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Contact 藤原式揚水機

住所 :

Funyu, Ichihara, 〒290-0554 Chiba,Japan

街 : 〒1F Chiba

Funyu, Ichihara, 〒290-0554 Chiba,Japan
風来坊 Sho on Google

まさ・なち on Google

あずまひさし on Google

An observatory attached to the museum. There is also a cafe nearby and you can do it perfectly.
after24 on Google

It's a nice view for both rabbits and horns. There is also a coffee shop on the shore of the lake, which is a great place to spend a relaxing time.
kee too on Google

It's a pity that it's not working. It's not bad as an observatory.
乙名丹次郎 on Google

となりの美術館の大規模なオブジェか? と思うくらいに、構造美にあふれた鉄の櫓。かつては揚水機として稼働していたとのことだが、いまでは展望塔として活用されている。 ちょっと足腰が弱り気味の当方にとっては、天候も悪かったし、見上げるだけで昇るのはやめたが、平らな房総半島のこと、頂上からはかなりの遠望が利くだろうと思われる。
Is it a large object in the museum next door? An iron turret full of structural beauty that I think. It used to operate as a pumping machine, but now it is used as an observatory. For me, who is a little weak, the weather was bad and I stopped climbing just by looking up, but it seems that the flat Boso Peninsula and a considerable distant view from the top will be useful.
Masahiro Kizaki on Google

The floor is rusted in some places, and I'm worried that the floor will come off if I climb up. The view is good.
小出浩丸 on Google

昔、まんが市原の歴史(市原青年会議所製作)でその存在を知りました。藤原式水車とも呼ばれるようです。市原市の養老川は谷が深く、川には水が豊富にあるのに、水を得るのに苦労をしました。 その解決策として登場したのがこの揚水車で、明治期~昭和初期まで流域8か所に設置されたそうです。オブジェは金属製ですけど、実物は木造だったようで、雰囲気も少々異なります。今は千葉県のオームページにかつての威容を示す写真や模型が見られます。養老川流域には川廻しや羽目板堰など、独特の農業文化が残っていますが、ほとんど保存・伝承がなされていないのが、もったいないですね。この美術館も水との触れ合いがあまりないので、水にまつわる展示・・・できれば手に触れられるようなものが欲しいところです。
A long time ago, I learned about its existence in the history of Manga Ichihara (produced by the Ichihara Youth Council). It seems that it is also called a Fujiwara style water turbine. The Yoro River in Ichihara City has a deep valley, and although the river has abundant water, it was difficult to obtain water. This water truck was introduced as a solution to this problem, and it is said that it was installed in eight locations in the basin from the Meiji period to the early Showa period. The object is made of metal, but the real thing seems to be wooden, and the atmosphere is a little different. Now you can see photos and models showing the majesty of the past on the Ohm page of Chiba prefecture. The Yoro River basin still has a unique agricultural culture, such as river siding and siding weirs, but it is a waste that it has hardly been preserved or handed down. This museum also doesn't have much contact with water, so I would like to see an exhibition related to water ... if possible, something that can be touched.

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