
4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 喜久屋

住所 :

Funairikawaguchicho, Naka Ward, 〒730-0845 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
街 : Hiroshima

Funairikawaguchicho, Naka Ward, 〒730-0845 Hiroshima,Japan
mami on Google

お野菜たっぷりで美味しいです☺️ 家庭的な味で、元気もらいました〜!✨ 日替わり弁当+お味噌汁で600円…‼? お弁当だけじゃなく、おかず単体でも売られてます♪
It's delicious with plenty of vegetables ☺️ It has a homely taste and I got energized! ✨ 600 yen for daily lunch + miso soup ... ? Not only lunch boxes but also side dishes are sold ♪
煌_KIRAMEKI on Google

The customer service of the shop staff was good and the lunch box was very delicious! A candy will be given to children ♪
いわちゃん。 on Google

Originally a caterer. Delicious bento boxes are sold at a reasonable price. There are also many customers.
林里佳 on Google

I especially like the potato salad on Mondays. Burdock tempura still has some flavor, and we recommend simmered small squid and beef tail soup.
MASA on Google

魚系のおかずが特に美味しいです。 美味しいんだけど500円の頃を 知ってるだけに600円が 割高に感じて足が遠のいてます。 食品が値上げラッシュなので 仕方ないとは思いますが…。
Fish-based side dishes are especially delicious. It ’s delicious, but when it ’s about 500 yen 600 yen just because I know I feel it is expensive and my legs are far away. Because food is a rush to raise prices I think it can't be helped ...
K Onishi on Google

Cheap, delicious and hearty healthy lunch boxes are on sale. It was 600 yen with hot rice and miso soup. It was very delicious.
kadotahiyori0212 on Google

The Saikyo-yaki bento of brikama and sablefish is delicious. It's a relaxing taste.
K H on Google

お弁当のお魚がきれいで美味しい。 厚く切られたお刺身が苦手なので、ここの厚みは好み。 酢の物があまり酸っぱくなく、甘酢より?なのも食べやすくてよかったです。
The fish in the lunch box is beautiful and delicious. I'm not good at thickly cut sashimi, so I like the thickness here. The vinegared food is not so sour, is it better than sweet and sour sauce? I'm glad it was easy to eat.

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