ほけんの窓口 古川店

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ほけんの窓口 古川店

住所 :

Furukawahonami, Ōsaki, 〒989-6136 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : https://www.hokennomadoguchi.com/shop/furukawa
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Miyagi

Furukawahonami, Ōsaki, 〒989-6136 Miyagi,Japan
ちゅちゅ.ラブ on Google

The person in charge told me the details of the insurance in an easy-to-understand manner. Until now, without knowing about insurance, somehow, that was also included, and only payments were increasing, but I asked them to review it, and I was satisfied with the insurance.
n k on Google

I'm glad I came because I was able to get the insurance that I was satisfied with.
ひろちゃん on Google

The store manager in charge of me, who has no insurance knowledge, is kind and polite and fun while interweaving his own things! He guided me. I haven't really thought about insurance, but I learned a lot. It is a shop that you can leave with confidence! I want to keep in touch with you for a long time.
sun on Google

The person in charge was polite and explained in an easy-to-understand manner until I was satisfied. I'm glad I was able to know the insurance I needed.
ee kk on Google

I don't know about insurance at all, but the person in charge was kind and gave me a polite explanation many times. I would like to go to the insurance consultation again. Thank you very much.
1232580鈴木睦美 on Google

主人が健康診断で引っ掛かり、それまでは保険など必要ないと年を重ねてきましたが、さすがに病気を目の当たりにしてからこれは入らなければヤバいとそこでようやく危機感を感じました。 ただ、保険に何の知識もなくどうしたら?と困っていたところに『ほけんの窓口』に行けばきっと分かるかもと思い、早速、予約後来店しました。担当の方は穏やかな方で終始安心してお話が出来ました。質問、疑問に丁寧に応えて頂き不安無く自身が希望する保険に加入することが出来ました。この度は知識の無い私どもに丁寧に優しく対応頂き本当にありがとうございました。 とても感謝しております。
My husband got caught in a medical examination, and until then I had been getting older without needing insurance, but after witnessing the illness, I finally felt a sense of crisis there if I didn't get this. But what if I don't have any knowledge about insurance? I thought that if I went to "Hoken no Madoguchi" where I was in trouble, I would know it, so I immediately came to the store after making a reservation. The person in charge was a calm person and I was able to talk with peace of mind from beginning to end. I was able to take out the insurance I wanted without any anxiety by answering questions and questions carefully. Thank you very much for your kind and polite response to us who have no knowledge. Much obliged.
菊地慎太郎 on Google

子供達が大きくなり、もうすぐ自立する為そのタイミングで今加入している保険が自分達に合った保険になっているのか確認したく保険の窓口さんにお邪魔しました! 今まで保険には入っていましたが正直詳しい詳細までは把握しておらず、改めて保険とは…というところの話から教えて頂き数多くある保険会社の中から自分達に合った保険に見直す事が出来ました。 生涯かけ続ける保険なのでその場面に合わせた 見直しの大切さを学ばせて頂きました♪
As the children grow up and become independent soon, I went to the insurance counter to check if the insurance I have now is suitable for them! I have been insured until now, but honestly I do not know the details, so I will tell you from the story of what insurance is ... and review the insurance that suits you from among many insurance companies. Was completed. The insurance will last for a lifetime, so it suits the situation. I learned the importance of reviewing ♪
はちみつレモン on Google

今回、保険の見直しの為に利用しました。 保険の知識が乏しい私にとって保険の内容、種類を優しく丁寧に説明して下さって親切だと思いました。 会話をしていく中で私に合った保険を何点か紹介して頂きました。 時間を掛けて説明してくれたので納得して加入する事が出来ました。 保険について見直したいけど苦手意識あるという方は利用した方が絶対にお得です!
This time, I used it to review my insurance. For me, who has little knowledge of insurance, I thought it was kind to explain the contents and types of insurance gently and politely. During the conversation, I was introduced to some insurance that suits me. I took the time to explain it, so I was convinced that I was able to join. If you want to review your insurance but are not good at it, it is definitely better to use it!

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