おさしみ本舗 千歳船橋店

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact おさしみ本舗 千歳船橋店

住所 :

Funabashi, Setagaya City, 〒156-0055 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://m.facebook.com/%25E3%2581%258A%25E3%2581%2595%25E3%2581%2597%25E3%2581%25BF%25E6%259C%25AC%25E8%2588%2597-279107662112454/%3Flocale2%3Dja_JP
Opening hours :
Saturday 10:30AM–9PM
Sunday 10:30AM–9PM
Monday 10:30AM–9PM
Tuesday 10:30AM–9PM
Wednesday 10:30AM–9PM
Thursday 10:30AM–9PM
Friday 10:30AM–9PM
街 : Tokyo

Funabashi, Setagaya City, 〒156-0055 Tokyo,Japan
川中洋二 on Google

Freshness scores quite good. There are many things that can not be obtained at supermarkets, etc., and while small stores, it is a shop that is working very hard. And very kind. It's nice to know how to use it, as it will be ordered.
M S on Google

たまにしか出会えない銀ダラのお刺身は絶品です。 居酒屋でしか食べれない梅水晶などもあります。 ついつい酒のつまみに3品ぐらい購入してしまう。 一度当たりの刺身に出会ってしまうと前を素通りすることは困難です。
The sashimi of silver cod that you can only meet occasionally is excellent. There are also plum crystals that can only be eaten at an izakaya. I tend to buy about 3 sake snacks. It is difficult to pass in front of the sashimi once it is encountered.
明日香石橋 on Google

The unique sweetness and firmness that only the Hiroshima citizens can understand are genuine. There are things in Shikoku, and there are things that you can't usually get, such as noresore. I go to buy twice a week. I have no business at a sushi restaurant anymore.
高田祐子 on Google

店長さん?オーナーさん?がとても気さくで良い方です。 お刺身もどれも美味しく、お値段もなかなかリーズナブルです。 都内で近くに海もなく、魚の美味しい地方に行くような予定も時間もない人もここのお刺身さえあれば大満足できると思います。 お店に行けば目に見えるところに書いてくれてありますが、必ずその時期の旬のお刺身やオススメを聞いて 購入するようにしています。 今の時期は特に肝付きのカワハギや殻付きの生牡蠣が絶品です。これだけは絶対に外せません。 しかしあまり遅い時間に行くと旬のものや人気どころは無くなってしまう可能性があるのでできるだけ早く行った方が良いと思います。
Store manager? Owner? Is a very friendly and nice person. All the sashimi is delicious and the price is quite reasonable. People who have no plans or time to go to a region where fish are delicious because there is no sea nearby in Tokyo will be very satisfied with the sashimi here. If you go to the store, it will be written in a visible place, but I always listen to the seasonal sashimi and recommendations of the season before purchasing. Kawahagi with liver and raw oysters with shells are especially excellent at this time of year. Only this can never be removed. However, if you go too late, you may lose the seasonal and popular items, so I think you should go as soon as possible.
Motoki Makita on Google

お刺身盛り合わせは、事前に電話で取りに行く時間を連絡しておくと、用意しておいて頂けます。 お店の名前におさしみと付くだけあり、大変美味しゅうございました。
You can prepare the sashimi platter by letting us know in advance when you will go to pick it up by phone. The name of the restaurant was just sashimi, and it was very delicious.
- KG8888 on Google

おいしい。 広島の地場の方がやってらっしゃる。 ここのお刺身、甘いのが最大の特徴。 スーパーでのお刺身とは違います。 ちょっと帰り道に寄り道して。
delicious. The locals in Hiroshima are doing it. The biggest feature of the sashimi here is that it is sweet. It's different from sashimi at the supermarket. Take a detour on your way home.
太郎(Sasataro) on Google

【使い勝手の良い美味しいお刺身屋さん@千歳船橋】 千歳船橋駅を北に向かって2,3分くらいの所(郵便局の手前)にある、お刺身を中心としたお魚やさん。 ご主人が広島出身(店頭に広島カープの応援グッズあり)のようで、瀬戸内産の魚介類を中心に、お手頃なお値段でお味も確かです。 個人的には牡蠣(生食用)や、鮭の切り身(脂がのっててお弁当のオカズやおにぎりの具材に最適です)に重宝してます。 自宅にお客様をお迎えする時や、家族の記念日などに盛り合わせをお願いしております。 ちなみに、仕事で遅く帰るような時、半額セールになってると2,3品買って晩酌のあて(あん肝は絶品です)にして、お酒を楽しんでます。
[Easy-to-use delicious sashimi shop @ Chitose Funabashi] A few minutes north of Chitose-Funabashi station (in front of the post office), a fish shop with a focus on sashimi. It seems that the husband is from Hiroshima (there are Hiroshima Carp cheering goods at the store), and the taste is sure to be reasonable, mainly for fish and shellfish from Setouchi. Personally, I find it useful for oysters (for raw consumption) and salmon fillets (which are fatty and ideal for side dishes and rice balls). We ask for assortments when welcoming customers to their homes or on family anniversaries. By the way, when I go home late for work, when it's a half-price sale, I buy a few items and use them for evening drinks (ankimo is excellent) and enjoy drinking.
H. P. L. Molloy on Google

Especially good for Hiroshima Carp fans.

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