中華食堂 レンゲ

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 中華食堂 レンゲ

住所 :

Furukawaasahi, Ōsaki, 〒989-6117 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89797
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11AM–2:30PM
Monday 11AM–2:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11AM–2:30PM
Friday 11AM–2:30PM
街 : Miyagi

Furukawaasahi, Ōsaki, 〒989-6117 Miyagi,Japan
氏家祐樹 on Google

連れと一緒に食べに行きました! 自分はジャージャー麺 連れは担々麺 そして炒飯を二人でシェアしながら食べました! 担々麺は辛味が抑えられてますけど女性でも美味しくいただけると思います! ジャージャー麺は甘味を抑えてましたね!あと挽き肉が多いように思えました! 絶品は炒飯でした✨✨ 油少なめで 具材はレタス 焼豚 エビ とバランス良く 卵が多く 素晴らしい味わいでした! また 来たくなるお店でした!
I went to eat with my companion! I ate jar jar noodles with dandan noodles and shared fried rice with two people! Dandan noodles have less spiciness, but I think even women can enjoy them! The sweetness of jar jar noodles was suppressed! It seemed like there was a lot of minced meat! The exquisite dish was fried rice ✨ ✨ With less oil, the ingredients were well-balanced with lettuce roast pork shrimp and many eggs, and it tasted great! It was a shop that made me want to come again!
yu- goto-san on Google

今のところハズレが無い!美味しい✨ しょっぱくなくてとってもよかです♪あんかけ焼きそばもとてもアッサリしてます。酢とよく合う。 麺は細麺ですよ
There is no loss so far! Delicious ✨ It's not salty and it's very good ♪ Ankake fried noodles are also very assassinous. It goes well with vinegar. The noodles are thin noodles
himezen 30 on Google

ボリューム満点の麻婆焼きそばは絶品です 花山椒の香りが食欲そそり 辛味が病みつきになる
The hearty Mapo Yakisoba is excellent The scent of Japanese pepper is appetizing Spicy is addictive
烏龍茶 on Google

マーボー焼きソバ 885円 杏仁豆腐 324円 マーボー焼きソバは仙台のB級グルメ! 杏仁豆腐のカラメルソースが美味しかった
Marvo grilled buckwheat 885 yen Annin tofu 324 yen Marbo-yaki buckwheat is a B-class gourmet in Sendai! The caramel sauce of almond tofu was delicious
よっしー on Google

家族4人で来店 全体のメニューは少なめ、綺麗めの小洒落た店。 酸辣麺を入口前の板で勧めてたので↓ 酸辣麺 海鮮麺 を注文。 海鮮麺は塩ベースに細麺 イカ 貝柱 エビなどが入っていてゴマ油が良い感じの味でした。 自分は酸辣麺を注文。醤油ベースの細麺、きくらげ、筍、水菜(?)、絹豆腐(冷凍品では無かったです)卵トロミがあり結構酸味が強く感じました。 ただ、醤油、胡椒(酸辣麺はブラックペッパー 卓上はホワイトペッパーで味調整が出来ない)が弱く、酸味が強いのでバランスが多少悪い感じでした。 海鮮麺★4 酸辣麺★2 値段は850〜890円位で、値段は全体的に高めですが、他店にあまり無い商品が多いので試す価値はあると思います! 2021/08/07来店 海鮮麺を注文。 エビ・イカ・貝柱・ホッキ貝の海鮮 具材は、袋茸・クワイ・椎茸・小松菜?・白菜でした。 他の店に入っていないような具材が入っているので楽しいですね。清掃・接客は問題有りません。外は灼熱の地獄でしたが、中は冷房ががっちり入っていて涼しく食事できたのが高ポイント(どこぞのラーメン屋とは違いますね) 一帯は激戦区(魚べえ・スターバックス・イオン・ビックボーイ)なので客量は意外と少なめで休日でもそんなに待つことは無いと 思います。 ☆3→☆5
4 family members come to the store The whole menu is small, and it's a beautiful and stylish shop. I recommended hot and sour soup on the board in front of the entrance, so ↓ Hot and sour soup noodles Seafood noodles Order. The seafood noodles had a salt base with thin noodles, squid, scallops, shrimp, etc., and the taste of sesame oil was good. I ordered hot and sour soup noodles. There were soy sauce-based thin noodles, wood ear mushrooms, bamboo shoots, mizuna (?), Silk tofu (not frozen), and egg tofu, and I felt the acidity was quite strong. However, the salty sauce and pepper (black pepper for hot and sour soup, the taste cannot be adjusted with white pepper on the table) are weak, and the acidity is strong, so the balance was a little unbalanced. Seafood noodles ★ 4 Hot and sour soup ★ 2 The price is around 850-890 yen, and the price is high overall, but I think it's worth trying because there are many products that are not available at other stores! 2021/08/07 Visited I ordered seafood noodles. Seafood of shrimp, squid, adductor muscle, surf clam The ingredients are bag mushrooms, kwai, shiitake mushrooms, and Japanese mustard spinach?・ It was Chinese cabbage. It's fun because it contains ingredients that you can't find in other stores. There is no problem with cleaning and customer service. It was a scorching hell outside, but the high point was that the inside was well-cooled and I was able to eat coolly (unlike any ramen shop). The area is a fierce battlefield (Uobee, Starbucks, Aeon, Big Boy), so the number of customers is surprisingly small and you do not have to wait so much even on holidays. think. ☆ 3 → ☆ 5
toshifumi sugawara on Google

