
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 二日町共同浴場

住所 :

Futsukamachi, Kaminoyama, 〒999-3143 Yamagata,Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday 6AM–10PM
Sunday 6AM–10PM
Monday 6AM–10PM
Tuesday 6AM–10PM
Wednesday 6AM–10PM
Thursday 6AM–10PM
Friday 6AM–10PM
街 : Yamagata

Futsukamachi, Kaminoyama, 〒999-3143 Yamagata,Japan
Hideyuki Itoda on Google

共同浴場の割には建物が新しいからか、無料ロッカーが有るのがとても有難いです。 源泉掛け流し無加水なのでしょう、湯音は熱めです。 でも水道があるのでご安心を。 思いっきり加水してるオジサンも居ましたよw
I am very grateful that there are free lockers, probably because the building is new for the communal bath. The sound of the hot water is hot, probably because it is fed directly from the source and is water-free. But don't worry because there is water. There was also an old man who was hydrating to the fullest w
ketchappy1 on Google

安いです。温まります。 お客さんはあまりいません。建物もシステムも年季が入っています。けどそれがいい。裏手に広い駐車場があって車で来れます。かみのやま温泉駅からも徒歩で行けます。山形の一人旅にもオススメです。ほっこりします。
It's cheap. It warms up. There aren't many customers. Both the building and the system are seasoned. But that's good. There is a large parking lot in the back and you can come by car. You can also walk from Kaminoyama Onsen Station. It is also recommended for traveling alone in Yamagata. I feel relaxed.
JP Doraebon on Google

【ポイント】 ・入口までのアプローチ最高です ・珍しい洗髪券システム 【感想】 駅から一番近いですが、少し奥まったところにあります。神社の横を通り、路地を抜けると現れる浴場、気分が高鳴ります! お湯はそこそこ熱いと思いました。とはいえ飯坂温泉めぐりをした自分には余裕です!でも地元民と思われるおっちゃんがぐわんぐわんお湯をケロリンでかき混ぜて温度が爆上がり!あえなく敗退しました笑
【point】 ・ The best approach to the entrance ・ Unusual hair wash ticket system [Impression] It's the closest to the station, but it's a little deeper. Passing by the shrine and passing through the alley, the bathhouse that appears will make you feel excited! I thought the hot water was reasonably hot. However, I can afford to visit Iizaka Onsen! But the old man, who seems to be a local, stirs the hot water with Kerorin and the temperature rises! I was defeated lol
神様 on Google

I knew it was hot because all the communal baths in the city of Kaminoyama Onsen are in it. Was hotter than I imagined. Chorochoro water came out from the faucet under the plate that promotes water saving, but the uncle who came in later firmly stopped it. The sensible temperature is over 45 ℃! Even so, I entered and took a rest repeatedly. It was kind of nice, but when I asked the aunt at the last reception what the temperature was, I didn't know (laughs) I was told that I should have added water, but it's standard to get angry with the letters of water saving and the locals. … But it felt good.
カモシカじい on Google

共同浴場なので観光での利用は少なそうです。 石鹸とシャンプーは持参です。そして洗髪は別料金となっていて、入浴料は150円と激安です。 洗い場も浴槽も広くは無いですが、お湯は無色透明で綺麗です。 ただ熱い。気を付けてください。でも良いお湯ですよ。 少し歩きますが無料駐車場も有ります。
Since it is a communal bath, it is rarely used for sightseeing. Bring soap and shampoo. And there is an extra charge for washing hair, and the bathing fee is as low as 150 yen. The washing area and bathtub are not large, but the hot water is colorless and transparent and beautiful. It's just hot. Please be careful. But it's good hot water. We walk a little, but there is also a free parking lot.
渡利彰 on Google

Bathing fee 150 yen. It's cold to Yamagata, but if you take a bath here, it will warm you from the core of your body, so it will stay warm forever. If you go to Kamiyama, you should definitely stop by.
@ tsuru26jp on Google

かみのやま温泉駅から歩いて来ました。 入浴料150円とは別に洗髪券を購入しないと頭を洗えないとは、驚きました。 そう言えば以前、大昔の東京下町の銭湯も髪の長い人は追加料金を徴収されていたような ...。 地元の高齢のかなり毛髪の寂しい(失礼!)方も洗髪料を真面目に支払って、わしわしと頭を洗っていました。 ただ、専用のシャワーヘッドが需要(客数)に対して、供給(洗い場二箇所)が追いついていません w しかし、ふたつある小さな浴槽に譲り合って、利用するマナーは皆顔馴染みの方ばかりの連携プレーとして感心しました。 さすが!あいさつ浴場♨️ですね。 少々熱めのお湯でしたが、湯冷めしにくい、良い温泉でした。
I walked from Kaminoyama Onsen station. I was surprised that I couldn't wash my head unless I bought a hair wash ticket separately from the bathing fee of 150 yen. By the way, it seems that people with long hair were charged an additional fee for public baths in downtown Tokyo in ancient times. A local elderly person with very lonely hair (excuse me!) Also paid the hair wash fee seriously and washed his head with an eagle. However, the supply (two washrooms) has not caught up with the demand (number of customers) for the dedicated shower head. However, I was impressed by the manners used by the two small bathtubs as a collaborative play with only familiar people. As expected! Greeting bath ♨️. It was a little hot water, but it was a good hot spring that was hard to cool.
Japan Campers on Google

Great little local onsen, super cheap, take your own towels soap etc, very hot!

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