
2.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パシオン二和向台店

住所 :

Futawanishi, Funabashi, 〒274-0806 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.p-world.co.jp/sp/hall.cgi%3Fdir%3Dchiba%26file%3Dpassion-hutawa
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–10:45PM
Sunday 10AM–10:45PM
Monday 10AM–10:45PM
Tuesday 10AM–10:45PM
Wednesday 10AM–10:45PM
Thursday 10AM–10:45PM
Friday 10AM–10:45PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Futawanishi, Funabashi, 〒274-0806 Chiba,Japan
on Google

常連がウザい。店はいい、店員の態度もいい。台のラインナップもいいと思う。が、常連がクソすぎる。我が物顔で台の横取りはしてドヤ顔。俺の台ってなに??ヤカラ崩れみたいな奴なんなん?何様? せっかくいい店なのに行く気失くす。
Regulars are bad. The store is good and the attitude of the clerk is good. I think the lineup of units is also good. But regulars are too shit. My face is stealing and stealing. What is my stand? ? Who's like a yakara crumble? What? Desperate to go to a good shop.
ポコニャン on Google

This store was decent only for corona measures, and after that, fraud was a daily occurrence. It was quiet for about two hours in the morning, but I was looking at the clock, but at 13:30, only a specific platform started to hit all at once. At the same time, several men who were sitting stood up and went to smoke and went out repeatedly. That's not a problem at all, but they were carrying multiple units by themselves! There were many medals on the vacant pedestals even though there weren't many customers on the street. Furthermore, the clerk who should have seen it seems to be pretending not to see it. Is it Sakura hired by the shop? General customers like myself couldn't even get AT even if I pulled the middle row or the fixed role. Let's stop fraudulent business!
筋肉スグル on Google

スロットは青鬼の設定2以外ほぼベタピン。 そのうえ47枚貸しってどんだけ客から絞り取る気なんだと思う。 パチンコは新台入荷日に打ったけど1000円で10回しか回らないこんな店です。 何も分からないジジババしか居ないような店。 シンフォギアで赤保留から装者リーチで後半に行かずそのあと何の演出もなく終わった時は改造してんじゃねぇのぉ?と思った。 この店で金を落とすの馬鹿らしくなったからもう行かないけどパシオンの経営者ってあれだよなあれw
Slots are almost solid except for Ao Oni's setting 2. Besides, I think I'm going to lend 47 sheets and squeeze out more from customers. I hit pachinko on the day when the new machine arrived, but it's a shop like this that only turns 10 times for 1000 yen. A shop where there is only Jijibaba who doesn't understand anything. If you don't go to the second half with Symphogear from red hold to wearer reach and then finish without any production, you shouldn't remodel it? I thought. I'm not going anymore because it's ridiculous to drop money at this store, but that's the owner of Pasion.
にわか紳士 on Google

I thought it was a botta shop, but I felt motivated.
ミキティー on Google

お店が強制カットしている❗急に回らなくなるし、回りを見ると出ても一回で終わってる❗特に常連は相当とられてる。話を聞くと、1円パチンコで平均一万円負けている❗あり得ない❗店長が全て操作している❗気をつけて‼️??特にイベント8のつく日は気をつけて‼️ たまには楽しませろ‼️???
The shop is forcibly cutting ❗ It suddenly stops turning, and even if you look around, it ends in one time ❗ Especially regulars are taken considerably. Listening to the story, I lost an average of 10,000 yen with a 1-yen pachinko machine ❗ Impossible ❗ The store manager is operating everything ❗ Be careful‼ ️?? Be careful especially on the day of Event 8! ️ Entertain once in a while! ️???
のだです on Google

