Fureaishinkyu Orthopedic Clinic - Yamatotakada

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fureaishinkyu Orthopedic Clinic

住所 :

村野ビル 1F 12-11 Katashiocho, Yamatotakada, Nara 635-0085, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 635-0085
Webサイト : https://sppc8z69.com/

村野ビル 1F 12-11 Katashiocho, Yamatotakada, Nara 635-0085, Japan
ハコずんこ on Google

1年程前にぎっくり腰がきっかけで通いはじめました。今は肩こりと腰をメインに、ひどいぎっくり腰になる前にケアしていただいています。 先生も受付の方も皆とても丁寧で気さくな方です。 これからも通い続けたいと思います。
About a year ago, I started going to my back because of my low back. Right now, I mainly take care of my stiff shoulders and lower back before I get a terrible backache. The teachers and receptionists are all very polite and friendly. I would like to continue to attend.
鈴木佐智子 on Google

Recently, the pain around my lower back has become stronger due to standing work, etc., so for the first time, I have my pelvis corrected at our hospital, and my back pain has been alleviated every time I go.
きゆ on Google

I took a trial price beauty acupuncture course for a limited time! Although the number of needles is limited, it is treated together with the heat mat, so it is easy to see that the metabolism of the body as well as the face has improved, and when it is over, the skin becomes firm and complexion. ? It seems that it will be even more effective if you continue ♥ ️ I think that it is a place where you can go with confidence because all the people in the hospital are very kind!
あだ名はなし on Google

いつも身体のケアで通っています。今日は美容鍼とヒートマットのお試しコースを受けました〜。 私は冷え性なんで足が冷えた状態でヒートマットに入りましたが終わる頃にはポカポカになり半日くらいずっとポカポカしてました。美容鍼も初めてしたのですが特に痛みもなく終わった後肌艶が良くなったような感じでした。顔の骨格矯正や顔と頭のマッサージも軽くして頂けて、トータルにケアしてくださいました。ヘッドスパに行くならこっちの方が色々してもらえてお得かな! また利用したいと思います。
I always go for physical care. I took a trial course of beauty acupuncture and heat mat today. I entered the heat mat with my feet cold because of the coldness, but by the end I was warm and warm for about half a day. It was my first time to do beauty acupuncture, but after finishing without any pain, I felt that my skin had improved. The skeletal correction of the face and the massage of the face and head were also lightened, and they gave me total care. If you go to the head spa, this is a great deal for you! I want to use it again.
エバラフィ on Google

自費治療の費用が一目でわかるので、自分でどのくらいの予算か計画をたてやすいです。問診後にどう治療するか、おすすめの治療法の説明もわかりやすかったです。 肩や腕の痺れもすぐに楽になりました。 保険内治療もあるので普段の疲労のケアにも通って行こうと思っています。
Since you can see the cost of self-paying treatment at a glance, it is easy to plan how much budget you have. It was easy to understand how to treat after the interview and the explanation of the recommended treatment method. The numbness in my shoulders and arms soon eased. There is also insured treatment, so I'm thinking of going to the usual fatigue care.
やよ on Google

腰痛と肩凝りが酷く来院しました。 とても親切に話を聞いて下さって丁寧に施術をして頂きました。 腰の痛みは数回の来院ですっかり良くなり、今は肩の痛みが酷いので通っています。 スタッフの方もとても話しやすく丁寧に対応して下さるのでオススメの整骨院です!
I had a severe backache and stiff shoulders. He listened to me very kindly and treated me carefully. My lower back pain got better after a few visits, and now I have a severe shoulder pain so I go there. The staff are also very easy to talk to and respond politely, so it is a recommended osteopathic clinic!
泉岡亜希子 on Google

私は、側弯症(肩甲骨あたりで背骨がS字カーブしている)なので、骨盤矯正で通院させてもらってます。回数を重ねるごとに、重心もしっかりして、安定してきてるように思います。 また、立ち仕事などで足腰に疲労感がある時は、トリガーポイントマッサージもお勧めですよ。院長先生は、とてもソフトな対応です♪
I have scoliosis (the spine has an S-shaped curve around the shoulder blades), so I am going to the hospital for pelvic correction. As the number of times increases, the center of gravity becomes firmer and more stable. Trigger point massage is also recommended when you feel tired in your legs due to standing work. The director is very soft ♪
岡田みどり on Google

I started going to the hospital to relieve back pain and shoulder pain after giving birth. He immediately discovered the point of pain and found that he had a lot of tension in his lower back, which he had not been aware of. I feel that the pain is gradually relieving after suggesting an appropriate treatment method. The staff are polite.

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