のホテルではかなり上のほうでは。難点を上げるとすればバスルームの蛇口の水量が家庭のと同じぐらいでお湯張るのに時間がかかったとこぐらいかな。 【食事】 ディナー付きプランだったので、最近オープンしたというホテル1階のイタリアンレストランで晩ごはんいただきました。コース料理で、魚、肉料理も出る本格的なもの。特にパスタがおいしかったですね。メインもいろいろと工夫がこなされており、スタッフの方は丁寧に料理について説明してくれたので、楽しく食事できました。追加で頼んだアルコール類の価格も500~600円程度と良心的。今回は宿泊とディナー付きでひとり1万円のプランでしたが、あのクオリティーならかなりコスパはよいと思います。
I was able to use it cheaply with the Okayama Travel Support Discount, so I tried using an accommodation plan with an Italian dinner. The image of a wedding hall was strong for the locals when it came to a culture hotel, but the satisfaction level of staying at the hotel was disappointing and quite high. [Location] Opposite the general ground in Okayama prefecture. It is a little far from the station by bus, about 8 to 10 minutes, but it is a convenient place because it is close to the Okayama IC by car and the parking lot is free. It is recommended not only for sightseeing but also for stadiums and Okayama University. There is a bus stop in front of the hotel. The location of the hotel is a residential area and a student district, and there are few shops around the station compared to the hotels around the station, but the convenience store is a 1-minute walk away from FamilyMart and Cheap Ramuma. Since the sports park is right in front of you, we recommend taking a walk or jogging when you are free. 【room】 This time it was an executive twin room on the sports park side on the top floor (11th floor) of high grade. It was nice to have a panoramic view of the autumn leaves in the sports park. The facilities in the room were similar to those of InterContinental and City Hotel. It was better than ANA or Koraku Hotel. The room is clean and spacious as a whole, probably because it has just been renovated, and it is quite high in the hotel in Okayama. The only difficulty is that the amount of water in the faucets in the bathroom is about the same as at home, and it took a long time to fill the water. 【meal】 Since it was a plan with dinner, I had dinner at the Italian restaurant on the first floor of the hotel, which was recently opened. A full-fledged course meal that also serves fish and meat dishes. The pasta was especially delicious. The main dish was also devised in various ways, and the staff carefully explained the food, so I enjoyed eating. The price of the alcohol that I ordered additionally is also conscientious, about 500 to 600 yen. This time it was a plan of 10,000 yen per person with accommodation and dinner, but I think that cospa is quite good if it is of that quality.

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