故意に人を騙そうとしているかなり悪質な店舗です。 20スロに隣接して、2.5スロの島が有りますが、 コーナー毎に区切りや目印、別レートである注意書きや移動に対する注意喚起は有りません。 また、床・天井・島の側面等に2.5スロである記載はなくサンドの下部分に小さくシールが貼ってある以外には判断要素がありません。 特に持ちメダルでの台移動をすると、 サンドにお金を通さずに遊戯することになるので気付くことが困難です。 目線の位置にシールが貼ってある訳でも有りません。 また、意識的に見ようとしても台枠でシールの半分は見えませんでした。 これだけ分かりづらい目印しかないのにも関わらず、島は真ん中の通路を通して20スロと隣接しています。 困惑している本人を前に、当たり前のように雑に対処され 「今までこんなことは無かったのでどうしようも有りませんねぇ」とテンプレの様な対応を取られ殆ど無視。 全く取り合う素振りも見せませんでした。 正直、見事にコインを騙し取られましたね。 20000円ほどの損失を被りました。 小汚い方法で姑息に人の金を付け狙う悪党はこの世に沢山いるんだなと勉強になりました。 当たり前のように店員は全員グルでやっていると思われますので気を付けてください。 ▪追記 当レビュー後、レート記載看板を立てたようです。 しかし、こういう事をする店舗であることは念頭に置いておくといいと思います。 また、無くなったお金は返ってこないので評価は変わらず★1も付けたくないですね。
It is a malicious store that intentionally tries to deceive people. Adjacent to 20th slot, there is an island of 2.5th slot, There are no breaks or landmarks for each corner, or cautionary notes or movements at different rates. In addition, there is no description of 2.5 slots on the floor, ceiling, sides of the island, etc., and there is no judgment factor other than a small sticker on the lower part of the sand. Especially when moving the table with a medal It's difficult to notice because you'll be playing without spending money on the sand. There is no sticker on the line of sight. Also, even if I consciously tried to see it, I could not see half of the sticker on the underframe. The island is adjacent to 20 slots through the middle passage, despite all the confusing landmarks. In front of the person who is confused, it is dealt with roughly as a matter of course "I haven't had this kind of thing before, so there's nothing I can do about it," he said, taking a response like a template and almost ignoring it. I didn't show any pretense to compete. To be honest, you were brilliantly deceived by the coin. I suffered a loss of about 20000 yen. I learned that there are many villains in the world who aim for people's money on their mother-in-law in a dirty way. As a matter of course, all the clerk seems to be doing it in a guru, so please be careful. ▪ Addendum After this review, it seems that a signboard with a rate was set up. However, I think it's good to keep in mind that it is a store that does this kind of thing. Also, since the lost money will not be returned, the evaluation will not change and I do not want to add ★ 1.
ゆきひこ on Google

I was on a business trip and occasionally went out for fun, but yesterday the clerk stopped me and could you hide it with a wrist tattoo supporter? I was told that it was a long-sleeved work clothes, so I wondered if I should put down my sleeves, and I started to hit it again ... I'm still feeling sick and sick. What has never been said even in Kenko Land? Rather than that, you don't pay attention to the guys like Uchiko who hang out for 30 minutes in a place where only 3 people can enter the smoking area, right? Because it ’s a battalion? w I feel sick so I won't go anymore
マリア所属ML on Google

Aタイプ高設定挙動でも捨てられてる事が多い店。店の頑張りを客も気づいて回してあげないと可哀想。 いつもある訳じゃないけどね。 GOよりもハイビのが好きなのでそっちにも設定入れて欲しい。 パチンコは釘調整下手すぎる。 ブドウになる台そんなに作ったら笑うしかない、あと風車で玉殺しすぎ。 店員は呼び出し対応遅すぎるし、自分の店で取り扱ってる景品の知識も乏しい。 そもそも景品交換の所に誰もいない事が多すぎる。 低貸しの所にいるおっさんは絡んで来たりするので要注意。 あっ、狭いけどトイレは綺麗でした(割と大事)
A type A store that is often thrown away even with high setting behavior. It's a pity if the customers don't notice the store's efforts and turn it around. It's not always there, though. I like Hibi more than GO, so I want you to set it there as well. Pachinko is too bad at adjusting nails. If you make so much, you have to laugh, and you kill too much with a windmill. The clerk is too late to call, and he has little knowledge of the prizes he sells at his store. In the first place, there are too many people at the prize exchange. Be careful as the old man in a low-rental place may get involved. Oh, it's small, but the toilet was clean (relatively important)

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