コメリ書房 新発田店

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact コメリ書房 新発田店

住所 :

Funeiricho, Shibata, 〒957-0065 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.komerisyobo.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–9PM
Sunday 9AM–9PM
Monday 9AM–9PM
Tuesday 9AM–9PM
Wednesday 9AM–9PM
Thursday 9AM–9PM
Friday 9AM–9PM
街 : Niigata

Funeiricho, Shibata, 〒957-0065 Niigata,Japan
ヒロユキ on Google

At local bookstores, the number of books in the collection is large and there are search devices in the store, so the evaluation is high, but the location is changed relatively frequently, so it can be confusing.
佐伯秋人 on Google

本屋モドキが増殖する昨今。 本が純粋に楽しめる、貴重なお店。 新潟市民ですが、行く価値は充分にありました。 充実した書庫で、実際に手に取って確認できるのが、 最大の魅力で醍醐味だ!! 通販サイトには、負けずに頑張って欲しい!!
Nowadays, bookstore modoki is proliferating. A valuable shop where you can enjoy books purely. I'm a citizen of Niigata, but it was well worth the trip. In the extensive library, you can actually pick it up and check it. The biggest attraction and the real thrill! !! I want the mail order site to do its best without losing! !!
8MAN on Google

I came to give my grandson a picture book. I was at a loss, but I managed to choose it. There are various picture books and I have seen them seriously.
坂井真美 on Google

I want book there is always. Even if there is no if, clerk Stock kind is also possible.
Keisuke Matsuoka on Google

If you have a pinpoint book you want, you can get it immediately by going to the wide lineup of Komeri Shobo.
hhh m on Google

広い。浅く広くだが品数も多い。 子育て中の人は、是非トキっ子倶楽部の会員証を見せるべき!新たに作ってでも。
wide. It is shallow and wide, but there are many items. Those who are raising children should show their membership card of Tokikko Club! Even if you make a new one.
鍛冶屋信衛門 on Google

In the vicinity, the number of bookstores is gradually decreasing, so it is a valuable bookstore! Nowadays, various information can be found on the Internet, but the appeal of tactile books remains unchanged. What's more, this shop has a good selection and a wide variety of genres. I've been using it from time to time, but I want it to continue forever.
あらた on Google

新発田・胎内・村上エリアでは1番品揃えが充実している書店だと思います。 いつも落ち着いたBGMが流れており、大声で話しているような人も少なく図書館に似たような雰囲気です。じっくり本が選べます。 書店専門店でTSUTAYA等の複合型店舗とは違う静けさが私は好きです。 ただ、店内が静かなので小さいお子さんを連れて行くには気を遣うかもしれません。
I think it is the best bookstore in the Shibata / Tainai / Murakami area. A calm BGM is always played, and there are few people who talk loudly, and the atmosphere is similar to a library. You can choose a book carefully. I like the tranquility of a bookstore specialty store, which is different from complex stores such as TSUTAYA. However, since the store is quiet, you may be careful about taking small children.

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