FUNARI - Yamanashi

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact FUNARI

住所 :

1234 Kamikanogawa, Yamanashi, 405-0018, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 405-0018
Webサイト :

1234 Kamikanogawa, Yamanashi, 405-0018, Japan
zetton9967 on Google

山梨のほうとう店で小作と不動しか食べたことのなかった小生は、はっきり言ってカルチャーショックを受けてしまったよ(´∀`*)ヶラヶラ 前回○○で食べた時に煮込みが甘く、ジャガイモとカボチャがガチガチだったので、以来遠ざかっていたが、歩成ではカセットコンロで13分煮込んで食べるだなんて……(笑) 個人的には麺にしっかりと味を染み込ませるのが好きなので、コトコトしながらのアツアツを食べてきたよ?特にアワビの煮貝の入った方はオリジナル味噌と相まって、文句なし満点?の出来栄えだよ〜(´∀`*)ヶラヶラ 甲府市のほうとうグランプリで3連覇したのもうなずけるネ。゚(゚^∀^゚)゚。ギャハハ! ご馳走様でしたぁo┐ペコリ
I had only eaten peasants and immobility at the Yamanashi hoto shop, but to be clear, I was shocked by the culture (´∀` *). The last time I ate it at ○○, the simmering was sweet, and the potatoes and pumpkins were stubborn, so I've been away since then, but in Ayumu, I simmered it on a cassette stove for 13 minutes and ate it ... (laughs) Personally, I like to let the noodles soak in the flavor, so I ate hot while simmering ? Especially those with abalone boiled shellfish, combined with the original miso, is a perfect score ? ~ (´∀` *) rattle No wonder he won the Kofu City Hoto Grand Prix for the third time in a row. ゜ (゜ ^ ∀ ^ ゜) ゜. It was a treat o┐ Pekori
コスパ旅秘紀行 on Google

ほうとうが美味しかったです、鶏肉バージョンでしたがとても良いお味で麺も太くてモチモチしてて美味しかったです!馬刺しと馬レバ刺しも臭みがなくて最高に美味しかったです! 店内がかなり広いので宴会とかに良さそうな感じでした♬ 山梨の美味しいワインとも合って? 良かったです ごちそうさまでしたー
The hoto was delicious, it was a chicken version, but it tasted very good and the noodles were thick and chewy and delicious! Horse sashimi and horse liver sashimi had no odor and were the best! The inside of the store is quite large, so it seemed like a good banquet ♬ It goes well with delicious Yamanashi wine ? It was good Thank you for your feast
Ete Ko48 on Google

店員さんによって対応が違うのはいかがなものかと。 私達を対応した店員さんは、検温、消毒の協力のお願いを言ってきました。(当然の依頼です) その後に来たお客様に対応した店員さんは、検温、消毒の依頼も無く席に案内。 歩成ラーメン美味しいのに残念でした!
How is it that the correspondence is different depending on the clerk? The clerk who responded to us asked for cooperation in temperature measurement and disinfection. (It is a natural request) The clerk who responded to the customers who came after that guided me to the seat without requesting temperature measurement and disinfection. It was a pity that the Ayumi Ramen was delicious!
kibimochi on Google

山梨駅のすぐ目の前、駐車場もあって観光客でも利用しやすい。 メインのほうとうは、カセットコンロで目の前で13分程煮るスタイル。 長時間煮込まれていないので具の野菜や麺が溶け出しておらず、出汁の香りが前面に出た、それぞれの味の輪郭がしっかりしたほうとうを味わえる。 具の味が渾然一体となってドロドロしたスープも美味しいけど、これはこれで、とても美味い。 山梨と言えばの馬肉を各種、リーズナブルに味わえるのも、観光客には魅力的。
There is a parking lot right in front of Yamanashi Station, so it is easy for tourists to use. The main dish is a style of boiling in front of you for about 13 minutes on a cassette stove. Since it has not been simmered for a long time, the vegetables and noodles of the ingredients have not melted, and the aroma of the soup stock comes to the fore, so you can taste the hoto with a solid outline of each taste. The soup that the ingredients are all together and muddy is delicious, but this is very delicious. Speaking of Yamanashi, it is also attractive to tourists to be able to taste various types of horse meat at a reasonable price.
さば on Google

平日12時頃訪問。 おひとり様席もあり、女性一人でも入りやすい雰囲気。 せっかく山梨に来たのだから、、、と思い豚肉のほうとうを注文。 鍋と簡易カセットコンロが目の前に置かれ、待つこと13分。あつあつのほうとうをほふほふしながら食べることが出来ました。 味噌に出汁の旨味、豚肉の脂身が程よくとろけ美味しい。 最後はPayPayで支払いを行い、スムーズに出ることができました。
Visited around 12:00 on weekdays. There is also a seat for one person, so it is easy for a woman to enter. Since I came to Yamanashi, I ordered pork hoto. A pot and a simple cassette stove are placed in front of you, and you wait 13 minutes. I was able to eat hot hoto while fluffing. The taste of soup stock in miso and the fat of pork are moderately melted and delicious. At the end, I paid with PayPay and was able to get out smoothly.
赤いパプリカと緑のピーマン(Azu) on Google

念願の黄金ほうとう! 豚肉を選びました。 優しい味で美味しかったです。 鳥もつ煮も照りが良く美味しい一品でした。 店内から富士山が見えて景色も楽しめます。
The long-sought golden hoto! I chose pork. It was delicious with a gentle taste. The chicken motsuni was also a delicious dish with good shine. You can see Mt. Fuji from inside the store and enjoy the scenery.
budoka247 on Google

Awesome place! The food is great, and the staff is very friendly and welcoming!
Alvin Lim on Google

This one star isn't for its food but the ultra poor service rendered by its staff. The end of the walk way would have a picturesque photo of Mount Fuji. We stood to take a picture and was driven away by staff not even letting us take a single shot on our cam. Doesn't help that we tried explaining our intent but waiter couldn't speak a word of English but gestured rudely that we go away. That was one of the most unwelcoming treatment any restaurant can give its guests. We didn't feel welcome at all. Suggest owner puts a sign like those odd Japanese places that says 'Gaijin Dame', translated as foreigners not allowed

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