Fuse Shrine - Sanuki

3.3/5 に基づく 4 レビュー

Contact Fuse Shrine

住所 :

3642 Sangawamachi Ishidanishi, Sanuki, Kagawa 769-2322, Japan

Postal code : 769-2322
Webサイト : https://kagawakenjinjacho.or.jp/shrine/%25E5%25B8%2583%25E5%258B%25A2%25E7%25A5%259E%25E7%25A4%25BE/

3642 Sangawamachi Ishidanishi, Sanuki, Kagawa 769-2322, Japan
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御祭神は大彦命です。もと郷社石田神社境外末社、延喜式内讃岐国ニ十四社の一つで布勢の宮と唱えていました。 創祀年代は不詳ですが「極楽寺記」には天平年間行基菩薩石田に極楽寺を建立し当社を守護神したとある。 天正十年(1582年)長宗我部元親軍の兵火にあい消失、その後も再興されなかった。 しかし石田西の鎮守として尊信されていたので、その後三十年ぐらい経て社殿を再興されました。 その後紆余曲折がありながら、現在に至ります。
The deity is Prince Ohiko. Originally, Iwata Shrine was one of the 14 shrines outside the precincts of Sanuki Province, and was chanted as the shrine of Fuse. Although the date of creation is unknown, it is said in the "Gokurakujiki" that Gokurakuji was built in Gyoki Bosatsu Ishida during the Tenpyo era and protected the company. In the 10th year of the Tensho era (1582), it disappeared due to the fire of the former Chosokabe Motochika army, and it was not revived after that. However, since it was revered as a guardian of Ishida Nishi, the shrine was rebuilt about 30 years later. After that, there are twists and turns, but it continues to the present.

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