価格は少し高めですが、非常に盛りが良いお店です。 店内は清潔で、お水のコップがきれいでした。 土地柄か、若年層の方が多いようです。 食べっぷりの良いお客が多いですねぇ。 2021/05 ホイコーロー定食が食べたくなったのでこちらへ訪れました。 いつ来ても接客が良いですね。お兄さん1人やおじさん1人、女性グループ客が多いのもわかる気がします。若年層が多めです。 定食のご飯は1回おかわり出来ます。 美味しかったです。ご馳走様でした。 2021/07
The price is a little high, but it's a very good restaurant. The inside of the store was clean and the water cup was clean. It seems that there are more young people because of the land pattern. There are many customers who eat well. 2021/05 I visited here because I wanted to eat Hoikoro set meal. Customer service is good no matter when you come. I also feel that there are many one brother, one uncle, and female group customers. There are many young people. You can refill the set meal once. It was delicious. It was a treat. 2021/07
Kouei K on Google

今日は初めて、あんかけ海鮮ラーメンを食べました。 スープ、麺、具材、どれをとっても美味しくて。 優しくて、お上品なスープは飲み干してしまいたくなるくらい。? 人気店なのか、いつ来ても満席。 定食も絶品なので、おススメです❤️
I ate ankake seafood ramen for the first time today. The soup, noodles and ingredients are all very delicious. The gentle and elegant soup makes you want to drink it up. ? Perhaps it's a popular store, it's always full. The set meal is also excellent, so I recommend it ❤️
Bon Bon on Google

平日お昼に伺いました。 2グループ程でしたが、席に付いてから続々と席が埋まり満卓になりました。 カウンター席、テーブル席、小上がりがあります。 席数は結構ありますね。 チンジャオロース定食を頂きましたが、 野菜シャキシャキで味付けも濃くなく美味しい。そしてスープも具材が4種類、サラダにはスモークの合鴨が乗ってたり、嬉しいですね。 何よりお値段が安い!定食はご飯おかわり1杯無料とは! 中華料理屋さんで、税込み1000円行く料理がないなんて珍しいですね〜。 是非近所にあって欲しいお店です。 古川に来た際はまた行きたいと思います。 欲を言えばテーブル席にも紙ナプキンかティッシュを置いて貰えると嬉しいです。
I visited at noon on weekdays. It was about 2 groups, but after I got to the seats, the seats were filled up one after another and it became full. There are counter seats, table seats, and small lifts. There are quite a few seats. I had a chinjaolose set meal, The vegetables are crispy and the seasoning is not strong and delicious. And the soup has 4 kinds of ingredients, and the salad has smoked duck on it, which makes me happy. Best of all, the price is cheap! The set meal is a free refill of rice! It's unusual for a Chinese restaurant to have no food that goes 1000 yen including tax. It is a shop that you definitely want to be in your neighborhood. I would like to go again when I come to Furukawa. If you want, I'd be happy if you could put a paper napkin or tissue on the table seat.

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