新鮮 永遠の漁場

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 新鮮 永遠の漁場

住所 :

Funairimachi, Naka Ward, 〒730-0841 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88977
街 : Hiroshima

Funairimachi, Naka Ward, 〒730-0841 Hiroshima,Japan
宮城光伸 on Google

The variety of dishes using fresh fish and the sake of particular taste were really good. Will Beer Party Wife Turn into Sake Party?
Tutomu Sumimto on Google

Limited to 3 people! Salmon roe bowl (^^) / 1480 Yenya
山本充伸 on Google

おいしかったです。 一人でしたが楽しく呑めました。 一階が商店なのでちょっと分かりずらい
It was delicious. I was alone, but I enjoyed drinking. The first floor is a store, so it's a little difficult to understand
ひろひろ on Google

18:00~19:00までお客がゼロだったからか凄く物静かな居酒屋さんでした もうちょっと賑やかなほうが楽しめたのかな…と思います!
From 18:00 to 19:00, the number of customers was zero. I wonder if I could have enjoyed it a bit more lively!
沖本栄子 on Google

It has been renewed and is now a business supermarket. All products were not cheap shops. But it is a rare supermarket in the area. I want you to take root. I will study a lot.
匿名 on Google

2度は行かないしすぐ帰った。 店名に堂々と新鮮海鮮って書いてあるのにスーパーで買ってきたのかってレベルの刺身が出てきた。どれを食べても美味しくないのに高い。 店内がガラガラな理由がよく分かる。
I did not go twice and returned immediately. Although the name of the restaurant is fresh and fresh, the level of sashimi came out as if I bought it at a supermarket. It is expensive, no matter which one you eat. You can easily understand why the shop is rattled.
kamyu T on Google

1階がプロマート?になる前に2回行き、もう1回は無理矢理連れられて計3回程行きましたが料理の質はイマイチ… 魚介系はそこそこ美味しい物もあるが、サーモンは無理でした。揚げ物に火が通ってなかったり… 店内は綺麗でしたし接客も丁寧だとは思います… が、味はあまり…主観ですのですみません…
The first floor is Promart? I went twice before becoming, and once again I was forced to go about 3 times, but the quality of the dish was not good… Some seafood is delicious, but salmon was impossible. The fried food is not cooked ... I think the store was beautiful and the service was polite ... But the taste is too much ... sorry for being subjective ...
tetsu on Google

限定3食 イクラ丼美味しかった お造りも新鮮、漁師汁
Limited 3 meals Ikura bowl was delicious Fresh sashimi, fisherman soup

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