山晃住宅 学園前店 - Gakuenkita

2.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 山晃住宅 学園前店

住所 :

Gakuenkita, 〒631-0036 Nara,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
Postal code : 631-0036
Webサイト : http://www.sanko-jyutaku.co.jp/
街 : Nara

Gakuenkita, 〒631-0036 Nara,Japan
Takahiro Watanabe on Google

Spring has come on Google

It's the worst
安部博 on Google

The response at the time of cancellation is too rough and the worst. Not recommended
さんみー on Google

ここで契約し、家のことでお電話させて貰うことにしました。 電話に出たのは「久保田」という方。 「今から電話番号いいますね。」と言われ 「すみません。書くもの持ってきます。」というと「はやしろや。」と小さい声で言われました。「久保田」と言う方は、聞こえないと思い仰ったのでしょう。そして毎回誰にでも言ってるのでしょうが、とても不愉快になりました。 ここの店長は、とても気さくで丁寧な方なのに店長の顔も店の顔も潰してること早く気づかなくては、なりませんね。
I made a contract here and decided to call me about my house. The person who answered the phone was "Kubota". I was told, "I'm going to call you a phone number." "I'm sorry. I'll bring you something to write," he said in a small voice, "Hayashiroya." The person who says "Kubota" probably thought that he couldn't hear it. And as I'm telling everyone every time, it became very unpleasant. The store manager here is very friendly and polite, but I have to notice early that the store manager's face and the store's face are crushed.
S on Google

I used it to move from Tokyo to Nara. Since it is far away, the days when I could see it were limited, but I found a property that met the conditions. I paid the rent on the spot as a deposit before the move-in examination, but the examination did not pass ... I was told to come back to the store to refund the money. I'm telling you that this is from Tokyo, and what does it mean to have you come to the store again? In the first place, the conditions for moving in should be listed firmly. I have never passed the examination, and it was my first time to pay the deposit before the examination, so I am confused. Since it is also a corona disaster, there should be any number of methods such as transfer. Perhaps you are planning to visit the store again and introduce other properties, but please consider the customer's point of view. I don't think I'll ever use it again.
Lime on Google

高坂ちふ on Google

マニュアル通りの行動しかしてくれず、こちらから訊かなければ伝えてくれない事項が多いです。 仲介手数料をフルで払ってAI以下の対応だったのでとても残念です。 他店をオススメしますが、気にしない方であれば契約自体は行えるのでいいと思います。
They only act according to the manual, and there are many things that they will not tell you unless you ask from here. It's a shame because I paid the full brokerage fee and it was less than AI. I recommend other stores, but if you don't mind, you can make a contract, so I think it's good.
iv car on Google

入居時、別のコメントで上がっている「はよしろやクボタ」だった(別の店に異動したそうです)が、入居当時は特に問題なかったですが…騒音、ゴミ分別は手紙と電話で対応するだけで、最近、ゴミ分別できない入居者が入ったおかげでゴミが回収されなくなったことをメールしたが無視。管理費は建屋オーナーから学園前店がもらっているパターン。注意喚起の手紙の内容も分別をしている人間のやる気を削ぐ内容。とにかく酷いのでゴミ分別場が不衛生なこと、奈良市の収集係がどのような対応をするか検証を含め、奈良市担当を呼んだ。奈良市担当者は紳士的でした。学園前店とも話しさせたが、管理費を頂戴しているにも関わらず根本的な問題解決をする対応は見られません。 既読スルーをするのが、こちらのやり方です。 地域限定不動産業者で、奈良県内には赤い旗が立てられていて目立ちますからついつい利用したくなるでしょうが、実際は社員200名ほどの小規模企業で、従業員に十分なコンプライアンス教育がなされていないと思われる他コメントも見受けられます。 →手付金対応 西大寺店 →お客さまサービスセンター 王子店 口コミに良い評価はありませんでした。対応依頼を無視し、居住者を諦めさせる方法が常套手段です。 結論 お客さまサービスセンターが機能していない企業は基本、ステークホルダーに対し、透明性を保てない傾向があります。株式会社としてCSR対応が充分ではないが、地域型のため生き延びている印象です。奈良の方々は、もうちょっとこの企業に厳しくてもいいのでは? どうぞ、ご参考に。
When I moved in, it was "Hayoshiroya Kubota" that was mentioned in another comment (it seems that I moved to another store), but there was no particular problem at the time of moving in ... Noise and garbage separation are done by letter and phone. I just responded and recently emailed that the garbage was no longer collected due to the arrival of a resident who could not separate the garbage, but ignored it. The management fee is a pattern that the Gakuemmae store receives from the building owner. The content of the alert letter is also a content that discourages the motivating person who is sorting. Anyway, it was so terrible that the garbage separation area was unsanitary, and I called the person in charge of Nara City, including verification of what the collection staff in Nara City would do. The person in charge of Nara City was a gentleman. I talked to the Gakuemmae store, but despite the management fee, I haven't seen any response to solve the fundamental problem. This is the way to read through. It is a regional real estate agent, and a red flag is set up in Nara prefecture, so you will want to use it, but in reality it is a small company with about 200 employees, and employees are not sufficiently educated about compliance. There are other comments that seem to be. → Supports deposits Saidaiji store → Customer Service Center Oji store The reviews did not have a good rating. The usual method is to ignore the response request and give up the resident. Conclusion Companies where the customer service center is not functioning tend to be unable to maintain transparency to stakeholders. As a joint-stock company, CSR support is not sufficient, but I have the impression that it has survived because it is a regional type. May the people of Nara be a little more strict with this company? Please refer to it.

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