
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ヒカリ商店

住所 :

Furukawa Kitamachi, Ōsaki, 〒989-6171 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Opening hours :
Saturday 10:30AM–7:30PM
Sunday 10:30AM–7:30PM
Monday 10:30AM–7:30PM
Tuesday 10:30AM–7:30PM
Wednesday 10:30AM–7:30PM
Thursday 10:30AM–7:30PM
Friday 10:30AM–7:30PM
街 : Miyagi

Furukawa Kitamachi, Ōsaki, 〒989-6171 Miyagi,Japan
雨宿マチ on Google

Freshly fried chicken is delicious, but I will never go there again because some of the monjayaki is not eaten with the basic preparation. It didn't make sense to tell the clerk.
56 on Google

580円で10種類のネタが乗る海鮮丼に大満足。 唐揚げ弁当は並で唐揚げ3個だけでは少ないかと思ったら、大きな唐揚げだったのでこちらもコスパ良し。 予約で仕出し弁当、オードブルもあるらしい。 駐車場が狭くて入出庫し難いから、☆1マイナス。
I am satisfied very much with seafood rice bowl with 10 kinds of material at 580 yen. When deep-fried lunch box was on average it was only 3 fried chicken, I thought if it was small, because it was big fried chicken, it is also good here. It seems that there are also catered lunch boxes and hors d'oeuvres by reservation. Because parking lot is narrow, it is difficult to get in and out, ☆ 1 minus.
clmlove7 on Google

若い女性の対応が悪いです。 注文をした際の愛想がなくタメ口を使ってきました。 唐揚げや海鮮丼など味は美味しいのに残念です。
The correspondence of young women is bad. I used the tame mouth because I didn't like it when I placed the order. It's a pity that the taste of fried chicken and seafood bowl is delicious.
K on Google

醤油タレの唐揚げをテイクアウトしました。 カリッとしていて、このタレがおいしいです!一つが大きいので食べごたえがあって満足です。 近々移転するそうなので、移転してからも買いに行きます。
I took out the fried soy sauce sauce. It's crispy and this sauce is delicious! One is big, so I'm satisfied with the food. It seems that it will move soon, so I will go buy it even after moving.
i hana on Google

来客があり、海鮮丼をテイクアウトしました。 口コミの写真を見たら海鮮丼が580円となっていて安いなと思いましたが今は680円でした。 写真ほど鮮やかなネタではなかったですが、お客さんにはボリュームがあって美味しかったと言われました。 酢飯もちょっと酸っぱく私は好きな味でした。 またすぐに食べたいです。 この店の並び 道路沿い100m先の鉄兵衛の姉妹店らしく、成る程と思いました! 開店当時はから揚げテイクアウトのお店でしたが、今はお弁当が沢山種類が増えて、選ぶのも楽しくコロナの昨今 有難いです。
There was a visitor and I took out the seafood bowl. Looking at the photos of the reviews, I thought that the seafood bowl was 580 yen, which was cheap, but now it is 680 yen. It wasn't as vivid as the photo, but the customers said it was voluminous and delicious. The vinegared rice was also a little sour and I liked it. I want to eat it again soon. This line of shops seems to be a sister shop of Tetsube 100m along the road, so I thought it was true! At the time of opening, it was a fried chicken take-out shop, but now there are many types of bento boxes, and it's fun to choose, and I'm grateful for Corona these days.
Noriko on Google

It seems that the store will be closed soon. There was a sticker saying that it would be combined with a standing-eating soba restaurant that could be made nearby. For that reason, some bento boxes are now cheaper. I am sorry that I have used it several times.
みい on Google

普通に 美味しい お店です?? お値段も お安く 庶民のみかたの テイクアウト専門店です
It's a delicious restaurant ?? The price is also cheap The way of the common people It is a takeout specialty store
よっしー on Google

いくらサーモン丼・唐揚げ(塩)を注文 弁当(いくら・サーモン) サーモン4~5枚 いくら(鱒ですかね、量はそこそこあります) 卵・かまぼこ・たくあん・ガリ ご飯にのりと醤油が軽くかかっています(醤油袋も付属) 飯は酢飯(普通の弁当はどうかは不明)で酸味が程よい感じで丁度良いですね。(よくある海鮮丼屋では味見したのか?って思うレベルで酢飯がきつすぎる場合が多々ある) 塩から揚げ、衣に歯ごたえがあり塩っ気も感じられて美味しい。 購入してから1時間くらいした後に食べたが「しなっ」としていなかった。 唐揚げは2個で240円くらい?個数を上げればその分安くなるのかな??割高感は若干ありますがしっかりと味がありそこそこ満足しています。ぶっちゃけ、幸楽苑の唐揚げよりは美味いと思います。 弁当の種類も、海鮮・カツ丼・唐揚げ弁当などそこそこバライティ豊富であり、用事等でさっと買って帰りたい人などにおすすめですが、1個1個の作成時間がそこそこかかってるので量によってはかなり時間がかかると思います。
Order salmon roe bowl and fried chicken (salt) Bento (how much salmon) 4-5 pieces of salmon How much (is it trout, there is a decent amount) Eggs, kamaboko, takuan, gari Nori and soy sauce are lightly sprinkled on the rice (soy sauce bag is also included) The rice is vinegared rice (I don't know if it's a regular bento), and the acidity is just right. (There are many cases where the vinegared rice is too tight at the level you think you tasted at a typical seafood bowl shop) Fried from salt, the batter is chewy and salty, which is delicious. I ate it about an hour after I bought it, but it didn't say "bend". Is it about 240 yen for two fried chicken? Will it be cheaper if the number is increased? ?? It's a little expensive, but it tastes good and I'm satisfied with it. I think it tastes better than the fried chicken of Kourakuen. There are a lot of different types of bento such as seafood, katsudon, and fried chicken bento, and it is recommended for people who want to buy it quickly for business etc., but it takes a while to make each one, so depending on the amount. I think it will take a long time.

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