Fureai Land Osakimisaki - Ofunato

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fureai Land Osakimisaki

住所 :

Torisawa-188-7 Akasakicho, Ofunato, Iwate 022-0007, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89778
Postal code : 022-0007
Webサイト : https://www.city.ofunato.iwate.jp/soshiki/nourin/2075.html

Torisawa-188-7 Akasakicho, Ofunato, Iwate 022-0007, Japan
小岩井よつば on Google

Although it is a repeater, it is a reasonable and very comfortable campsite with a bath of 200 yen and a tent of 500 yen. It is a clean flush, but Western style toilets are only in the administration building. Also, firewood is not sold, so if you want to get a bonfire, buy it at a nearby Homsen before using it!
Wax A- on Google

ファミリーキャンプで来ました❗遊具があり子供たちはずっと飽きずに遊んでました。お風呂も大きく、屋外トイレもきれいでした。設備、ロケーション文句ありません。階段降りた先の磯場にて焚き火に最適な流木拾えます。深夜に動物の声と気配にゾクゾクする日もあります。 自販機ありますが繁盛気はほぼ売り切れなので赤崎で事前に買い出ししてくることをおすすめします。
I came to the family camp ❗ Playing equipment was provided and the kids were playing tirelessly. The bath was big and the outdoor toilet was clean. Facilities, location No complaints. You can pick up the best driftwood for the bonfire at the Isoba just off the stairs. There are days when the voices and signs of animals are thrilling at midnight. There are vending machines, but the prosperity is almost sold out, so we recommend that you purchase them in advance at Akasaki.
スピノザ on Google

500 yen for touring. Reception until 21:00. One washing machine. There is a bath. There is a lodge when it rains 12000 yen for one person? Originally, there are playground equipment, probably because of the former school site. Kids will ring and have fun athletics. There seems to be a caretaker who stays overnight all year round. In particular, are you a former hotel man who responds well to older men? ^ _ ^; According to that person, the sunrise on New Year's Day seems to be exquisite. I'd like to see, but it's impossible to ride a motorcycle. By the way, when you go around the peninsula, there are gaps in the drainage net that are as wide as the tires, and there are fallen leaves, so be very careful when driving! But there is no escape. This should be a one-way street.
吉田貞子 on Google

家族旅行でコテ―ジを利用 (岩手旅応援プロジェクトを活用) バ―ベキュ―ハウス(東屋)4時間¥1000でガスなので?おこしの失敗や手間がありません? 1つ残念だったのがコテ―ジにエアコンがなかった…扇風機1台だけだったのはショック?⤵️⤵️でしたが日中の暑さのわりには夜まずまず過ごしやすく?編み戸に虫除けスプレー(持参)して就寝 朝?日ノ出が見たかったので寝不足でしたが散歩も兼ねて4時起床しかし残念ながら場所的に朝日見られませんでしたがバ―ベキュ―ハウスからプライベートビーチ的な所に降りられる道大人女性7分(本当にビーチに出るのか心配になる足場の悪い坂道)子供や年配の方は無理です? とても小さなプライベートビーチ? 体力に自信のある方ならば良いのでは? 次回は秋に利用してみたいです?
Use the cottage on a family trip (Utilizing the Iwate Travel Support Project) Barbeque House (Azumaya) 4 hours ¥ 1000 for gas so ? No mistakes or hassle ? One disappointing thing was that the cottage didn't have an air conditioner ... It was a shock ?⤵️⤵️ that there was only one fan, but is it reasonably easy to spend the night despite the heat of the day? Insect repellent spray (bring) to the knitting door and go to bed Morning ? I didn't have enough sleep because I wanted to see the sun, but I got up at 4 o'clock for a walk, but unfortunately I couldn't see the morning sun, but I could get off from the barbecue house to a private beach. Minutes (slopes with poor footing that make you worried if you really go to the beach) Not possible for children and the elderly ? A very small private beach? If you are confident in your physical strength, it's okay ? Next time I would like to use it in the fall ?
Monちゃん on Google

管理棟の方々の対応がとても親切で、心地よく過ごせました。 暑い夏、エアコンがないのがちょっと残念でしたが、扇風機でしのげました。調味料はなかったですが、炊飯器や鍋や食器、電子レンジ、冷蔵庫等はあったので、不自由なく過ごせました。 お風呂にも、リンスインシャンプーとボディーソープもありましたよ。
The correspondence of the people in the administration building was very kind and I was able to spend a comfortable time. It was a little disappointing that there was no air conditioner in the hot summer, but I managed to do it with a fan. There was no seasoning, but there were rice cookers, pots, tableware, microwave ovens, refrigerators, etc., so I was able to spend my time without any inconvenience. There was also a rinse-in shampoo and body soap in the bath.
米内光政 on Google

岬に中学校跡地?の校庭を利用しキャンプ場仕様しています。敷地内に遊具もあり子供が遊ばせる環境が整ってます。キャンプの設営をされている家族がそこそこいます。 海が見える抜群の場所でトイレ駐車場もあり、風通しが良く込み合ってくるか分かりませんか、ちょっとしたスポットかなと思います。お子さんがおられ気晴らしでキャンプを望まれる方にオススメです。
It is a campsite specification using the schoolyard of the former junior high school on the cape. There are also playsets on the premises, creating an environment where children can play. There are so many families setting up camps. There is a toilet parking lot in an excellent place with a view of the sea, so I don't know if it will be well-ventilated and crowded, I think it's a little spot. Recommended for those who have children and want to camp as a distraction.
aspite line on Google

しっかりと手入れがされていて、安心して利用が出来ました。 チェックインとチェックアウトが共に12:00との事でゆっくりと過ごせましたが、12:00前にチェックインしてくる方もいたので空いていれば融通が効くのかもしれません。 入浴は200円で浴槽もあり、シャンプーとボディーソープもありでした。 タオルは各自持参です。 宿泊者が他に居ないときはコテージの風呂を利用する事になるみたいです。 テントサイトは広いグラウンドみたいな場所で、子供が遊べる遊具もありました。 モバイルバッテリーの貸し出しあり。 管理棟より海側はバーベキュー場となっています。 海の眺めがとても良かったです。 `22/04 写真追加
Lynx P on Google

Lovely huts for six. Convenient public bath, staff are helpful with our limited Japanese ...

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